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December 2019


This month starts with the MAFCA National Awards Banquet in Claremont California, December 2-5. I am looking forward to seeing many friends and enjoying tours and seminars. As part of the activities, new Board members will be sworn in and a new President selected. So, this will be my last President’s message.

The high point for us this year was clearly the Canyonlands Tour. There were other highlights as well, like having the MAFCA Board meeting at my shop in Stockton and previewing our new Model A warehouse close to home. All told, we drove more cars and traveled more miles than in any year in the last ten (although 2016 and 2017 were pretty good too). The Board is already working on the National Tour in 2021 and it will be another great event. Watch for the announcement on the MAFCA website in coming months.

Next year we have a National Convention in Kerrville Texas, June 21 through June 26. Having been in that area, I can attest to this being a perfect location for all Model A events. This is Texas Hill Country with many scenic Model A roads. The timing is as ideal since the hot weather comes later in the summer. You can find the registration form through the MAFCA Website under coming events. Naturally, the form will also appear in the next issue of The Restorer. Debbie and I will be there, and we hope to see many of you as well.

I want to express my appreciation for the efforts of the Board Directors over the past year. David White, Kay Lee, Garth Shreading, Mike Kelley, Bill Myers, Doug Linden, Bill Truesdell and Dan Foulk have proven to be invaluable resources in maintaining a healthy and active club with a bright future. Thanks to all of you and to Sandra Aguirre too!

Happy Holidays to all of you and your families!

Doug Clayton
2019 MAFCA President

Oct/Nov 2019 - The Grandest of Tours


The Canyonlands Tour, what an amazing trip! I admit that driving around in a Model A is wonderful way to spend a few days. However, when you combine the fun of touring with some of the most scenic National Parks in the whole country, the excitement becomes almost unbearable. 350+ registrants made it to Kanab Utah in early October to share and enjoy the majestic vistas as well as each other’s company. Even though we had anticipated this event for over 4 years, reality exceeded all our expectations. The weather cooperated, the Model A’s cooperated (only a couple of breakdowns) and even the traffic cooperated. Congratulations to the Steering Committee for a job well done!

The next big event for MAFCA will be the National Awards Banquet in Claremont California, December 2-5. With registrations now approaching 250, this promises to be another terrific event. For those members who have never attended a National Awards Banquet, you are missing a most enjoyable time with seminars, local tours and a very relaxed atmosphere. Sign up while you still can.

Last week, we received the sad news that MAFCA has lost another one of our great contributors (and a close friend), Tim Johnstone. Back in 1986, then President Bob Swigert appointed Tim Johnstone, John Hargrave and me to the Judging Standards Committee which was, at the time involved, with printing a revision to the Judging Standards (now the Restoration Guidelines). Tim was already known for his in-depth research and restoration on Model A Station Wagons. John Hargrave went on to serve as MAFCA President in 1992, while Tim and I continued to work on every revision of the Guidelines since then. Tim also was the head of the Woody Wagons Special Interest Group, providing detailed help to countless restorers over the years. He served as Chief Judge at the 1994 Joint Convention in Tacoma, the 2008 Convention in Dallas and was appointed to serve as Chief Judge for the upcoming Kerrville meet next year. He was made a Life Member in 2004 for his tireless efforts. We will all miss him.

Now that we are back home, I am getting back to my “5S” efforts to straighten up the garage. This consists of the five basic steps – sort, straighten, shine (or sweep), standardize, and sustain. Well, I am still sorting, but I have done some straightening and cleaning as well. At the start of the project, I envisioned following the 5 steps in order, and finishing up in a month or two. Now reality has set in! Although the garage looks much better, I am starting to measure my success in feet. That is, how many feet of useful garage space can I clear and clean up in a day or weekend? Wish me luck, a little warm weather and I will be out test driving one of the Model A’s!

Doug Clayton
2019 MAFCA President

Aug/Sept 2019 - In Search of a Clean Garage

I don’t know about the rest of our members, but after having been involved in the restoration of several Model A’s, I am finding it increasingly difficult to find parts. Now, I don’t mean finding parts at swap meets or on Ebay or Ford Barn, I am talking about finding parts (and tools) in my own garage! The most rewarding day for most of us is when we actually accomplish a task in the restoration or maintenance of a vehicle. If it takes a lot of time to locate the parts, tools or supplies, then frustration takes over.


Well, the time has arrived (maybe just advanced age) to clean up the mess. In business, we follow Lean Manufacturing principles to overcome this problem. So, I decided to take the first step by performing a “5S” effort on my garage. Actually, this process dates back to a system developed by Ford in their early manufacturing efforts. So what is 5S? Simply put, it boils down to five steps – sort, straighten, shine (or sweep), standardize, and sustain.

First, I need to move the 1929 Roadster that has been stored in the garage since it was finished in 1984. It was a nice sunny day and perfect for a little drive, so I took my grandson, Chase, for a ride. We had a great time and the car was running sweet, so that short cruise was the first day’s effort.

 picture For the past few weeks, I have been sorting all of the Model A parts in the garage. Putting like items in cardboard boxes and marking the boxes with a description of the contents. Seems like I am finding more parts than I remember. Some items were just junk and no longer needed. Those things went into the trash or put in a box marked “Swap Meet”. There are still several boxes of stuff that need sorting before tackling the second step, straighten, in the 5S process. Oh yeah, I did find a few household items hidden away.

 picture Oh, boy! Time is growing short before the Canyonlands Tour on October 6th, so I had to take a break from the garage 5S project and get the Cabriolet checked out. As I reported in my previous message, we tried to go on a tour and found that the battery had died in the month that the car was parked. As you can imagine, the car was a bit dusty and needed a little more attention than I figured. My spare parts and tools kit need some attention before we set off for Utah. I don’t want to be the one missing out on a tour through Bryce Canyon or Zion national Park!

Geez, it is a nice day, I had better go for a test run just to make sure it runs perfectly.
We can get back to the 5S effort this coming weekend.

Doug Clayton
2019 MAFCA President

July 2019 - American Pie and Humble Pie

America’s birthday is a great cause for celebration and there is no vehicle more All-American than the Model A Ford! I am seeing a lot of Model A’s on the road lately. Many local chapters are taking advantage of the good weather to go on tours. I think we could have gone on a tour 3 out of the 4 past weekends. Since there are other celebrations to consider (like a Birthday), we chose to attend a tour to visit Stanislaus County Supervisor Jim DeMartini’s private automobile collection. The tour included members from the Tokay A’s, Mother Lode A’s and Delta A’s.

With the promise of a warm sunny day, I figured getting the old 1929 Roadster out for a tour would be ideal. It’s been secure in the garage for a few years, but not driven. I did keep the battery charged and ready at all times. In the winter, I had tried to start it and found the carburetor was plugged up from that darn modern ethanol type gasoline. Not a problem, just clean the jets, reassemble and test. The car ran perfectly. However, the car was dirty and the nickel needed polishing. Going to someone’s private car collection calls for arriving in a clean and polished car, right? Friday evening was spent getting the car cleaned and ready for tour. Debbie volunteered to join me in the garage doing the final preparations. You know, checking the fluids, pumping up the tires and so on. Of course, she wanted to know that all was ready and asked if I started the car. I told her the carburetor was freshly rebuilt and tested.

Saturday morning we loaded up the car with our supplies for the trip and moved the modern cars out of the way. The meeting location was only a couple of miles from our house, but we needed to fill up on gas. We jumped in and the car would not run properly! Apparently, the gas had again plugged up the carburetor jets (after only 5 months). A little running time should fix it, right? Not this time!

Not to worry. The 1930 Cabriolet had been all checked out the month before when the Ford Tri-Motor was at the airport. We figured that was our savior. Just drive over, pick up the Cabriolet and hit the road. Well, not this time! The battery died in that one month time and we had to drive the modern car. Gary Floyd saved us by being the chauffeur on another tour with his Convertible Sedan. We were able to see a wonderful collection and hang out with the other Model A’ers. Naturally, I was the one eating the Humble Pie!

Therefore, if you don’t want to eat Humble Pie on the next tour, do what your wife suggests and start the car the night before the tour! Canyonlands Tour starts October 6th! Don’t make the foolish mistake I made!

Doug Clayton
2019 MAFCA President

June 2019

Today we just returned from the 2019 Northern California Regional Group meet in Santa Rosa. This meet was hosted by the Sonoma A’s chapter with the assistance of the Capitol A’s chapter (Sacramento). The whole meet was a rousing success. The Sonoma A’s have established a reputation for organizing, planning and carrying out Model A events. Attention to detail has become the hallmark of their efforts over the years. The Grand Tour was super as we drove through beautiful scenery in California’s wine country. Debbie and I enjoyed riding along with Gary Floyd which allowed us to see all the sights while Gary did all the work. While at the meet, we also visited the Charles M. Schultz Museum to see how he created all the wildly popular “Peanuts” cartoon strips.

Special tributes were presented for Alex Janke and Trudy Vestal, both long time MAFCA leaders who have recently passed away. Alex was the Chief Judge for this meet and his organizational planning and judging assignments were followed to perfection by Judging Coordinator Bob Johnson and his assistant Dave Uhlig.The MAFCA Board of Directors has selected Garth Shreading to fill the remainder Alex’s term as Treasurer.

 pictureOur contribution to this affair was to bring out the only surviving 1928 Prototype Town Car. This is the same vehicle that Tim Kelly took to the Gilmore Museum last September on Model A Day (along with 4 other rare vehicles). It was a great honor to follow Tim’s tradition of bringing and sharing rare Model A’s.

The summer tour season is final here. This month the 56th Texas Tour is held from June 13-15 in Kerrville Texas. The biggest MAFCA event will be the Canyonlands tour in Kanab Utah October 6-10. There are still a few spots available, but get your reservations in now! See the Jan/Feb edition of The Restorer.

June 15 is the deadline for volunteering to serve on the MAFCA Board of Directors. I can tell you, it has been a very enjoyable experience.

MAFCA’s National Awards Banquet is set for December 2-5, 2019 in Claremont California. The host chapter has an online registration form that can be found on the MAFCA website or by visiting

Doug Clayton
2019 MAFCA President

May 2019

Model A activity is heating up. Our schedule is quickly filling. Exactly at the time rains were ending in our area, a 1929 Ford Tri-Motor arrived at the local airport offering 20 to 30 minute rides. Our 1930 Cabriolet was already cleaned up and ready for the tour season. Fortunately, the airplane belonged to the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) and they were very receptive to our bringing the Cabriolet over for a few photographs. Even the TSA folks at the airport went along with the idea and allowed us easy access. Taking advantage of an ideal situation, we rushed over and brought two more Model A’s to be photographed next to the Tri-Motor.

The deadline for submitting your application to run for the MAFCA Board of Directors is June 15th. Applications are available on the MAFCA Website. The club is very much run as a business using well-established policies that have developed and proven over the past 60+ years. I encourage interested people to apply as soon as possible. Help lead the hobby that we all love.

We are heading to the NCRG Roundup in Santa Rosa, May 27-30. This time we are bringing a one-of-a-kind Model A for display only. I took a quick look at the MAFCA calendar and see some interesting events coming up. There is a Midwest Regional Meet in Des Moines IA June 10-14. The tours include a visit to a Bonnie and Clyde campsite, a Jesse James train robbery and the bridges of Madison County. Another huge Regional event is the Texas Tour, which is set for June 13-15. These are always a huge event.

This year’s National Awards Banquet is in Claremont CA, December 2-5. Many Model A tours, seminars and other activities are scheduled. For those who have never attended a Banquet, these are much like a National Convention at a relaxing environment and pace. Registration forms and information will be printed in an upcoming edition of The Restorer.

Canyonlands Tour, October 6-10 is still the HOT ticket for this year. Registrations have exceeded 250. Fortunately, there are still a few hotel rooms left in Kanab Utah for the big event. Click here for more information. You won’t want to miss the Greatest Tour on Earth!

Doug Clayton
2019 MAFCA President

April 2019

The spring tour season has arrived! After countless stretches of rain (and in many places snow), we are finally seeing some blue skies and feeling the temperature change. The Cabriolet has already been prepped for the road and will be out and about for the next few days. Time to get those last minute maintenance tasks taken care of and perform a safety check before hitting the road!

Check the MAFCA calendar for local and Regional events close to your area. Personally, we are looking forward to the NCRG Roundup in Santa Rosa, May 27-30. Most years we love to drive one of our cars. This time we are going to do something a little different and plan to bring the rarest of Model A’s for display only. Come and see what we bring. Another Regional event is the Texas Tour, which will be held June 13-15. These events are always huge.

MAFCA is searching for dedicated candidates to serve on the Board of Directors. Our club continues as a first-class organization because of the individuals who offer their time and expertise on the Board. Each Director is elected to a two-year term and serves in one of nine positions each year. Four meetings are held in odd number years and five are held in even number years. Contact Mike Kelly (termikal @ to learn about this opportunity. I have certainly enjoyed the almost four years of service to the Board.

I hope everyone has had a chance to look over the online edition of The Restorer. Now, I am one of those guys that loves to sit down and read (usually cover-to-cover) through the printed copy of the magazine when it arrives. However, when I want to quickly look up an article it is easier to search on-line for the source material. I have also heard that some members worry that the printed copy will be replaced entirely by the online edition. Nothing could be further from the truth. The economics dictate that the printed edition will always continue. Speaking of economics, our next Board meeting will be held May 4th and is all about this year’s budget. If you plan to be near La Habra that weekend, drop by and see how much effort goes into managing the club’s budget. With costs rising every year, it is a constant challenge to hold the line on membership fees.

Let us not forget to sign up for the Canyonlands Tour, October 6-10. Fortunately, there are still a few hotel rooms left in Kanab Utah for the big event. Registrations are still coming in, so don’t lose out on the Greatest Tour on Earth!

Doug Clayton
2019 MAFCA President

March 2019

The heartbeat of MAFCA is heard in the club meetings of more than 285 chapters. Like the majority of MAFCA members, I belong to a local chapter of MAFCA, the Delta A’s in Stockton California. It’s a small chapter with a cadre of longtime members who enjoy each other’s company and are willing to help each other with the fun of old car ownership. Over the past few years, we have continued to slowly increase in size and our monthly meetings are well attended (naturally with lots of good food).

So, I have often wondered about other MAFCA Chapters – are they the same as the Delta A’s? What is it about the Model A Ford that attracts members? Last weekend, Debbie and I got a little insight into those questions. We received a special invitation from the Capitol A’s chapter in Sacramento California to attend a “Diamond Jubilee” celebration of their 60 years as a MAFCA chapter – the second oldest chapter in the State! This turned out to be a fantastic, extremely well planned event. Many members attended in Era Fashion outfits and were clearly enjoying seeing/visiting with each other. We were greeted warmly and met new members as well as some that we have known for many years. I felt honored to present the chapter President Dennis Martin with a certificate from MAFCA in recognition of their 60 years as a chapter.

In reflecting on the event, I concluded that the Capitol A’s meeting were very much the same as Delta A’s meetings – it was a lot of FUN! Good fellowship, great food and a warm inviting atmosphere. In addition, they were adding new members just like our club. Some of the new members have joined within the past couple of years and many had joined within the last 10 years. It was remarkable how well the club has divided up the routine tasks that keep the club going. A large number of the members have taken on leadership roles in planning and executing their events. Thus, the burden of organizing events is spread out and not dependent of the hard work of a few. I came away with a great admiration for the Capitol A’s chapter!

My theory about why the Model A Ford attracts new members is this: we are the descendants of the people that drove these cars during the darkest days of the depression. As such, we are self-reliant and willing to support our fellow members. Most of all, we get together to have FUN!!!

MAFCA members that have not yet joined a local chapter are missing out of the terrific benefits. If you do not live near a chapter, get together with four other owners and start one!

Doug Clayton
2019 MAFCA President

January 2019

‘Twas the night after Christmas when all through the garage, not a car was running, not even a Model A.

Okay, I will never make a living as a poet, but the holiday season rush is over and the cold weather is here for the winter. Although the west coast weather isn’t really that cold, I, like northern and eastern Model A members are ready to stay warm while working in the shop on their latest project(s). My work bench is already covered with three sets of shock absorbers, five carburetors and a set of top irons to get ready for plating.

While working these projects, I am dreaming of the next local Model A event. That would be the Turlock Swap Meet hosted by the Modesto Area A’s on January 26-27 at the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds. There are always bargains to be found plus reconnecting with old car friends.

Meanwhile, I made my hotel reservations for the Canyonlands National Tour in Kanab Utah for October 6-10. There are many hotels, but the rooms are filling up quickly. I filled out my registration form and submitted that as well. Forms can be found online or in the January/February issue of The Restorer . I hope to see you there!

Doug Clayton
2019 MAFCA President

top of page

[Red Line]

December 2018


Where has the time gone? It’s December already and many of us in the colder climates have already had snow. We had two snow storms in November so I sure hope that isn’t a sign of things to come; it could be a long winter.

This will be my last posting as President. I have thoroughly enjoyed serving as MAFCA President, but most importantly I had the pleasure of serving with an amazing group of people on the board who had the best interest of MAFCA in their thoughts and actions. My thanks go to David White, Kay Lee, Alex Janke, Garth Shreading, Jay McCord, Doug Clayton, Jim Cannon and Dan Foulk for their dedication.

By the time this gets to you, the National Awards Banquet (NAB) will be history. The Tucson Model A club had been planning for this event for over a year. At this meeting we installed our newly elected members to the board AND we will welcome a new President to lead us for 2019. If you have never attended a NAB these are much smaller national events is both size and length and are so much fun. Why not plan to attend next year.

Speaking of next year, the details of the Canyonlands National Tour are now being distributed. If you sign-up for the early bird newsletter, look for the registration form in the last issue. The Jan-Feb issue of The Restorer and the CALENDAR page on the web site will also have all the information you will need is register for what is sure to be an amazing event.

Just a couple of reminders: Have you sent in your dues? If not please send it in or renew online at the MAFCA website. You don’t want to miss an issue of The Restorer. Have you visited the MAFCA store? The holidays are almost here and there are lots of items available that would make great gifts.

I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful Holiday season and a most Happy New Year.

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President

November 2018

Can you believe that it is November already and here in the northeast we have seen snowflakes falling. That sure is sign that we should be getting ready to put our Model A’s up for the winter. Those of you in the warmer climates can extend the touring season a little longer, but eventually it will be time to rest the Model A’s and to attend to some projects that have been put on hold. And while you’re doing that project, take some pictures and think about an article for The Restorer magazine. Andy Scheer is always looking for articles.

Thanks to all of you who submitted ballots for the election and Bylaw change, which was approved. We had a great slate of candidates and I am happy to report the following members were elected to serve MAFCA for 2019-2020. David White and Kay Lee were re-elected to the board, while Bill Myers, Bill Truesdell and Mike Kelley were newly elected to the board. Congratulations to these members for offering their services to MAFCA and we look forward to having them join us in Tucson.

Speaking of Tucson, have you made plans to attend the National Awards banquet? This should be a great event and from what I have heard it will be a large one. The Tucson Model A Club has planned a number of great events for us while we enjoy some fine Arizona weather. So, if you haven’t registered yet, please go to and sign up now.

Don’t forget to return your membership renewal it will help us avoid sending out a reminder. Speaking of membership, the board has decided to offer a new Student Membership to high school and college students. This new class of membership costs only $5.00 and the student will receive a “digital only version” of The Restorer. All it takes is filling out a short form or a call to MAFCA headquarters to become a student member. November is also a time for family, with Thanksgiving being here before you know it. I would like to extend my best wishes to you for a very happy Thanksgiving.

If you have any questions for the Board, please feel free to contact me at president @ We are here to help you any way we can.

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President

October 2018

I just returned from attending Model A Day at the Model A Museum in Hickory Corners, MI. It was a great event with two special exhibits. There was part of the Edstrom collection of Model A’s on display and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see Tim Kelly’s amazing collection of Town Cars and Deliveries. The annual flea market had a wide variety of Model A parts and the museum grounds were filled with Model A’s. We also signed up a number of new MAFCA members. It was a great few days at the museum.

It’s October and the weather is changing. I enjoy the fall season because the heat of summer gives way to cool pleasant temperatures. Fall also gives us an opportunity to get our Model A’s out to enjoy the vivid colors that Mother Nature is providing us. There are some great photo ops to be had while out and about in the “A”; how about sharing your pictures on the MAFCA Facebook page.

Fall also means the pilgrimage to the AACA Hershey Region Fall flea market and show. My first Hershey was in 1973, boy how things have changed since then. I will be attending this year as will MAFCA, with its tent set up on the Chocolate field. Alex Janke plans to be there and will conduct a number of sessions covering Model A Wiring. We would love to have stop by and say hello, just look for our yellow balloon.

I hope you have returned your ballot. If not, you need to vote for your candidates running for the MAFCA board and the Bylaw change and have it post marked by October 15. While you’re at it please send in your membership renewal that will save us from having to send you a reminder.

I look forward to seeing you at the National Awards banquet in Tucson, AZ Happy Model A’ing.

If you have any questions for the Board, please feel free to contact me at president @ We are here to help you any way we can.

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President

September 2018

I hope you have received your latest copy of The Restorer. My thanks go to Trudy Vestal, Garth Shreading, Bob Hess, and Lois Przywitowski for providing Andy with the material to prepare the coverage of the recent Aces & A's national convention in Sparks, NV. My thanks also go to all those who entered their vehicles or fashion for judging. This can be a stressful undertaking, but we spectators love seeing them on display and the awards you receive are well deserved. If you were able to attend this great event, thank you; I know you will enjoy reading this report.

The Sept/Oct issue also has the registration form for the National Awards Banquet in Tucson, AZ. The Tucson Model A Club is planning a great time for MAFCA members. The attraction of warm weather is a welcome change for those of us living in the northern climates. The early response has been wonderful, so much so that the host club has secured more hotel rooms for the event. Make your plans to attend now. More information can be found on the Tucson website: click here for a copy

It hard to believe it's September already. This is usually great touring weather for our Model A's. So far, the end of August and beginning of September has been hot which has made it more difficult to hit the road as often as we would like with my Model A. Fortunately we have an ice cream stand only a few miles down the road, so at least we can get that far. The weather will be changing soon; here in the Northeast I can see some of the swamp maple trees already starting to turn color which is sign cooler weather is on its way. One more reminder, please return your membership renewal and your 2018 Ballot as soon as you can. Your help here will save us from having to send out a reminder, and it will make sure you ballot has been mailed before the October 15 deadline.

If you have any questions for the Board, please feel free to contact me at president @ We are here to help you any way we can.

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President

August 2018

Touring season is well underway and I hope you have been on the road enjoying your Model A. My own club has a busy schedule with local tours which include Ice Cream stops, a climb to the top of a mountain and weekend tour to the picturesque area of Stowe, Vermont. Touring in our Model A's is certainly fun for us and I'm sure you have noticed how many smiles and thumbs-up you get as we pass by. We really are ambassadors of the hobby and everybody likes seeing our Model A Fords. We get lots of questions when we stop as people want to know all about the cars or tell us about ones their grandfather had. Don't forget the kids, let them see what is like inside a Model A, it is so foreign to them compared to modern cars. My wife keeps a supply Model A coloring books and crayons to give the kids which always puts smile on their faces…ours too.

Speaking of mileage, do you know that MAFCA has a National Driving Award. It is a mileage award program and information can be found on the MAFCA website under the National Driving Recognition Awards (Policy P2S05-G). I was lucky enough to receive my 5000 mile level having driven my Model A 7600 miles one summer. If you really enjoy driving your Model A, keep track of your mileage and receive your award.

You will be getting your MAFCA renewal envelope in the mail soon. If you renew your membership right away, it will save us from having to mail out a reminder. You will also receive your ballot for the election of new board members. We have 6 candidates seeking the 5 open positions, please vote for the five candidates of your choice. There is also a proposed Bylaw change, so don't forget to vote “yes” or “no” for this question. Please make sure your ballot is postmarked by October 15th.

If you have any questions for the Board, please feel free to contact me at president @ We are here to help you any way we can.

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President

July 2018

I have just returned home from attending the Aces and A's MAFCA Convention in Sparks, NV. Wow, what a great event this was. I must say that everyone was especially happy to see Chairman Trudy Vestal in attendance; a recent medical issue made this almost impossible. Co-Chair Jim Costello did a great job making sure the event went off without any problems.

We were able to connect with friends from all over the country and our friends from New Zealand, Australia and Canada. The seminars were great, the Fashion Show and Tea was a success and the quality of the show cars was excellent. And seeing the local roads filled with Model A's on self-guided tours is always fun to watch. The weather was perfect, especially for the two cruises to the magnificent Lake Tahoe. What a beautiful area to tour in your Model A. I would like to thank all the members of the Northern California Regional Group (NCRG) under the leadership of Trudy Vestal and Jim Costello for their extraordinary effort planning and hosting this amazing event.

Next on our calendar will be the National Awards Banquet (Nov 27-Dec 1) in Tucson, AZ. I had a chance to talk to Chairman Dave Ramsower, and he and his team have many events planned. You can find more information on this in the July/August issue of The Restorer.

If you have the opportunity, please make plans to visit the MAFFI Model A Museum in September for their Model A Day celebration. I and a few other MAFCA board members will be on site greeting those attending. If you have not visited the Model A Museum, which is part of the Gilmore Museum complex, you need to add this to you must visit list.

Touring season is in full swing now and I am getting the Model A ready for the many parades coming up. Happy Fourth of July.

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President

June 2018


Do you think Henry or Edsel could have ever imagined how popular their “New Ford” would still be after 90 years? Yeah, I think not too.

Are you going to the Aces & A's Convention in Sparks? If not, I think you will be missing a great time. Last I heard there were over 500 registrations and more still arriving by mail. My wife, Nan, and I are looking forward to attending the many events planned and to get meet up with friends we only get a chance to see at our conventions. Attending a MAFCA convention gives you the opportunity to make new friends from all over the world.

Speaking of events to attend, have you noticed the National Awards Banquet (NAB) is going to be held in sunny Tucson, AZ from Nov 27 – Dec 1. The NAB is a much smaller affair than a national or even a regional meet. They are a few days in length and since they have a smaller attendance you get a chance to meet just about everyone attending. What better way to relax after Thanksgiving than by enjoying the sun of Arizona, so put this year's NAB on your calendar. See you there.

I hope you have been out and about in your Model A and you haven't had any cooling problems while driving. If you have, it might be time to back flush your radiator. There is great article on servicing your radiator by Les Andrews in the September/October 2012 issue of The Restorer. Yes, it's the one that says Winterizing Your Cooling System, but the procedures recommended are good any time. pp Have a great Father's Day: How about a taking the family out for a ride in the Model A.

Ahooga - Doug

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President

May 2018

I think spring has sprung and we are finally able to get our Model A's out of the garage and back on the road. I always enjoy getting our Model A out for the first time, hearing the engine fire up and idle has never lost its appeal. It is always great to that a short ride around town to get all the fluids warmed up and to enjoy all the trees and shrubs in bloom. I wish all our members many “Smiles per Mile” driving their Model A's this year.

Have you considered serving MAFCA? Now is the time to step up to the challenge and become a candidate for the board of directors. If you are organized, task oriented, can work with people and can do “stuff” on the computer you will be a right at home on the board. You can find the nomination form in the March/April issue of The Restorer magazine or on the MAFCA website. Speaking of The Restorer magazine, Editor Andy Scheer would love to have you submit articles for publication. He is especially interested in technical articles. If you plan to restore or repair something on, or associated with, the Model A, please take pictures and consider preparing an article. Andy will be happy to help.

I look forward to seeing you in Sparks, NV for the fantastic Aces & A's convention the Northern California Regional Group is hosting in June. Happy Model A'ing

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President

April 2018

Daylight savings time is here and that is giving us more daylight to enjoy our Model A's. The weather, for the most of us, is also cooperating by providing milder temperatures which makes riding in our Model A more enjoyable. Let's face it, the manifold heater is marginal at best, so touring on a mild sunny day is far more enjoyable.

I hope your chapter has prepared a touring schedule for its members. My club has a planning session in February where we schedule activities for the driving season, which for us covers April thru November. How come we have a lot of tours that end with food or ice cream? I wonder! Our tours include parades, visits to senior facilities, car shows and of course Ice Cream. After a long winter I am happy to be back on the road and I hope that you are able to get out and enjoy your Model A as well.

Speaking of tours, have you made plans to attend the MAFCA Aces & A's Convention in Sparks, NV? Attending this convention would be a great opportunity for a long distant Model A tour. There are plenty of driving activities planned for touring the area in your Model A when you get there. Speaking from experience, driving your Model A on a long distant tour provides many wonderful memories. This might be something for you to consider.

I look forward to meeting you in Sparks. Happy Model A'ing.

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President


March 2018

I have been anxious to get our Model A out on the road and it won't be long now. I'm sure I'm not alone, but I have a few projects that still need to be finished, but they aren't big ones so they won't take long to complete.

Getting ready for the touring season usually requires a little spring maintenance. Our club conducts a clinic each spring to check out members Model A's to make sure they are operating properly. Before we do anything, we test drive the members Model A and create a report card of areas to check. Too many times the owner might never know their Model A is not working properly. We have two primary work stations: one to check electrical items, especially the headlight operation and one to check the mechanical components, especially the steering and checking toe-in using the method described in the service bulletins. We always seem to find badly focused/adjusted headlights and steering where “toe” is out of specification. Our clinic helps get the members Model A's operating properly and it's a lot of fun hanging out on a nice Saturday working on the Model A's.

If you are interested in having your own spring tune-up clinic, you can go to this MAFCA web site and download a check list that you might want to use.

The most important thing it to have fun while getting your Model A's ready for the road.

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President

February 2018

I just returned from the February Board meeting and I am happy to report that the 2018 Board has been very busy on behalf of MAFCA. First and foremost was our search to find someone to take over as editor of The Restorer Magazine. Thanks to the efforts of Doug Clayton, Publication/PR Director, we were fortunate to a get a number of qualified candidates to apply for the position. A New Editor Committee was established and all the candidates were individually interviewed. At the conclusion of these interviews, the committee unanimously recommended to the Board of Directors Andy Scheer as editor. The Board also approved his appointment unanimously.

It is my pleasure to introduce Andy as our new editor of The Restorer magazine. He has many years of experience in the editorial field and is excited about getting started in this position. Please welcome Andy to our Model A family and if you have any input for The Restorer you can reach Andy at restorer @

Old Man Winter has a real grip on many of us, with exceptionally cold and snowy weather. Fortunately our Model A's are snug in the garage for a well-deserved rest. Now is a good time to address any Model A projects you put off during the touring season. Maybe it's some minor body work, new tires, a brake job, radiator or carburetor repair. No matter what the job, you will find some excellent help in the pages of The Restorer and our “How To Restore Your Model A” books. You may be unsure what part is appropriate for your Model A; the source for that information is the Restoration Guidelines & Judging Standards. You can also get help from MAFCA's Technical Director, Jim Cannon, at Jim will be more than happy to help with any Model A question you might have. The most important thing is to get that “A” back on the road.

Speaking of enjoying your Model A, don't forget to register for the 2018 Ace's and A's MAFCA convention in Sparks-Reno, NV. You will find a link to the latest convention information on the calendar page. The host committee has planned something for everyone, so don't miss out on the fun.

Happy Model A'ing

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President

January 2018

I would like to start off the New Year by wish all of our members a healthy and prosperous 2018.

I would also like to thank the board for electing me President for the coming year. I, and all the members of the board, have one objective: to serve MAFCA to the best of our ability. Our goal is to continue to have MAFCA be an organization that provides our members with first class services and benefits, while at the same time having fun with our Model A's.

A big thank you goes out to departing board members Happy Begg and Donna Lewis for their dedication and service to MAFCA at the expense of their valuable time. Returning to the board for 2018/2019 will be Alex Janke who will continue as Treasurer, Doug Clayton, who will continue as Publications/PR Director and Dan Foulk who will re-join us as Advertising Director. Making up the rest of the board will be: David White – Vice President, Kay Lee - Secretary, Jay McCord - Membership/Marketing, Jim Cannon - Technical and Garth Shreading - Chapter Coordinator. The entire Board is looking forward to 2018.

MAFCA will also say good bye to Jim Spawn, who is stepping down as editor of The Restorer for the past 17 years. Jim's unique combination of being a Model A'er and history buff along with his creative talents have transformed The Restorer into an award winning, world class magazine. We wish Jim, and Melissa, all the best as he transitions from editor to active member and we sure hope we see them both at future MAFCA events.

The 2017 Awards Banquet in Oklahoma City was a success thanks to efforts of VaughnCille Weidner and the rest of the members of the Sooner Model A Club. This event capped off the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of their chapter. Our 2018 Awards Banquet will be held in Tucson, AZ. I hope you can join us there. MAFCA's highlight event of the year will be the national convention in Sparks-Reno in June. What an event this is shaping up to be. My wife Nan and I are already planning our activities while we visit the area. We look forward to seeing the many national and international friends we have made attending these conventions, which, for us, is what makes these events special. If you have never attended a national convention, make your plans now.

The 2018 Board will conduct its first meeting shortly at which we will begin our budget planning process. This is always a challenging exercise. The board also has an immediate priority of finding a new editor. This process has begun and we hope to be able to appoint a new editor of The Restorer magazine as soon as possible. The board is also looking for a member with a background in marketing that can help us develop a marketing plan for MAFCA. Does this sound interesting? Feel free to contact me if it does.

I would like to remind you that the board is here to represent you and I encourage you to contact any one of us if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns. We would very much like to hear from you. Our email addresses are on the Key People page - just click on our name.

Doug Linden
2018 MAFCA President

top of page

[Red Line]

December 2017


It is hard to believe that 2017 is coming to a close. The year has had its challenges and definitely its learning moments for me .I've had a great year of meeting so many of our wonderful members and driving my A with new friends.

Henry Ford is quoted as saying, “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success.” The 2017 Board of Directors came together, stayed together and worked very well together! I want to thank all of the Directors who served this year on the Board. You've made the management decisions that have allowed our club to run so effectively. We worked hard and even got in some great social time; forming some really good friendships along the way. I feel we had a very successful year! Thank you all!

I hope you have purchased your Christmas Cards for 2017; they are available in the MAFCA STORE. The design this year is another cover from a past Restorer magazine. It depicts a family loading the Model A sedan with gifts for friends and family.

Have you sent in your mileage for the 100K in A Day Challenge? It's not too late! The program has been extended to the end of 2017. Be sure your miles count. Send mileage to 100k @, today!

The 2018 Convention, to be held in Reno, NV, is now accepting registrations. Link removed 09/26/21

It is with sadness that we are saying goodbye to our magazine editor, Jim Spawn. Jim has continuously produced an award-winning magazine that our club has enjoyed for 17 years. We all wish Jim the very best in his retirement as Editor of The Restorer, and we look forward to seeing him at events in the future.

I also want to thank our staff in La Habra, Brenda and Juanita. Plus, the woman behind the Board who deserves so many thanks, Sandra; without your assistance and ever amazing organizational skills, MAFCA would not be what it is today. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your guidance over my 4 years on the Board.

It was with great pleasure that I began 2017 and MAFCA's 60th Anniversary year as your President. I want to thank the MAFCA Board for their support and confidence in me. To all of you, our members, who love these cars, I wish to say that I am very pleased to have been able to serve as MAFCA's 2017 President.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years!

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

November 2017

Crisp autumn air and Model A's are a perfect combination! I hope you are able to get out in your car and enjoy the fall foliage! I recently returned from a Model A adventure to the Outer Banks of North Carolina and the weather could not have been better! If you have the opportunity to make that drive, you will enjoy pristine untouched beach areas and great seafood. I highly recommend the drive.

Hershey was well attended this year and the weather was wonderful. A big thank you to all who helped in the tent, but especially to Alex Janke for presenting our technical sessions!

We are looking for a new Editor of our award winning magazine, The Restorer. Our long time, 17 years, Editor Jim Spawn has decided that it is time for him to retire from editing our magazine. I'm certain we will see him and his wife, Melissa, at events in the future. I wish Jim the very best and hope he will enjoy his free time driving the back roads in his Model A for many years!

I hope you will be joining us in Oklahoma City for the 2017 National Awards Banquet. The Sooner Model A Club will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary and would love for you to be there. The 2018 MAFCA Board of Directors will be installed and we will be recognizing those folks who have gone above and beyond to support MAFCA and the Model A hobby with awards. It's not too late to register and links to those forms can be found on the Home page of the MAFCA website.

Don't forget to order your Christmas cards from MAFCA. We have a wonderful new design this year. It depicts a family loading up the Model A with gifts. These can be ordered online or by calling the office, 562-697-2712. You will also find holiday gift ideas for your Model A friends and family on the website. Order early to be sure to receive them in time!

Registration materials for the 2018 National Convention to be held in Reno, Nevada are available on the NCRG Convention website. Don't forget to make your hotel reservations at The Nugget Hotel, 1-800-843-2427 and mention the code GMODEL for the negotiated rate of $89++ per night.

Planning is well underway for the 2019 National Tour. It will be a “Hub & Spoke” style of tour, based out of Kanab, Utah, October 7-11, 2019. The Canyonlands Special Interest Group will host this unique tour through the red rock canyon lands of Southwest Utah and Northeast Arizona. Start making plans to join us as we discover this hauntingly beautiful area of the Southwestern US!

I hope to see you in Oklahoma City at the end of this month!

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

October 2017

The Board of Directors had a very successful meeting at the Gilmore Car Museum, home of the Model A Ford Museum in September. One action the Board agreed upon was to extend the free membership program to Model A enthusiasts who have never been a member of MAFCA through the 2018 calendar year. If you have a friend in the hobby who has never been a member of MAFCA, tell them about this program, and have them contact Jay McCord at chaptercoordinator @

While in Michigan, the Board also attended Model A Day at the Museum. We had over 40 new members join MAFCA. It was a beautiful day with over 100 Model As on the field. A few very special cars were featured in front of the Museum, a Deluxe Panel Delivery, a Town Car, and a GAZ Jeep of the Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod (Gorky Automobile Plant). Click here for more information on these interesting automobiles made in Russia.

I know all of you who went on the 2017 National Tour had a great time driving the beautiful roadways of California. I can't wait to hear of your adventures!

I hope you have registered for the 2017 National Awards Banquet being held in Oklahoma City. The Sooner Chapter has a great event planned for all of you! We will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Sooner Chapter, the national award winners for 2017, and the installation of the 2018 Board of Directors. Lots of fun awaits you in Oklahoma City! I hope to see you there!

The registration materials are now available for the 2018 National Convention in Reno, Nevada. Our host group, the Northern California Regional Group, has planned an adventure that you are not going to want to miss.

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

September 2017

The destruction in Texas has been catastrophic in the wake of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey. Harvey dumped more than 40 inches of rain in parts of southeastern Texas and into Louisiana. We have many, many members directly in the path of the heavy rainfall, tornadoes, and devastating flooding. We all have friends affected by this storm. The flooding and its aftermath will continue to be a problem for quite some time to come. I urge all of our members to make a donation to help the victims. Please check on your Model A friends and offer whatever help you are able.

The National Tour kicks off on September 24th in Paso Robles, California. There is still time to register and enjoy this trip up the California coastline and over the Golden Gate Bridge into Marin County. Click here for registration forms. The Bakersfield Chapter has a fun filled week planned for everyone!

Our annual National Awards Banquet is quickly approaching in late November and I hope to see you in Oklahoma City! The Sooner Model A Club is our host for the event. Come help celebrate their 50th Anniversary! We will also celebrate all the great works of MAFCA members for their efforts to help make the Model A hobby the best it can be. Plus, the 2018 MAFCA Board of Directors will be installed. Register, today!

International Model A Day is September 16. Your MAFCA Board will be out and about meeting and greeting Model A enthusiasts at the Model A Museum. We are looking forward to seeing you there. I hope you are a member of the Ford Model A Museum. Model A Day at the museum will be a day filled with seminars, a swap meet, lots of tire kickin' and Model A fellowship and stories. If you can't make it to the museum, be sure to get your A out and take it for a spin.

Membership renewals are beginning to come in. If you haven't sent in yours, please do so soon, and don't forget to include your email address on the form. You can also renew online, by clicking here. As so many of you are enjoying the online edition of The Restorer, your membership now includes this added bonus. You will still receive your magazine through the USPS, but via your email, you will also receive a digital link for the online edition. To access, first you must be connected to the Internet, then you just click on the photo of the magazine cover. You will then be taken to a page for you to input your email address and your membership number - that's your password. The password must be 6 numbers in length. So, for example, if your membership number is 1234, you need to add a couple of 0's to the beginning, i.e., 001234.

It's hard to believe that it is time to start thinking about December and holiday greeting cards! We have a new card this year, depicting a family on a beautiful snowy moonlit evening, preparing to deliver packages in their Model A Sedan. It was the cover picture for The Restorer magazine's November/December 1974 issue, by Patti Reader. Order your set today, either through the MAFCA store or by calling the office, 562-697-2712.

The Board of Directors is dedicated to our membership and providing the best possible service to you. Please contact us with your ideas, concerns, complaints, and praise. I look forward to hearing from you. My email address is president @ and I can also be reached by phone, 803-622-0048.

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

August 2017

We are fortunate that in four short years, the Ford Motor Company produced close to 5 million Model A's. There were many improvements and new features to the New Ford over the Model T. This was especially exciting for ladies! Imagine the independence of not having to ask a man to come crank the car for you!

In July, I made a trip to the Gilmore Car Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan, home of The Model A Museum. The Model A Museum continues to get better and better. A new exhibit is being worked on at this time. An unusual and rare 1931 Model A Two Door Right Hand Drive Phaeton (Great Britain manufactured) has arrived on loan as the spotlight vehicle for the new “Model A ‘Round the World” exhibit. This exhibit will tell the story of Model A's manufactured and assembled all over the world.

On Friday, September 15, the MAFCA Board of Directors will hold the next Board meeting in the Board Room of the Gilmore Car Museum. This coincides with Model A Days at the Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan. On Saturday, September 16, all of the MAFCA Board members will be at the Museum to spend the day with members new and old. Also, on Saturday, Jim Cannon, MAFCA's 2017 Technical Director, will be presenting a seminar on troubleshooting the Model A. This should be very interesting, and all are invited to come.

I hope you have registered for the National Tour coming up next month! The Bakersfield Chapter has worked hard to provide a safe and fun tour from central California up to the San Francisco Bay area. The tour will have you driving along the beautiful coastline and through parts of the farmlands of the central valley. This is going to be a great tour and you aren't going to want to miss it! Registration material can be found on the MAFCA website (click here).

You will be receiving your membership renewal notice in the next few weeks. Please return it promptly, as you don't want to miss out on any issues of The Restorer Magazine or your other membership benefits. This year, you will not be receiving a ballot for the nominees for the Board of Directors. That is because there will be no election this year as the number of nominees equaled the number of positions to be filled. Per the MAFCA By Laws, Article 5 Section (c) (7) Waiver of Election: “If, after the close of nominations, the number of people nominated for election to the Board of Directors is not more than the number of the Directors to be elected, the Board of Directors may, without further action, declare that those nominated and qualified to be elected have been elected.” The Board declared the nominees to be elected during a conference call on June 27, 2017.

The newly elected Board members should be familiar to you, as they each have served our membership in years past. They are Alex Janke from California, Doug Clayton from California, Dan Foulk from California, and Doug Linden from Massachusetts. All of these men will be installed to the Board in December at the National Awards Banquet in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I look forward to seeing you there to celebrate their election to the Board and to honor those who have worked hard this year to promote the hobby and the Model A Ford Club of America.

I hope you will get out and take your A for a drive. It will put a smile on your face and all you pass by along the way.

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

July 2017

It is officially summer and I hope you have been out driving in your Model A. There isn't much quite as nice as taking your Model A out for an ice cream run on a pleasant summer evening. Whether you go alone or with your favorite Model A friends, you are sure to have an instant car show wherever you drive your A. I never tire of the same inevitable questions, “How fast will it go?, Where is the car show?, and Aren't you afraid something will happen to it when you drive it?” Well, we all know that the Model A will go much faster than you really want to go downhill, we just make sure our brakes are adjusted properly, and generally the answer to the next question is, “We are out for a nice drive, no car show.” But, being afraid to drive my Model A's because something might happen has never crossed my mind. I drive my Model A's because it gives me pleasure and I love to see the smiles the little cars just naturally cause to passersby.

I hope you have ordered your new Coupe book. It is a must for all Coupe owners and the serious Model A library collection. The book contains every article ever printed in The Restorer and a few that weren't. And don't forget to order our new Coupe shirt. Call the office @ 562-697-2712, the ladies will be happy to help you out with purchasing your new book and shirt. There is a discount if you order both, together.

If you don't have your July/August issue of The Restorer, it should arrive in your mailbox in the next couple of days. There is another really good article by Steve Schmauch on carburetors and a really interesting one about a very unique 4 wheel drive Model A.

I hope you have sent in your registration for the 2017 National Tour. Time is getting short and you aren't going to want to miss out on all the fun. See the Home Page of the MAFCA website for links to the forms and in-depth information.

Big plans are in the works for the 2018 Convention in Reno. Please consider going to this meeting. There will be great fun things to do and of course fabulous food! How can you have a meeting of Model A lovers without food?

Your Board of Directors will next be meeting in September. We are all looking forward to our visit to the Model A Museum, located within The Gilmore Car Museum complex in Hickory Corners, Michigan. On Friday, September 15th, the Board will meet in the Board Room of The Gilmore, beginning at 8:00 am. Then, on Saturday, the 16th, your Board of Directors will be out and about during Model A Day at the Museum festivities. Is there a better way to celebrate the Model A on International Model A Day, than at our museum? We hope to see you there!

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

June 2017

I recently came across a Ford Motor Company advertisement from a Good Housekeeping magazine, dated August 1930. It features a photo of a 1930 Roadster on a dock near the sea. Its caption was, “A joyous car for golden summer days.” It goes further to say, “Many are the delights of the Ford Roadster these golden summer days. Short the miles and pleasant because of its alert and sprightly performance, its safety and its easy-riding comfort. And what a joy it is to travel along the way with the top down, the blue sky overhead and the fresh, cool air brushing a rosy glow upon your cheeks... Many months of glorious motoring await your beckoning.” Wow, I'm sold! Let's take out our Model A's and go for a ride! Don't forget to keep track of your miles for the 100K Miles in A Day Challenge! Travel with your Chapter or on your own - you pick the day! Send your mileage to Garth Shreading, Membership Director,

The long awaited Model A Coupe Book is now available for purchase, $24.95, through the MAFCA Store and online at This book was put together by some of our most dedicated members, Alex and Ruth Janke, Les Andrews and Garth Shreading, with assistance from many others. This is a superior compilation of all of the articles ever published in The Restorer on Model A Coupes, plus some written by Les Andrews and never before published, until now! The book has a terrific introduction written by Alex Janke, which includes all of the data sheets with the original fabric, paint, and stripe combinations available on the various Coupes. This book is a must for the Model A hobbyist! It is only available from MAFCA and our vendors, order yours, today!

Over the years, the Model A Ford Club of America and your Board of Directors has been very successful in giving you, our membership the best that can be offered in the antique car hobby. Our membership is the largest of any single marque. I believe this is because we have many great membership benefits such as our award winning magazine, The Restorer. Our magazine went from a fledgling cut and paste, black and white newsletter in 1957 to a sixty-six page, full color magazine today. Published six times a year, The Restorer, features articles about the Model A Ford, news of Chapters and activities, and other interesting articles. Along with The Restorer, MAFCA's Directors, especially the Technical Director, are available to you via telephone, mail and email to answer your questions and guide you in the repair and restoration of your cars. Each year, MAFCA recognizes our members who have contributed their talents to MAFCA and the Model A hobby at the National Awards Banquet. Every even numbered year, we hold a National Convention, hosted by one or more Host Chapters in different places, gathering more than 1,000 members, and every odd numbered year, one or more Chapters host a National Tour for our members. We help to bring you together with others who have the same great love for the Model A Ford.

The Board of Directors has always been prudent in the expenditure of our membership's money, carefully investing along the way. As everyone is aware, the cost of doing business is an ever- increasing number, and we have arrived at an economic squeeze point. We have done the very best to give you the most for your dues that we could, cutting out non-essential expenditures and reducing costs of doing business where possible, yet offering great membership programs. It has been ten years since MAFCA has had a dues increase. In order to maintain and continue our great club, it is necessary to have one. Beginning with renewals for the 2018 calendar year, dues will be $50 for US membership, $60 for Mexico/Canada, and $68 for International memberships. Along with this increase, we will be including a bonus, the online edition of The Restorer with every membership. For our International members, we are offering a $50 membership for the online edition only. The online edition of The Restorer is a very valuable premium, as it is readable on your desktop and laptop computers, your tablets, and your smart phone - no matter where, around the world, you are! Up to three years, once online, will be available for your reference. Along with the First Fifty Years of

The Restorer, available on flash drive, you will have a huge digital library of Model A articles available anywhere you travel! Remember, as a member of MAFCA, you are always welcome to attend any Board of Directors meeting, whether it is held in La Habra or elsewhere. Our next meeting will be held at The Gilmore Museum, home of the Model A Ford Museum, in Hickory Corners, Michigan, on September 15th beginning at 8am. I hope to see you there!

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

May 2017

Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower. ~John Harrigan

What better way to share happiness than touring our beautiful country in your Model A with your fellow club members? As I prepare to travel with our MAFCA SIG, the Southeastern Touring Group, I am imagining all the fun and happiness we will share. We will be touring in the beautiful Bluegrass State of Kentucky near Lexington. Yes, it will be Derby Weekend, but we are hopeful that we will be visiting the sights the Derby fans will not. I am looking forward to the green rolling hills and white fences that are uniquely Kentucky. We are planning a trip to the Old Friends Retirement home of past racehorses and a lunch at the famous Daniel Boone Tavern Restaurant, operated by Berea College, while in the area.

While touring, our SIG will be keeping tabs of our mileage for the “100K in A Day” program. All members of the Southeastern Touring Group are members of MAFCA, so whichever day we choose, we will be sending in our total mileage. Remember, you choose the day, collect everyone's mileage - that means their mileage from home and back for the entire day is counted, and then send your groups' total to 100K @ Only MAFCA members' mileage is eligible for the program. If you have folks participating with your driving tours, who do not have membership in MAFCA, please encourage them to join. There is always more fun in numbers than alone!

Several years ago, the membership of MAFCA voted to change the By Laws regarding the number of terms a person could serve on the MAFCA Board successively. That change limits an elected Director to two successive terms and then is not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors for two full years. At the time, it was not seen by the membership as a problem. But, as we move forward to this year's election, we are seeing a problem with this By Law change. The problem, our members are not stepping up to help lead our great club! Folks, we need your help to keep running this club into the future. Garth Shreading, Membership Director, would love to speak with you in this regard. He can answer all of your questions about what being a Director involves, what expenses are reimbursable, and what each position is responsible for. Please call Garth, (409) 753-2564, or email him, membership @, with your questions or suggestions for nominees.

The new Coupe Book is about to go to the printer. This long awaited for compilation of all of The Restorer articles on the various Coupes will be for sale soon. I am anxiously waiting for my copy, as I have just finished restoring a 1930 Sport Coupe. I spent a great deal of time combing through the First Fifty Years of The Restorer looking for articles on Sport Coupes and this book will be of great help to me in the future. You can buy The First Fifty Years of The Restorer, a flash drive, on the club website.

In closing, this is a beautiful time of the year to take your Model A out for a drive, whether you are just going for ice cream or taking a cross country trip. Share your happiness with the world and drive your Model A! Happy Motoring, Happy Begg 2017 MAFCA President

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

April 2017

April brings many of us to that special time of year when the snow has melted, or mostly melted, and the roads are dry. Perfect time to get out there and see where your favorite car will take you!

I've been quite busy over the past couple of weeks working with my husband, John, to bring a recently acquired 1930 Sport Coupe up to my safety standards for long distance and daily driving. I've also discovered a new meaning for dirty! It is our hope to have the car in shape about the beginning of May. I hope your projects are coming along well.

Have you given some thought to running for the MAFCA Board of Directors? If you have and think you would like to share your talents with MAFCA, give Garth Shreading a call to talk it over. His phone number is 409-753-2564 and his email address is membership @ Garth has served our membership in a variety of Board positions and is in a great position to really give you the ins and outs of each office and answer questions you may have.

If you have a Model A related product to sell or a Model A business, contact Donna Lewis, MAFCA's Advertising Director, for your commercial advertising; her email is advertising @ and her phone number is 281-255-8885. What better way is there to get your message to 13,000 enthusiasts than through advertising in The Restorer and on our website?

The Bakersfield Chapter is receiving registrations for the 2017 National Tour in California. Although the route was changed due to a recent bridge wash out on the original route, they have chosen an alternate route through beautiful farmlands and vineyards for a short section of the tour. These roads are perfect for the Model A! San Simeon and Hearst Castle will still be the first stop along the Pacific Coast Highway. No matter the route, any National Tour is about our members getting together to drive their cars, together. If you have never joined in the fun of a National Tour, it is guaranteed that you will make new friends from all over the US and maybe some from outside the US and have a great time! For more information, please click on this link.

Many of us are on the Internet using Facebook. MAFCA has a growing Group Page, MAFCA - Model A Ford Club of America. This is a really good place to share your photos and stories of your adventures. It is also a great place to get the word out about your local club's swap meets, tours, and meetings. Although anyone can view the page, you must have a Facebook page and request to be a member of the page to make a post. There is no charge to join in and see what other Model A enthusiasts are up to with their cars.

The Board of Directors is available to you for any issues, concerns or other comments. We would love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me by email, president @, or by phone (803-622-0048).

Until next month - Happy Motoring…

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

March 2017

Spring arrives this month and thus for most of the country, the Model A touring season begins for 2017. I hope all of you are ready for some wonderful, fun days in your cars with your friends. There isn't a more relaxing day than driving the back roads and enjoying it from the front seat of a Model A!

Our Contact List for information and the happenings within MAFCA is growing! Are you receiving the monthly emails packed with information including activities of MAFCA Chapters, Regions, and Special Interest Groups? If you are not, send an email to Garth Shreading and he will make sure you receive them. Please know that MAFCA will never sell or share your email contact information.

The January/February and March/April Digital Editions of The Restorer have been delivered to those of you who signed up for it. If you did not sign up and would like to receive the magazine online - to take with you everywhere you take your laptop, tablet, or smart phone, call the office, 562-697-2712, and the ladies will be more than happy to assist you.

Registration for the 2017 National Tour is now open for all members. You will find links to in-depth information about the tour and registration forms on our website and in the March/April issue of The Restorer. You will not be able to download the forms from the Digital issue of The Restorer, as the magazine is not downloadable for personal use.

Each year, MAFCA seeks candidates for the Board of Directors from all over the US. Your help is needed to guide our club; and this year, there will be four vacancies. In the March/April issue of The Restorer and on the website, Running for the Board Page, you will find answers for basic questions about what being a Board member would entail. If you have more questions, please contact Garth Shreading, 2017 MAFCA Membership Director and Election Chairperson.

Of course, if you find yourself in the area where the Board will be meeting, please come and watch your Board in action! Board meetings are open to all members of MAFCA. Our next one will be held at MAFCA Headquarters in La Habra, a suburb of Los Angeles on Friday, May 12, 2017 beginning at 8:00 AM. The dates and locations for 2017 Board meetings are on the website Board Calendar page. Perhaps you could join us at the Model A Museum in September or in Oklahoma City in December.

Until next month - Happy Motoring…

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

February 2017

I hope you all are making good use of your time in the parts of the country where the weather is a bit too frigid and downright snowy for touring! I would guess that you all have begun projects to finish up prior to the robins' arrival signaling the beginning of Spring and Model A touring season.

Membership renewals continue to come in to the office. But, if this slipped your mind, please call the office at 562-697-2712 or go to the website and click “Join MAFCA” to renew. For those of you looking for your MAFCA membership cards, we experienced an error with the January/February issue of The Restorer. Unfortunately, the cards were not inserted. Please look for them in the March/April issue. When you do have your membership cards in hand, you can find your membership number on the protective plastic wrap just above your name and address. Be sure to write your number on your card for future reference.

Did you know that there is now a Model A Club in a US high school? The Santa Anita A's helped the Pasadena (California) High School form a Chapter of MAFCA. They have a wonderful video that can be found on the MAFCA YouTube channel. The Pasadena Club has over 100 members! This is a great way to get young people involved with our fun hobby.

Has your Chapter talked about taking part with our newest fun mileage challenge? The challenge is to see if we, as a club can drive 100,000 miles in any one day. Your Chapter chooses the day! If you are not a member of a MAFCA Chapter, you can still participate on your own. For more information, click here.

MAFCA has been using an online email service to keep folks informed of all the great happenings. Are you receiving our email blasts? If not, send an email to Garth Shreading, his address is membership @ and he will make sure you are on the list. Please know that MAFCA will never sell or distribute any of your personal information.

I hope you are talking with your touring friends about participating in the upcoming National Tour of the California Coastline; it will be the last week in September. The Bakersfield Chapter has a great tour planned. Registration materials will be available in the March/April issue of The Restorer.

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

January 2017

It is with great pleasure that I will begin 2017 and MAFCA's 60th Anniversary year as your President. I thank the MAFCA Board for their confidence in me. The 2017 Board is made up of people who live not only on both coasts of the country, specifically California, Maine, and South Carolina, but also in Illinois and Texas, through the center of the United States. It's good to see Garth Shreading, from Texas, and Jay McCord, from Southern California, reelected for an additional 2 years. Jim Cannon, from Houston, is a returning Board member, having served the membership as Technical Director in 2014 and 2015. Kay Lee is from Illinois, and David White is from Maine, and they join the MAFCA Board for the first time. All are very enthusiastic about serving you, the MAFCA membership, in 2017!

I want to thank Alex Janke for serving the Board and the membership as the 2016 President. Under his leadership, MAFCA continued the path set forth by 56 previous Presidents, growing and expanding the breadth of the Club. Trudy Vestal, Dave Bockman, and Mark Smith are leaving the Board with the installation of the 2017 Board, as their terms have expired. Trudy, Dave and Mark share a passion for MAFCA; they believe in this organization, and have helped to motivate, affect change and improve our club. I hope their time and experiences, while serving the membership on the Board, will be remembered with great fondness.

The Board held the election of 2017 Officers and Directors on December 6, 2016. In 2017, David White will serve as MAFCA's Vice President. Please email David ( if you are interested in hosting a national event in the future. Kay Lee will be serving as Secretary and Alex Janke will be serving as Treasurer. The Directors elected were: Technical Director is Jim Cannon, Membership Director is Garth Shreading, Chapter Coordinator is Jay McCord, Advertising Director is Donna Lewis, and Publications Director is Doug Clayton. Please do not hesitate to contact any of these folks with your comments, concerns, or questions.

The National Awards Banquet was great fun in Reno! Jack Middleton and the Sagebrush Chapter really executed a wonderful event for the membership! Whether one went on the planned excursions around the area, enjoyed the luxurious spa in the hotel, or tried one's luck with the slot machines, there was something fun for everyone. The January/February issue of The Restorer has a complete write up, including pictures, of the event. I hope you will join us at a National Awards Banquet in the future.

I am looking forward to 2017 and the planned national events. We have a new Chapter driving program, the 2017 National Tour of the California Coast, and celebrating with the Sooner Chapter their 50th anniversary at the National Awards Banquet in Oklahoma City. Won't you join in the fun?

On the Members Only page of our website, you will find a link to access a very good Member Handbook developed by the Beaver Chapter. They have generously shared this with the entire MAFCA membership. Take a look; it contains their proven methods of retaining and recruiting new members for your Chapter.

Please remember that MAFCA is your club. If there is anything Model A related you want to talk about, suggestions to help make MAFCA a better club, please contact me or one of the Board members. I can be reached at president @ or by phone 803-622-0048. I look forward to hearing from you!

Happy Begg
2017 MAFCA President

top of page

[Red Line]

December 2016


This is my final web column as your president and I would like to thank the membership and the Board for all the help and support I have received throughout the year. It has been my honor to serve.

The National Awards Banquet in Reno will be taking place soon and the newly elected directors will be installed. We will announce positions for next year on the web as soon as they are known. We have a number of members receiving awards this year and they are all very well deserved.

At the National Convention we had a great session where we talked about the future of MAFCA and how to build our membership / chapters. In previous columns I have included some of the suggestions. The following are ideas received from individual chapters:

Most communities have local car club events or small car shows. These are often hosted by a local restaurant, business or a charity. The event provides an opportunity to meet others interested in the car hobby and offers a good chance to talk to people who are interested, but do not have a car of their own. These are ideal candidates for the hobby. They may not know how reasonable it is to own a Model A Ford or how much fun it is to drive one. Here is a chance to showcase your chapter and the hobby.

Many chapters have a “business card” prepared for their club. It typically provides contact information on one side and a map to the meeting location on the back. These are great to hand out to interested people as a way of inviting them to attend a chapter meeting. All members can carry a few in their wallet or purse and the cost to produce them is minimal.

There are modified Model A's out there in the community. Some chapters encourage them to join and are accepting of these cars as something that appeals to a wider audience. While it may be a “hot rod” it started life as a Model A and still has many of the characteristics. It is an idea for chapter consideration.

Chapters often set their calendar for the year with such things as pot luck suppers, ice-cream socials, special tours, 4th of July parade, etc. This practice allows those interested in the Model A to know and plan to attend a club meeting or view a tour / parade. Developing a planning calendar and publicizing it helps attract new members.

Social media is where the youth of today are found. MAFCA is on Facebook and local chapters should consider being on the various forms of social media. This will help younger members find you and shares the joy of Model A ownership with a wide audience. Consider expanding the club into social media.

There are hundreds of ideas out there for improving chapters and membership. We know there are lots of cars. I think the real key is getting motivated and becoming active in your local area letting people know about the Model A Ford and how much fun it is owning / driving one.

The Model A Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards were delayed at the printer but are finally being produced. We will ship them to folks upon receipt in the office. It has been a major undertaking lasting almost 12 years. We have all been frustrated by the amount of time it has taken, but the final product is really amazing and worth the wait.

Thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to serve as your president. I wish you all Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year. Stay healthy, keep your Model A on the road, and I will see you along the way.

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

November 2016

MAFCA had a successful visit to Hershey again this year. Many members stopped by to say hello or attend a seminar or renew their membership. By the way, remember to renew by December 31 to avoid the $5 late fee. The crowd was smaller this year than previous years, probably due to the hurricane impacting a significant portion of the Southeast.

It is only a month until our National Awards Banquet in Reno, December 5 through 8. I hope to see you there!

A member of our local chapter was over this week and while working on his car, he complained about the club. He has been a member for several years and said it was too cliquish.
So I asked him what he had done for the club.
He looked at me and said, “What do you mean?”
So I asked, “Have you ever lead a tour?”
"Well, No”.
“Have you volunteered to hold an office?”
"Well, No”.
“When did you last go on a tour?”
“A couple of months ago”
So who are the people you think are in this clique?"
He named off a group of folks.

Every one in that group has served as a chapter officer and lead multiple tours and shows up regularly for all tours in other words those who participate. My point is if you join a chapter – JOIN the chapter. You will have more fun and get to know everyone. Chapters help folks get their cars running and keep them on the road, but the real fun is the fellowship. Join your chapter by volunteering your time and talents.

Two great Christmas ideas! The latest revision to the Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards is at the printer and will be shipping soon. It makes a great present. We are also pleased to offer the First 50 Years of The Restorer Magazine on a flash drive. If you have always wanted a complete collection of The Restorer Magazine, this is your opportunity.

There is still time to order MAFCA Christmas Cards to send out to family and friends, plus we have a great selection of wearing apparel and publications. Take a look at our web store or call the office. Your Board of Directors is dedicated to serving our membership. Please contact us with your ideas and concerns. I can be reached at and I will respond.

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

October 2016

The Board of Directors had a very successful meeting in Michigan. Our advertising policy was streamlined and a new driving program was adopted for 2017. Watch The Restorer and MAFCA updates for “100,000 Miles in a Day.” I know you and your chapter will want to join in the fun.

The Board also attended Model A Day at the Model A Museum in Hickory Corners. We gained almost 70 new members and spread the word about MAFCA. The Model A Ford Foundation, Inc. (MAFFI) has done an amazing job with the museum, new exhibits, and constantly expanding information is available to all visitors. It started off with a little rain but soon cleared up and turned into a gorgeous day. Approximately 500 people and 150 Model A's were in attendance for the swap meet, seminars, and viewing the museums at the Gilmore. Four new inductees to the Model A Hall of Fame were announced including Art Miller, one of the founders of MAFCA. The others inducted were Clarence Avery, William Hall, and Kirke R. Wilson (K.R. Wilson).

If you are not already a member of MAFFI, I urge you to look at their website ( and join. This is a not-for-profit charity dedicated to the Model A Ford and its history. While the initial museum has been constructed, additional resources are needed to keep it in perpetuity and for possible expansion. MAFFI has a large collection of vehicles but cannot display them all at once. Membership in MAFFI will keep our hobby alive for future generations.

Friday evening, MAFFI presented a program on “Around the World in Model ‘A' Fords,” the story of four cars traveling around the world in 1982. The remastered DVD narrated by one of the original travelers was funny and amazing – talk about adventure. The 1930 Coupe from the trip is now on display in the Museum and Bruce Davis, former MAFCA President and participant in that tour, was on hand to answer questions. If you have the opportunity to see the DVD, by all means do, I am sure you will enjoy it. MAFFI is also selling Diane Davis' book, “Passports to Adventure” which chronicles the Around the World Drive.

MAFCA will be a Hershey again this year. Look for our balloon and stop by for a visit and to see our latest merchandise. It will also be a good chance to renew your membership if you have not already done so. Please remember to renew by December 31 to avoid the late renewal fee.

This year is moving fast. The next meeting of the Board will be in Reno, Nevada at the National Awards Banquet December 5 through 8. I hope to see you there! Your Board of Directors is dedicated to serving our membership. Please contact us with your ideas and concerns. I can be reached at president @ and I will respond.

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

September 2016

International Model A Day is September 10th, don't forget to drive your “A” on a tour, to the grocery store, or around the block. The idea is it to get them all on the road. The weather has been strange across the country with flooding, excessive heat, and wildfires. I hope all of you are safe and getting to enjoy your Model A's in spite of these challenges.

Membership renewal and ballots are coming in. If you haven't already sent in your ballot, please do so as everyone's opinion counts. Ballots must be received by October 15 to be counted, and they will be counted on October 22. We will post the results on the website as soon as they are available.

The Model A Ford Club of America (MAFCA) Board of Directors will hold its next meeting at the Kalamazoo Four Points Sheraton Hotel on Friday, September 16th beginning at 8 AM. The Board would be pleased to have local Model A hobbyists attend as they conduct the business of MAFCA. The Four Points Sheraton is located at 3600 E Cork St., Kalamazoo, MI 49001.

Saturday, September 17th is Model A Day at the Gilmore Museum. It will be a great all day event with seminars, a swap meet, and of course Model A fellowship. Several hundred Model A's attend. The Board will be there and we look forward to seeing and talking with our members.

We are receiving a great response to the digital Restorer along with the hard copy. It seems many of you want the magazine with you and on your computer. We currently plan to keep issues on line for three years, so ultimately there will be 18 issues available for viewing. The number on line may change overtime.

Christmas Cards are selling well and the pre-orders of the Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards Revision 4 are coming in. Delivery is currently planned for October. The Shop Drawings are also very popular. Our newest book, The Fashion Files is also available. This book is 202 color pages and is a collection of Era Fashion Articles written by MAFCA members over the years. We selected the very best and assembled them in a single volume – order soon. By the way guys, The Fashion Files makes a great Christmas present.

This year seems to be flying by and the National Awards Banquet in Reno is only three months away. Registrations are coming in for the event on December 5 thru 8. I urge you to attend, as the banquets are always fun and relaxing. Reno, Nevada has excellent weather this time of year. Reno is located just east of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range and offers spectacular views. Our website has more information and registration forms

The entire Board of Directors is dedicated to our membership and providing the best possible service to our hobby. Please contact us with your ideas, concerns, complaints, and praise. I can be reached at president @ and I will respond. Hope to see you on the road soon.

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

August 2016

Touring is in full swing and I hope you are getting out on the road with your Model A. The weather has been pretty hot in many parts of the country, but I don't expect it slows us down too much.

Membership renewal notices go into the mail this month along with ballots for the election of your Board of Directors. There are five positions open this year and seven candidates, so your vote is very important. Help shape the future of MAFCA by voting! You must return your ballot by October 15 to be counted, so return it early!

We are also offering the opportunity to receive a digital copy of The Restorer along with the hard copy for only $5 more. Dues remain unchanged at $40, but if you want the extra digital copy it is just a few dollars more and gives you the ability to access the magazine on any of your Wi-Fi enable devices. Please return your renewal by December 31, 2016 to avoid the late fee.

Revision 4 to the Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards will soon be available. You may begin pre-ordering with the information in the renewal notices. We are also pleased to offer a new Christmas Card for members featuring the artwork from the 1989 cover of The Restorer created by famed artist Norm Sears. Order now, as the holidays will be here before you know it. The renewal packet also contains an order blank for all MAFCA products. They make great Christmas gifts, so plan ahead.

The Board meets in Kalamazoo Michigan on September 15 and then will be at Model A Day at the Museum in Hickory Corners. The meeting will be at the Sheraton Four Point hotel and all are welcome. We all look forward to seeing members at Model A Day as well.

Signups for the National Awards Banquet in Reno, Nevada on December 5 to 8 are flowing in. It promises to be a fun filled event and I hope you will plan to attend. National Awards Banquets are relaxing opportunities to meet with fellow Model A'ers and enjoy a different part of the country without some of the pressures of larger events. Reno usually enjoys great weather this time of year and backs up to the majestic Sierra Nevada Mountains. Take a look at our website for more information and registration forms.

Please keep contacting the Board and sharing your ideas with us through emails and phone calls. Help us provide you the best possible service and planning for the future. I can be reached at president @ and I will respond. Hope to see you on the road soon. Alex

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

July 2016

The 2016 MAFCA Nation Convention is now history and what a spectacular event. The Colorado Model A Club and Chairman Bob Beers went to extra lengths to make sure all had a fun time. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to talk with many members who shared their ideas on how to make our club better.

The topic of involving more young people in the hobby generated a lot of discussion and many ideas. Our Chapter Coordinator Trudy Vestal will be sharing them with chapters. Among the ideas discussed were:

There were many more ideas. We also talked about expanding our chapter membership. Do you know how many people are MAFCA members in your chapter? Encourage those who are not members to join and enjoy the benefits.

The Ford Motor Company estimates there are more than 1,000,000 Model A Fords still out there in garages and barns. That means there are thousands of Model A owners who are not members of local clubs or MAFCA. Take your car to the local car events such as “hot Thursday nights at a pizza place” or similar activity. Virtually every town in America has such events. It is a good opportunity to meet fellow automobile enthusiasts, and talk about the Model A. When you see a Model A you don't recognize, seek out the owner, talk with them, and invite them to a chapter meeting. There are countless other ways you can promote the hobby. We all just need to get proactive.

You may have heard that the 2017 National Tour to the North West has been canceled. The truth is the Chapter that was planning on hosting it has regretfully withdrawn its support and the chairperson has resigned. There are however, three different groups who have stepped forward to lead a National Tour. More information will be shared once some specifics are decided. We know that National Tours are one of the best things going for members where they get together, drive their cars with no meetings, etc. Just a fun time with fellow Model A'ers. We will have a 2017 National Tour on the West Coast.

Next year, members will have an option to receive a digital copy of The Restorer as well as the hard copy magazine. We know there are many who would enjoy having The Restorer on their devices and will be able to respond to that need. We hope to have additional digital options next year as well.

The National Convention had over 580 registrations; there were people from 38 states and 4 countries. Our international members added a lot of fun and humor. While we don't have an exact count, there were well over 400 Model A's at the meet. The tours were wonderful, the food delicious, and the comradely outstanding. Don't miss the next National Meet in 2018 in Reno, Nevada. Again special thanks to the Colorado Model A Club and all its members.

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

June 2016

We just returned from the Northern California Regional Group Roundup in Modesto, California. It was a fun filled three days with vehicle and fashion judging, a grand tour, numerous seminars, and of course lots of wonderful Model A fellowship. The drive to the event was also fun – part of the joy of owning a Model A Ford is driving it.

The National Convention in Loveland, Colorado takes place in just a few weeks. There were 550 registrations when I last looked. That means well over 1,000 attendees and around 500 Model A Fords – maybe more. My wife and I are excited about driving our Model A 1,500 miles to the convention and of course I am servicing the little coupe for the trip. I hope you join in the fun.

Your Board of Directors meets in Loveland and we will finalize the budget along with other actions. All attendees are invited to attend and see your Board of Directors in action. I have mentioned before the budget is getting tighter and tighter. We changed the printer for The Restorer magazine which will both save money and allow us to provide more services to our membership in the future. The world of printed publications has changed dramatically in the last 10 years with costs actually going down thanks to new technology.

There is still room for additional candidates for the Board of Directors. The application deadline is June 15th so if you are thinking about running, get you application in now. MAFCA is an organization of volunteers. Without individuals willing to serve on the National Board, there would be no MAFCA. Just as you would not have a chapter if people were not willing to serve as officers and coordinators' of local activities the same goes for MAFCA. Please consider joining the Board – it is fun and very rewarding.

Sign ups for the National Awards Banquet in Reno, Nevada on December 5 to 8 are now available. There is a short video showing you some of the highlights for this event. Take a minute to look at the video, then sign up. This is a chance to see Reno, Nevada at an ideal time of year, great weather, low room rates, and another chance for Model A fellowship.

The September meeting of the Board will take place in Hickory Corners, Michigan at the Gilmore Museum. This will be in conjunction with Model A day at the museum. It turns out several members of the Board will be there for activities at the museum, so it was more cost effective to hold the meeting there, rather than have everyone travel to MAFCA Headquarters in California. Again, we are looking for ways to hold costs down. Model A day at the Gilmore will feature seminars, special exhibits, and of course a lot of Model A vehicles and friends. If you are in the area, plan to attend, September 16 and 17, 2016.

Please keep contacting the Board with your emails and phone calls. We all enjoy talking with you and hearing your ideas and suggestions. Help us provide you the best possible service. I can be reached at president @ and I will respond.

Hope to see you on the road soon.

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

May 2016

Touring is underway in full force. Today, our chapter visited the last steam powered sawmill still cutting redwoods, the Sturgeon's Mill [it only runs twice a year and is a historical facility rather than a production one]. Just two weeks ago the Central California Regional Group hosted its annual Jamboree in Clovis, California with almost 200 registrations. Both enjoyed great weather and fun Model A driving. I know some of you are still experiencing some weather challenges, but you will soon be on the road.

Your Board of Directors met on April 23rd in La Habra and had a very successful meeting. The budget is getting tighter each year as costs rise and income remains about the same. We looked at various cost cutting ideas with the goal of providing service to members at the same level. I am optimistic we will continue to provide that level of service and even enhance it this next fiscal year.

The National Convention in Loveland, Colorado, is just about upon us. It is not too late, but you must register soon to join in the fun. June 19th to 26th is only a month and a half away.

The Board has approved four candidates for the upcoming election, but we still need more to have all positions filled for a real election. Serving on the MAFCA Board is a great way to forward the hobby and help provide future direction. We are an organization of volunteers and maybe it is your time to step forward and lead MAFCA. Please consider joining the Board.

I have been encouraged recently by several high schools around the country were groups of students are restoring Model A Fords. The Model A can teach young people the basics of automobile design and function and are fun to work on. You might look around your local area and see if you have a school interested in doing such a project!

Our Constant Contact (CC) with chapter newsletter editors is proving successful. We are receiving many positive comments from chapters. CC is an electronic mail that comes out every three to four weeks with the latest news about MAFCA and links to various resources to help editors put together newsletters. It contains information on membership, national events, upcoming publications, and a host of other items of interest.

The next meeting of the Board will take place in Loveland, Colorado as part of the National Convention. We meet on Friday, June 24 and everyone is invited. We will be approving the budget among other items.

The National Awards Banquet in Reno, Nevada on December 5 to 8 is shaping up to be a fun event with a tour to Virginia City, the National Automobile Museum (the former Harrah's collection), and some special seminars. If you have never been to Reno or Nevada this is an exceptional opportunity. The room rates at the Peppermill are very reasonable and the weather is usually very nice. Watch the video on the MAFCA website for a sample of the fun.

Please keep contacting the Board with your emails and phone calls. I enjoy talking to all of you. We are your Board and your ideas help us to provide the best possible service. You can reach me at president @ and I will respond.

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

April 2016

It is clearly touring time, although some areas of the country are receiving some wild weather. I recently injured my knee and it is taking a long time to heal now that I am older. Well, I have been getting my Model A ready for tours, and keep discovering it is getting older in places too and needs more time to repair. As an example, one of my shock absorber balls required replacement as it had gotten out of round over its 85 years of traveling down the road. As you are getting ready for tours, take the time to look all around your cars and see what may have worn out.

Registrations for the National Convention in Loveland, Colorado, June 19th to 26th are pouring in with over 330 already. Registration forms can be obtained on the Mile High A's website, or you may call the office for a copy. Don't miss out on this spectacular event – register soon.

MAFCA is still seeking candidates for the Board of Directors. A number of people have expressed interest, but there is still time. We are an organization of volunteers who love the Model A Ford hobby and wish to share the fun with others. Please consider joining the Board. Further information can be obtained from Trudy Vestal our Election Committee Chair. Trudy can be reached at

We are working on the Budget and as you can imagine keeping it balanced is a challenge. Due have remained constant for 10 years, but costs continue to climb. Fortunately, our membership remains strong so no increases are anticipated this year and we are looking at ways to reduce costs wherever possible while continuing services to our membership.

The final revision to the Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards is getting very close. The dedicated volunteers working on this project spend at least 10 hours a week on it, trying to get the best possible photographs to aid in restoration. All text has been completed and we are only lacking a few photographs before it goes to the editor.

The Judging Standards Committee is planning on presenting seminars to highlight the changes incorporated in the new RG&JS. They will be offering this at the National Meet and as some regionals as well.

I enjoy the various emails and phone calls I receive from members. You often have great ideas we did not think of and I always learn something new. The Board serves you, the membership. We want to hear from you so we can do the best job possible. Please feel free to contact me or any of the Directors with your ideas and suggestions.

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

March 2016

Spring is just around the corner and Chapters across the country are planning tours, picnics, and activities. My own calendar is filling up with local, regional and national events beginning next month. It also means time in the garage preparing the car for touring – lubrication, tire pressure, and safety checks.

The MAFCA store features a New Magnetic Reflector; it significantly increases visibility at night and lets you proudly display your membership. They are 10” x 12” and will not scratch paint. These are very popular items, so order one soon for the touring season.

Preparations for the National Convention in Loveland, Colorado, June 19th to 26th are continuing. Registrations are coming in at a good pace for what promises to be a great event in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Forms were included in the January / February issue of The Restorer or can be obtained at or you may call the office for a copy.

We recently introduced Constant Contact with MAFCA for Chapter Newsletter editors and others. This feature provides information approximately once every three weeks about upcoming events, articles of interest, clip art, and other tools to assist newsletter editors. Thanks to Directors Happy Begg, Trudy Vestal, and Jay McCord who created the MAFCA Digital News for us.

MAFCA is seeking candidates for the Board of Directors from across the nation. We need dedicated volunteers to help MAFCA grow. Please look at our website's Running for the Board page to get answers to basic questions. Further information can be obtained from Trudy Vestal our Chapter Coordinator and Election Committee Chair. Trudy can be reached at ChapterCoordinator @

As you are planning the touring year, don't forget the National Awards Banquet in Reno, Nevada in December. The Banquet includes the National Automobile Museum, Christmas in the Comstock in Virginia City, and of course fabulous Reno plus much more. The Sagebrush A's have arranged a special hotel rate. Registration forms will be in the July / August issue of The Restorer; watch for them.

The 2016 Board is your Board and serves you, the membership. We want to hear from you so we can do the best job possible. Please feel free to contact me or any of the Directors with your ideas and suggestions.

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

February 2016

I apologize for being a few days late in getting this out to the membership. However, the 2016 Board of Directors held its first meeting on Saturday, February 6 and I thought it important to report to you from the meeting.

Our good friend Bill Henderson has resigned from the Board for personal reasons. We will miss him and his input and wish him all the best. Bill has been replaced by Donna Lewis from Texas, who will serve as Advertising Director. Donna is a past MAFCA President, was instrumental in getting the Model A Ford Foundation Incorporated (MAFFI) started and is well known in the Model A hobby, her return to the Board will be a great asset to MAFCA and the membership.

The United States Post Office has significantly increased it rates for 2016. The average is 50 cents to 75 cents more per priority mail item. This means when you order items the cost of mailing will go up. MAFCA charges the exact cost of shipping to members and we try to keep it as low as possible. So if you see an increase in charges it was the post office and not MAFCA. The office will use “media” mail when possible at your request. Anything with advertising in it does not qualify for “media” mail, so it is somewhat limited and it takes longer to receive, but it may be an option. As the office when you order.

If you have ever considered serving on the MAFCA Board, now would be a good time to get you candidacy submitted. There will be five vacancies on the Board this year so it is a wide open field. We need dedicated volunteers from all areas of the country to help MAFCA grow. Please look at our website at to get answers to your basic questions.

The Board spent considerable time exploring digital options for MAFCA's publications. In today's world and increasing portion of America gets is news and information in electronic form on a variety of devices – computers, cell phones, tablets, etc. This trend is going, so MAFCA is planning options for our members. We hope to introduce an option to receive a digital copy of The Restorer early next year. Don't worry, we will always provide the hard copy as well. Many of us love to sit down in our chairs and read the magazine from cover to cover enjoying the articles and great photographs – that will not change.

The 2016 Board is dedicated to serving the membership and carefully stewarding MAFCA resources. The club remains healthy. There will be at least two new publications this year – the long awaited Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards will be available by the National Convention as will a new Fashion Book in full color!

MAFCA asks for your email address on various forms. We NEVER sell or share member's information. We hate spam as much as you do. Email does let us communicate with chapters and newsletter editors faster and timelier. The Restorer only comes out every two months. Email can let you know about activities almost immediately.

We are developing the budget for the next FY and making every effort to contain costs and maintain / improve services. Please contact me or any of the Directors with your ideas and suggestions on how to improve MAFCA and our service to members.

I hope to see you on the road.

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

January 2016

I am deeply honored to serve as MAFCA President for 2016. Garth Shreading, 2015 MAFCA President and the 2015 Board of Directors did an exceptional job. Our club is strong and active.

2016 will be a challenging year in many areas. For some time MAFCA has been struggling on how to best enter the digital age. Many of our chapters send out their newsletters digitally, and the trend is growing. There are some exceptional Model A websites available with a lot of great information on our cars. There will always be a demand for printed media but many magazines also offer electronic versions as well that can be viewed on tablets, computers, phones, Kindles, and other devices. Likewise numerous books are available electronically. This year we plan to explore the alternatives on how best to meet the needs of our current and future membership. If you have ideas or opinion in this area I would love to hear them.

The office has recently received a few requests for receipts for membership renewals. Normally your credit card or check receipt should suffice. MAFCA is a not for profit organization, but not a 501 (c)3 charity so your dues are not usually tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor if you have questions in this area.

The National Convention in Loveland, Colorado promises to be a spectacular event. The current issue of The Restorer contains detailed information and the registration form. You will want to register early to ensure a slot in all the wonderful activities. Driving your Model A to the Rocky Mountains will be a real treat.

The long awaited Revision 4 to the Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards is currently with the editor and will be coming out this spring. It represents thousands of hours of work by many dedicated individuals and will bring a lot of needed information to the hobby.

The Board of Directors serves the membership. If you have issues, concerns, or other comments please let us know. The recently published Tudor Book was a response to member requests and we are working on a Coupe Book. Please feel free to contact me by email [] or phone [925-689-0859] at any time.

I hope to see you on the road.

Alex Janke
2016 MAFCA President

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[Red Line]

December 2015


Happy Holiday Season, It is hard to believe another year has flown by, 2015 seems to have just started and now I find myself writing my last President’s column.

What a great year 2015 while at the same time a sad year. The year began last December with our National Awards Banquet in Little Rock, AR hosted by the 50th Anniversary A’s. That was followed by a spectacular national tour in Maine, Lobsters and Lighthouses sponsored by the Pine Tree A’s. As I write this I am preparing to leave for Medford, OR for the 2015 National Awards Banquet which is being hosted by the Rouge Valley A’s, Henry’s Lady and Sis-Q A’s chapters. Each chapter and the members who donated their time should be proud of the service they did. All have contributed to a great year.

On a sad note we started 2015 with Jerry Wilhelm on the board but Jerry became ill and had to resign because of his health. This was followed by the passing of Jill Sullins. Both Jill and Jerry brought years of experience and knowledge and MAFCA is indebted to their service. We also lost a bit of history with the passing of Jim Ryner, one of MAFCA’s early pioneers.

Each year, the club grows a little older and somewhat slower but so far we have done a pretty good job maintaining our membership numbers. The biggest challenge ahead will be continuing to maintain a healthy and thriving club. Many chapters are flourishing, some are holding on and others aren't doing very well. Our challenge is to find ways to reach the new Model A’ers, helping them to make their choice to be part of us. A couple things I have noticed about growing chapters are they offer many activities and events and spend considerable effort on their newsletters. I encourage all chapters to offer at least one monthly activity besides the regular meeting and be creative when it comes to the newsletter. When holding a meeting make it relevant, have classes and seminars but mostly make it fun.

In closing I want to thank the office staff, Sandra, Brenda and Juanita for all you do. The three of you make our job as directors much easier. Our editor, Jim Spawn and webmaster, Rick Black, thank you. I know your jobs are not easy and you do the hobby proud. To the Judging Standards Committee, The Restorers Class Committee, Era Fashion Committee, the sitting Publications Committee and Sherry Winkinhofer , our A World editor, all should be proud of the work you do, thank you.

Have a great Holiday Season

Garth Shreading
2015 MAFCA President

November 2015

Another year is beginning to wind down, and the 2015 MAFCA election is over. I'm not sure if the number of ballots being cast was this year was the highest in our history but it certainly was one the highest ever. Thank you for taking the time to cast your votes and I'm optimistic that those elected will chip in to make MAFCA better and stronger. The results were Happy Begg, Doug Clayton, Bill Henderson and Alex Janke. Congratulations all.

I'm pleased to announce that in 2015, we will be providing new MAFCA membership program meant to help support chapter growth. People never having been a MAFCA member before can buy the first year and receive the second year free. Keep an eye out in your chapter mail for information. Chapters are encouraged to pass the applications out your new members.

Your chapter should soon be receiving the annual renewal form. It is important that it be filled out and returned as soon as possible. While no fees are charged to be a MAFCA chapter, there is a late processing fee if not received returned by February 28. New this year is information required by our insurance carrier. We must know the total number of members in each chapter and how many are MAFCA members. Please take the time to accurately fill these important documents out.

Just in time for the holidays, MAFCA has a few new items available that make great gifts. The Tudor book is out and is ready to be shipped. We have a new Christmas card that can be ordered for the Holiday Season. We also have a limited supply of Model A themed coasters. Many of the scenic photos were taken along our National Tours. Check them out in the November/December Restorer.

Garth Shreading
2015 MAFCA President

October 2015

I'm writing this from Hershey Pennsylvania. I'm here for the AACA Fall Meet. After 3 days of traveling here which allowed us time to visit with with some great MAFCA friends,I must say I think I need a day to recoup before I begin the job here. But, I am looking forward to the next few days. MAFCA has a history of being here and it's a great way to stay in touch with our east coast friends.

As the year winds down, I want to remind you to get your registration in for the National Awards Banquet this December in Medford, OR. These are always great events, they are low key and allow our members the chance to get to know many of MAFCA's leaders as well as have local "experts" act as tour guides.

The 2016 National Convention in Colorado looks to be one of those Not-To-Miss times. I've looked at the schedule of activities and it looks to be shaping up as an outstanding event. I hope you and your chapter are making plans for being there.

It seems each fall I'm reminded that our biggest challenge ahead will be maintaining a healthy, thriving club in the years to come. Potential members are out there, but how do we reach them? Many chapters are thriving and growing, some are holding on and others, well… Our challenge is to find ways to reach these new Model A’ers, helping them to make their choice to be part of us. Over the years I have noticed the clubs that are growing are the ones with many regular events. Events where others can see and enjoy the Model A. These cars and the events are our best advertising. So get the car out and on the road.

I’d like to thank Alex and Ruth Janke and Les Andrews for their hard work developing our new book, The Tudor. To accomplish this, past Restorer magazines have to be reviewed, articles chosen and then both the text and photos have to be scanned, edited, corrected and formatted to bring a project such as this to you. It takes countless hours and all is done as a service to MAFCA and the hobby. Thank you for everything.

Garth Shreading
2015 MAFCA President

September 2015

I walked out the other morning, and for the first time in months, the temperature had dropped below 72, a sure sign that fall is right around the corner. Fall is my favorite time of year, cool mornings and warm afternoons make for a great time in your Model A.

September is home to the International Model A Day. This year's date is September 19. I encourage all chapters and Model A owners to get their Model A washed and polished and out on the road to celebrate these great cars. They bring fond memories to those having lived in its era and a smile to those younger people.

MAFCA's election of directors is now going on, by now you should have received the ballot along with your 2016 membership renewal form. I know most of those running and must say what a great group to choose from. It is very helpful to the office staff when both the ballots and renewals are returned early so we get these in as soon as possible.

October 7-10, MAFCA will be at Hershey. We are moving to a better location and the new spot will be on the Chocolate Field Row CF 78-83. This year, Alex Janke will be presenting seminars daily at 10 am and 1 pm and you will have an opportunity to meet Technical Director Jim Cannon and me. Come on by, we'd love to meet you, kick a few tires and learn something from Alex's seminar.

Now is the time to begin planning your trip to both the National Awards Banquet and National Convention. The Awards Banquet is December 2-5 in Medford Oregon and the convention is June 19-24 in Loveland Colorado. Hotel reservations are now able to be made for both events. Check out the information on the future events page of the website.

I am deeply saddened to report that Director Jill Sullins passed away August 25. This December would have finalized her 8th year as a director of MAFCA. Jill was dedicated to our hobby and especially MAFCA. Besides the more visible services she did, Jill worked tirelessly behind the scene. She was instrumental in the beginning of our National Tour Program, chairing or contributing her expertise to national events and local events. I routinely called her to get advice, something she was never shy of sharing. Always being forthright and honest, I will greatly miss her. My thoughts go to her husband Garland and her two sons..

Garth Shreading
2015 MAFCA President

August 2015

Fall brings great Model A weather and it's also brings MAFCA's election. You will soon be receiving your ballot for election of MAFCA directors. Please take some time to read their bios in Sep/Oct Restorer or here at and return the ballot. In your ballot envelope, you will also find next year's membership renewal form. It really is helpful when our members return these as early as possible. Many don't realize that returning them in a timely manner can save MAFCA hundreds of dollars.

Tire kicking is always a great way to spend some quality time with friends and National Tours, Awards Banquets, and Conventions offer a great opportunity to do just that. Coming this December 2-5 is the National Awards Banquet in Medford, Oregon, followed by our National Convention in Loveland, Colorado June 19-24, 2016, and then September 10-17, 2017, the National Tour in the Pacific Northwest. Why not grab a few chapter friends and be part of one or all?

MAFCA's postage budget is a whopping $49,500 and this does not include mailing The Restorer magazine. In an effort to cut operating costs, we are looking at using email as much as possible. Therefore, it is important that the office have all of our chapters' correct contact information, including email for the chapter presidents and newsletter editors. Please send an email with those contacts to This year, in order to help lower costs we will be doing our first mailing of chapter renewal forms via email where possible. By returning them as soon as possible it helps keep these expenses to a minimum. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

I recently returned from a long Board of Directors meeting. Among the topics discussed was a chapter support program in which new members to your chapter may be eligible to receive a discounted membership to MAFCA. Watch for coming details on this in future Restorer magazines.

This October MAFCA will be introducing a new book on the Tudor. This book brings the best Restorer articles on the Tudor into one place. I want to thank Les Andrews and Alex Janke for their hard work in putting this book together. We are also offering a new Christmas card showing a Christmas scene and a Model A. This image was on the cover of the 1974 Nov/Dec Restorer and done by Patti Reader. I'm looking forward to getting my holiday mailing out early. Also available will be a new set of coasters show casing the Model A. Many photos were taken MAFCA National Tours. These make a great Holiday gift idea but be warned, there is a limited supply so order early. Watch for details in the Sep/Oct Restorer and on the web.

For those going to Hershey this year, our booth will be moving to a new location so look for our balloon and check out the ad in Sep/Oct Restorer or here at for our booth number. For those going to Hershey this year, our booth will be moving to a new location so look for our balloon and check out the ad in Sep/Oct Restorer or here at for our booth number.

Garth Shreading
2015 MAFCA President

July 2015

In my part of Texas, July is always hot and humid with a few nights of fireworks igniting the night sky. While I don't care for the weather, I do enjoy the nighttime displays as we celebrate America's birthday. I hope you have a safe 4th of July.

While on the subject of nations, I recently received a package of information from MAFCA 50 year member Jim Shaw from Oregon. Jim went to the 12th National Model A Meet in New Zealand, and from what he said and what he sent me; it looks as if it was a huge success. I have to say, our New Zealand friends like nothing better than to drive their Model A's and aren't afraid of a little dirt and dust. 155 cars took part in the event, and it looks as if everything went off wonderfully. One of these days, I'll knock off one of those bucket list things and visit our friends on the other side of the globe.

We just returned home from MAFCA's National Tour, Lobsters and Lighthouses, along the beautiful Maine coast. What a great job chairman David White and the Pine Tree A's did. Hosting an event like this brings many challenges and opinions on how to host one. From my perspective, this was one of the premiere events I have been part of. Thank you Pine Tree A's for the great job you did. Now it's time to start planning for 2017 in the Pacific Northwest. Our tour is being hosted by the Lions Gate Model A Club. With their leadership and experience, it's no doubt to be a hit.

National events such as National Tours and National Awards Banquets offer great opportunities to meet up with old friends and make new ones, many of my closest friends were made while attending a national event. Our next national event is the Awards Banquet being held December 2 through 5 in Medford, Oregon. I hope you are planning on being part of this event. For more details, check out the CALENDAR page and The Restorer magazine.

There continues to be some confusion by a few regarding chapter insurance for MAFCA chapters. Chapter insurance does not replace the need for individuals to carry their own liability insurance. It does protect the chapter and those people working on behalf of the chapter while performing duties related to the chapter. For a good description of the coverages provided please visit our insurance page.

Until next month,
Garth Shreading
2015 MAFCA President

June 2015

I write this from Niagara Falls as Janet and I are on the road traveling to the Lobsters and Lighthouses Tour. This is MAFCA's 5th National Tour and one I've been looking forward to since I first learned of it. Over the years, we have made many new friends on MAFCA National Tours and it seems many of these people keep coming back time after time. It's been interesting receiving reports from fellow travelers making their way to Maine, many turning the trip into extended vacations traveling with friends. Many of those making the journey are posting on MAFCA's Facebook. If you aren't part of MAFCA's Facebook, check it out. Besides the interesting reports of those traveling to Maine, there are many interesting tidbits from around the MAFCA world.

In the July-August issue of The Restorer is a list of chapters. If your chapter is marked delinquent, there is a problem with your annual registration and your chapter is in danger of losing its charter, which includes losing insurance benefits. Be sure to contact Jill Sullins, our Chapter Coordinator and she will help resolve the problem.

While we're on the topic, some have questioned why updated information on chapters is required annually? The insurance premium for chapter insurance is determined by the number of members in each chapter. In our immediate future, more detailed reporting requirements will implemented. So, it is important that the designated person in each chapter take the time to accurately and completely fill out the form. I'm afraid to say we will become stringent on this starting now.

Until next month,
Garth Shreading
2015 MAFCA President

May 2015

A lot has been happening around the Model A World. Our Members Only area has been received very positively, and at our recent Board meeting, we spent a considerable amount of time reviewing it. In the next few weeks we are hoping to improve and expand it with an area set aside for chapter newsletter editors, which will include readymade articles and clip art. So keep an eye out for these changes. If you have a suggestion for the site, shoot an email to our Web Liaison, Dave Bockman at

I'd like to welcome to our Judging Standards Committee Chet Wojcik, Tom Rut, Tom Jeanes who will be joining chair Steve Schmauch, current Chief Judge Fred Binkley and Doug Clayton, who will remain as a Senior Advisor. They recently had their first meeting and I read some of their goals and objectives, I'm looking forward to seeing them come to fruition. Speaking of the JSC, I'd like to personally thank outgoing members Doug Clayton (Chair of the JSC), Marco Tahtaras, Steve Schmauch, Bill Cilker, Vince Falter and Alex Janke (Chief Judge) who have for years served our hobby. As this year moves forward, Revision 4 to the Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards draws toward completion. Our goal is to have this published before fall of this year. The work these people put in is a remarkable testimony to their commitment to our hobby.

At our recent Board of Directors meeting we spent a considerable time reviewing next year's budget. Clearly things get financially tougher with each passing year, but as we now sit, things look good for another year with a balanced budget and no increase in membership dues being proposed or expected.

I'm excited to announce The Restorers Class is officially up and running. This new program of vehicle evaluation is designed to acknowledge members who use their Model A as a “driver”. This new class allows for original, era and aftermarket parts as well conveniences such as air conditioner and overdrive with no penalties. MAFCA will be implementing a training program for those wishing to become vehicle evaluators for the Restorers Class.

If your chapter wants to host this new program at an event and are willing to accommodate a training session, please contact us at

It's hard to believe that in three weeks, I'll be leaving for MAFCA's National Tour, Lobsters and Lighthouses. I have been excited about this tour since 2011 when I first heard of it. National Tours offer a great way for many members interested in the driving side of the hobby, I hope you are planning on attending.

Looking forward to spring and seeing you on the Model A Highway.

Garth Shreading
2015 MAFCA President

March 2015

It's March and for my home chapter, it's usually the beginning of our Model A season. Unfortunately, we just postponed our first tour of the year. It seems that the old groundhog may be right after all with temperatures in the 30's and 40's and rain, snow and sleet to our west, north and east . After talking to some from the northern part of the country, our temperature of 40's doesn't sound all that bad.

Things continue to go well for this year's national tour, Lobsters and Lighthouses. Registrations are very strong and like many of you, I have been looking forward to this for a few years now. If you are planning on attending don't delay registering or you may find yourself not able to go. Registration forms can be found on page 45 and 46 of the September/October Restorer or by visiting and the clicking on the “registration form” found under 2015 National Tour. Be sure to come and visit with Janet and me, we'd love to meet you.

I was saddened to learn of Marshall Lewis' death recently. I spent some time with Marshall in December and always found him a genuine champion of the Model A and MAFCA. He was a great supporter of the Model A Museum and was instrumental in making the Turlock Swap Meet what it is today. I know he will be sorely missed by his many friends in the Modesto A's.

As the economy continues to perform slowly, many car clubs around the country have found themselves with lowering membership numbers, putting a few in tough financial conditions. Fortunately for MAFCA, our membership remains stable. That being said, Jay McCord, our Membership Director has begun a new membership drive, “15,000 in 2015”. Be sure to watch for information that Jay sends out or posts on the website. Or, you may shoot him an email at members @ for additional information on how your chapter can benefit from this program.

We're always looking at ways to better serve our members and chapters. Starting this month will be a “Members Only” area on our website. This is a closed section to the general public, so to access this new area, look for logon information in the March/April Restorer magazine at the bottom of the Table of Contents page. Our goal is to regularly post new and helpful information just for our members.

For the few who have still not renewed your 2015 membership, a small mishap occurred with our printing company and the notice sent in your Restorer Magazine. It's not a big issue, just be sure your information is clearly printed on the envelopes when you return your annual membership information and dues.

Looking forward to spring and seeing you on the Model A Highway.

Garth Shreading
2015 MAFCA President

January 2015

Greetings. I wish to thank Dan Foulk, last year's President, for keeping the wheels spinning in a forward direction. A big thank you goes out to our retiring directors, Doug Linden, Chuck Cheshire and VaughnCille Weidner This year we have three new directors coming on board, Mark Smith from New Hampshire and Dave Bockman and Jay McCord from California. It's nice to see both the left and right coasts represented this year.

It seems that the holiday season has just ended and we are already tuning up, cleaning up and getting ready for a great Model A season. I sure hope you are as excited about it as I am. Each year, MAFCA offers some great opportunities for the Model A World to experience the best it has to offer. In even numbered years, it's the National Convention, with 2016's being hosted by the Mile High Chapter in beautiful Loveland Colorado. The dates are June 19-24, 2016, so write it on the calendar. Not to be outdone will be this year's exciting National Tour, Lobsters and Lighthouses, June 7-12. I've been looking forward to this one for a few years now.

National Tours are held during the odd numbered years and offer a great way for chapters to share with their friends from around the world, something unique to their area. Lobsters and Lighthouses will be MAFCA's 5th National Tour and by all accounts will be one that is heavily attended. I hope to meet you on it, so come on up and say “HI”. Each year MAFCA holds our Annual Awards Banquet. This is more than a banquet, it's a mini-convention. Less formal and much smaller than a normal convention, it provides a great way to meet new people, spend quality time with old and new friends and meet those people running this great organization. 2014's was hosted by the 50th Anniversary Model A Club in Little Rock. Sammye Harrill and her team did an outstanding job as our hosts. This year's will be December 3-5 in Medford, Oregon and our hosts will be Rogue Valley A's, Henry's Lady, and Sis-Q A's. I hope you are able to attend it.

Speaking of national events, if your chapter would like to host a National Convention, National Tour or National Awards Banquet or just want some information on hosting one, contact MAFCA Vice President Happy Begg at vp @

Hoping to see you on the road

Garth Shreading
2015 MAFCA President

top of page

[Red Line]

December 2014


Here we are in December and my time as your National President is drawing to a close. Since I have been on the board for four years, my time there is done, too. I only recently became familiar with the term ‘Deferred Maintenance' - my house and yard are crying out for it! Maybe now I'll have a little more time.

This week we will be heading out to Arkansas to attend the National Awards Banquet in Little Rock. My first trip to Arkansas was forty-nine years ago. Why do I remember it so well? It was the year after I got married. I was going to Arkansas to meet some of my wife's relatives. Many times since then we have been back and it is always enjoyable. Forty-nine years ago, the front porch was much more of a family gathering place than it is now. Thank you television and air conditioning for spoiling that! I asked my wife's cousin why everybody waved when you drove by. His answer was that they figure you are from here and left and are now back for a visit, or you have kinfolk here. He was right.

MAFCA is in good shape financially. We end this year with a slight profit. We are blessed to have an Office Manager who spends MAFCA's money like it was her own. Sandra Aguirre and her staff keep us all on the straight and narrow as a club. We don't know how lucky we are to have them.

It is not illegal for a “Not for Profit” organization to make a profit. What is required is that the profit be reinvested back into the organization. This year, we repainted the building and made the bathrooms as ADA-compliant as possible in an old building. In our case, this involved installing grab bars in the bathrooms and insuring that the toilets were the correct height to meet ADA compliancy (they already were). Most of the work was done by volunteers under the tutelage of Dave Vestal; we are much indebted to Dave for all the work he does. Last year, we installed a new air conditioner and a new front door. Our building is probably one of best maintained in the entire area. So, you can see we are reinvesting the money.

I could not begin to list all the people who have helped me this year. The nice thing about being President is there are eight other board members you can go to for advice. Thank you, Board, for being there for me! Most of all, thank you MAFCA members - you are the BEST!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at president @ My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114.

Keep 'em Crankin'
Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President

November 2014

Here it is November already. It doesn't seem possible that Christmas is next month. This year really flew by!

If you have not already registered for the 2014 National Awards Banquet in Little Rock, Arkansas, there is still time. Early registration ended the 31st of October, but registrations are still being taken at a slightly increased rate ($20 additional). If you have never been to one of these events, now is the time to go to get some better insight into how MAFCA works and all of the awards we present to our members on an annual basis. The registration materials can be accessed via a link from our website.

Your chapter will soon be receiving the annual chapter renewal form. It is important that this form be filled out to verify the club's intention to remain a MAFCA chapter. Being a MAFCA chapter has many benefits, not the least of which is the insurance that MAFCA provides. MAFCA provides Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance and General Liability Insurance for all of its chapters. This coverage is on all United States and Canadian chapters, as well as United States Territories. Although the cost of this insurance is very high, the annual cost increase slowed down some this year. Again this year, we are invoicing all chapters for $75 along with their renewal. MAFCA still picks up over half of the cost, but if we can get all chapters to contribute, we can continue to provide coverage. The coverage provided by MAFCA is a real bargain for the price and allows chapters to have coverage they might otherwise not be able to afford.

The MAFCA election results are in. The winners are: Trudy Vestal – Placerville, CA; Garth Shreading – Sour Lake, TX; Mark Smith – Melvin Village, NH; David Bockman – Visalia, CA; Jay McCord – Santa Maria, CA. All were elected to two-year terms. As is the case in any election, there were a couple of people who did not win. MAFCA thanks everyone who threw their hats into the ring and hopes that they try again next year. Winning or losing an election such as this one is many times a matter of being in the right place at the right time.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114.

Keep 'em Crankin'
Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President

October 2014

Hello from beautiful Sydney Australia. As some of you know, my wife Shelby and I were invited to attend the 23rd Australian National Model A Ford Meet in Western Australia. The meet is over now, we are on our way home, but stopped in Sydney for a short sightseeing trip before heading back.

In thinking about it the past couple of weeks, I think that we as Americans believe that we are the only ones who appreciate the Model A Ford, and the Model A hobby. I know that subconsciously I always thought of the Model A as our heritage, and that we owned it, after all, I grew up only a few miles from where Henry Ford did. Attending a meet such as I recently did in Australia made me aware that I was wrong. The Aussies love the Model A every bit as much as we do. The love for the Model A is universal, it is because of what it is, not because of where it came from.

The meet was held in Busselton, Western Australia, which is about 135 miles south of Perth. Busselton was selected because the last two Western Australia meets were held in Perth and the membership wanted a change of scenery. Busselton turned out to be an excellent choice, as there was plenty to do and the surrounding countryside is in the heart of the Australian wine country, so it provided spectacular choices. Busselton is located on the shores of the Indian Ocean, so not only did the surrounding areas provide excellent tour opportunities, there were ocean vistas to see too. One such vista being the longest wooden ocean jetty in the Southern Hemisphere, 1.8 km long.

Meets in Australia are held every two years, and are generally hosted by the various clubs around the country. Unlike our conventions here in the US, responsibility for hosting meets (they refer to them as rallies) rotates among all of the clubs, rather than being on a voluntary basis like the hosts for U.S. conventions. However, not all clubs host rallies, sometimes they are a shared responsibility, so the rotation time between rallies varies, but generally is every ten years. The last rally held in Western Australia was in 2004.

Many times over the past couple of weeks, I was asked how the Australian Rallies compare with the American Conventions. My answer to that was that I found that there were more similarities than there were differences. The Aussies do everything at their rallies that we do at conventions, and they do it with great passion. They have a welcome banquet, they judge the cars, they wear era clothing, they have raffles, they have tours, they have awards, and they have final award banquets. What is different? There are differences, but they are subtle and I don 't think they matter much, everything is done for the love of the hobby, and the Model A Ford.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114.

Keep 'em Crankin'
Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President

September 2014

Greetings from beautiful, scorching Bakersfield. I often hear comments from folks who live in cold climates that every fall they put their Model A 's to bed for the long winter. In the springtime, they wake them up and get ready for a summer of driving pleasure. It is a time of great anticipation and excitement. Having been raised in a cold climate, I know the feeling. Let me tell you, living in a place like Bakersfield isn't all sugar and spice either. In fact, we have two periods every year when we tuck our Model A 's into bed (or at least we should): winter (December and January) and summer (July and August). The net amount of Model A driving time is about the same wherever you live.

A few weeks ago I got wind of the fact that the Charter Oaks Chapter of Visalia was having an ice cream social. I conspired with some of my Bakersfield friends and we decided to crash their party. July had been so blasted hot that August had to be better, right? Wrong! When we left Bakersfield, the thermometer was bouncing off 105. Five Model A 's headed out for Visalia. We arrived two and a half hours later hot, thirsty, tired, but ready for some Haagen-Daz. Guess what - there was only one other Model A there! I thought we were going to a Model A gathering! Bakersfield people are tough! With all that said, I think next year we will leave the Model A 's at home to rest in the garage. Driving wasn't the smartest decision although the Model A 's performed magnificently. Thank you, Charter Oaks A 's, for putting up with the crazies from Bakersfield.

Well, it is MAFCA election time again and by now you should have received your ballots. This year there are seven people running for five positions. The bio 's for all are published in the September/October edition of The Restorer and are also published here on the MAFCA website. Be aware the return deadline for getting your ballots back to MAFCA headquarters is October 15. The return date requirement was inadvertently left off the ballot.

Be sure to sign up for the MAFCA National Awards Banquet in Little Rock, AK in December of this year. The registration forms are on our website as well as in the July/August edition of The Restorer. June 7-12 of 2015 will be the much anticipated Lobsters and Lighthouses National Tour in Maine. The registration materials for this will be in the September/October edition of The Restorer. Don 't delay!

Along with your ballots, you should have received your 2015 MAFCA Membership material. Please get your renewal in early. December and January are busy times for the MAFCA office and getting renewals in early helps relieve some of that. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114.

Keep 'em Crankin'
Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President

August 2014

The 2014 National Convention in Puyallup, Washington is over and as of this writing, I am still returning home. I have probably mentioned in this column before that to every National Convention that I have attended, we have driven our RV and trailered the Model A. This isn't because my Model A won't make the trip or that I am an advocate of trailering. It is because we like staying in the RV and have no way to drive the RV and the Model A at the same time. What was different this time was that we saw no Model A's on our trip to Puyallup.

Usually when traveling, we will see some Model A's driving or on trailers. It was peculiar to us. Such was not the case on the way home. One would be surprised to know what a stir a group of Model A's coming through town will make. This became apparent to me at our first stop. We were taking the back roads so we headed toward the coast for cooler and more scenic traveling. We had only traveled about 100 miles and we came upon a small RV park near the town of Gregory, WA on the Willapa River. There were only 12 spaces and all of them were on the banks of the Willapa. It was ideal, only about 20 feet from the RV to the water.

The primary business of the area was the repair of small boats up to about 50 feet. I was walking around and happened to overhear a conversation about a bunch of Model A's coming through town. The conversation was something like, “I don't know what the heck they were doing here but there were about a dozen of them and they sure were pretty." Naturally that was my clue to get involved in the conversation. I told them what they were doing in town and that I had a Model A in my trailer and would be happy to show it to them if they wanted. Later, one of them came and did look. He told me that he had a Model A in restoration stages but had pretty much lost interest until he saw all those Model A's come through town. He had never been a MAFCA member and had only heard bits and pieces about a national organization. I gave him a back issue of The Restorer and all the information I could pump into him. Hopefully we will have a new member from that area soon.

Our next stop was in the town of Long Beach, WA and I had a similar experience. In this location, it was necessary for us to unhook the trailer, which is always a royal pain. The guy in the space next to me was helping and inquired as to what was in the trailer. Again, I told him a Model A and his jaw dropped! He said, “I have one. It was my dad's - a '30 coupe." He had been a member of MAFCA at one time but had lost interest and dropped out. He had actually committed the Model A to his son but it was still in his garage. Again, another back issue of The Restorer and maybe I rekindled his interest.

The last incident was much further down the road near the town of Trinidad in Northern California. This time I had the Model A out of the trailer and was driving around. A stranger walked up and told me that he had a Model A. Again, he wasn't a member of MAFCA. My last back issue of The Restorer went to him. Throughout the return trip home we saw a lot of Model A's on the road. It made me proud. I guess the trip to Puyallup was an anomaly because we sure saw plenty of them on the way home. On our website and in the September/October issue of The Restorer are the profiles of candidates running for positions on the MAFCA Board of Directors. There are seven candidates for five open positions. Take the time to read these profiles; their authors have spent considerable time putting together the best descriptions of their qualifications. In many cases, this profile is all you are going to know about the candidate you are voting for. The important thing is that you vote. It is the best guarantee that your board represents your views about the current and future direction of MAFCA. Coming in the mail soon will be your membership renewal form and, along with it, the ballot for the election of these candidates. Please return both as soon as you can.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114.

Keep 'em Crankin'
Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President

July 2014

Insurance! With the advent of the Affordable Care Act, it's a word we hear a lot these days. What I want to discuss in this column is a very different kind of insurance, the insurance that MAFCA provides for its chapters.

MAFCA provides two policies, liability and D&O (Directors & Officers) insurance for its chapters in the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada. Liability insurance has been provided for chapters since the 1960's, chapter D&O insurance was added in 2009. It is important that you understand the insurance covers chapters and chapter leadership, it is not a substitute for your own personal insurance. The liability insurance that MAFCA provides means that if your chapter has a claim for some reason, the chapter would be represented by our insurance company. D&O insurance is provided for any chapter member performing a chapter leadership function. The amount of coverage for chapter liability insurance is two million dollars, chapter D&O insurance coverage is five million dollars. There is an additional four million dollar umbrella policy. This means that if the initial two million dollars of liability coverage is inadequate, then the umbrella policy kicks in and provides four million more of coverage.

MAFCA insurance is on chapters, and chapter leadership, not on cars, or individuals. If you are under the impression that you don't need insurance on your Model A because it is provided by MAFCA, you are wrong. If you are driving without automobile insurance, then you better get some, because you are not covered under MAFCA's policies.

Those of you in leadership positions in your chapters know that for the past three years, MAFCA has solicited chapters to share in the cost of insurance. Ten years ago chapter liability insurance cost MAFCA $3,679 annually, D&O insurance hadn't been added yet. In 2014, the cost for chapter liability insurance is $33,100, nearly a 10-fold increase. Chapter D&O insurance adds another $6,500 for a total of $39,600. In 2006, we had a lawsuit, because of that, the insurance underwriter looked more closely at our activities and determined our liability was greater than anticipated. The cost of our liability insurance jumped $11,744 in 2007, and has increased an average $2,500 annually since.

You might ask, why doesn't MAFCA get quotes from other companies? We've tried that! In January 2007, when we received our liability renewal notice, the amount was $92,000. This caused much consternation among the board. There was no way MAFCA could pay that much! It was looking like MAFCA would no longer be able to provide chapters with liability insurance, clearly an important benefit to chapters who belong to MAFCA. Chapters were told that March 1, 2007 would be the last day that MAFCA could offer liability insurance to them. If they had events scheduled after that date, they would need to provide their own insurance.

The search went out for new insurers. Approximately 25 companies were contacted and asked to provide quotes. By mid-February, we had received three quotes, the other companies could not, or did not want to insure us. The three quotes we received were $52,000, $44,000, and $38,000, still too expensive! Prolonged negotiation with one company followed, and eventually, the price of $15,432 was worked out with our current insurer, J. C. Taylor. Our insurance continued uninterrupted.

Our policy is a blanket policy. The same policy is sold to multiple organizations, the coverage is the same for all. There have been a few chapters who have requested to be dropped from MAFCA's insurance because they have their own policies. MAFCA cannot drop individual chapters. All chapters that are in countries as stated in paragraph two above are covered, if we drop any, we get into a policy customized for MAFCA, and the overall cost goes up. If your Chapter has their own insurance, you have double coverage, in the event of a claim that could be beneficial.

What I have attempted to do here is to give you a summary of the insurance that MAFCA provides for the chapters. The liability and umbrella insurance policy is 214 pages long, the D&O policy adds another 26 for a total of 240 pages. If you need further or more specific information, contact our Insurance Liaison with your questions. Additional information can be obtained from our website by reading the MAFCA policy on insurance. The policy number is P2S03. You can find it by going to the site index, and looking under “P” for policies.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at president @ My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114.

Keep 'em Crankin'
Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President

June 2014

One thing I did not anticipate when I became the MAFCA President was the number of invitations I receive. If I was able to attend everything I get invited to, I wouldn't be home enough to get things done, like writing this column or other important MAFCA functions. Most of the time, I have to turn down the invitations, since they are either geographically impossible for me to get to, I have previous plans, or sometimes are just too expensive for me to attend. I would like to go to everything I get invited to, but I just can't.

With one particular invitation though, I was able to go. Some time ago, I received an invitation from Scotty Cramolini to attend a monthly club meeting of the Ventura Model A Ford Club. We made plans to attend on May 19th. Ventura is about 150 miles from my home, so is a fairly easy drive. It also gives me a chance to drive my Model A, because it is after all, a ‘Club Function'.

Part of the fun of going to Ventura is the trip. We decided to take State Route 33 to get there. From Bakersfield, we picked up SR 33 near Taft. It is not heavily traveled from Taft to Ventura, so it makes a good Model A road. In the particular area we were traveling in, it is designated as a “Scenic Byway”. It also rises to an elevation of over 5000 feet in the Santa Ynez Mountains.

We arrived in about 4 hours, not bad over twisty mountain roads in an 86 year old pick-up truck. The people in Ventura were amazed that we had actually driven our Model A to their club meeting and especially that we drove over the mountain which is commonly called Maricopa Highway in that part of the country.

Upon arrival at Carrows Restaurant at the club meeting, we were treated like royalty. We were escorted to the head table, while “Hail to the Chief” was being played, everyone came by, shook hands, greeted us and thanked us for coming. We had a blast being at the Ventura meeting and made many new friends. Attending activities like this is what makes being MAFCA President something special, and something I will personally never forget. It also drove home something I have always known, that Model A'ers are the same everywhere, the salt of the earth, the finest there are.

Coming home from Ventura, was “Eventful”. Shelby and I decided to take the scenic route up the coast to Santa Maria, then across the Sierra Madre Mountains on SR 166 back into Kern County. We first went to Carpinteria where Shelby and I met over 50 years ago. We followed SR 192 to Santa Barbara, then took Casitas Pass Road over to Buellton. About the time we arrived in Buellton, it started to get windy and a bit cool, so I stopped and put the side-curtains on. Long story short, we were pretty well blown back into Kern County.

By the time we got to New Cuyama in Santa Barbara county, we had experienced wind, rain, and cold, the only thing it didn't do, was snow. Our little 86 year old pick-up truck took it all in stride and ran like a million bucks all the way home. We are looking forward to doing it again some time!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at president @ My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114.

Keep 'em Crankin'
Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President

May 2014

Shelby and I had not been home from the “A” Texas Spring Tour for even a week before it was time for more fun in our Model A. The Central California Regional Group (CCRG) held their annual “Jamboree” the first weekend in April. The Jamboree was hosted by the Paso Robles Model A Club and was a great success with over 170 registrations. All Jamborees are great and this one was no exception. A quote from the handout given to all attendees:

“The purpose of the CCRG is to conduct an annual regional meet. This meet, called a Jamboree, provides attendees, who may be unable to reach a MAFCA National Meet, an opportunity to exchange ideas, information, and parts for the Model A Ford car. A second purpose of the CCRG Jamboree is to provide greater opportunities for members to become better acquainted with a larger number of Model A owners. The Jamborees provide a greater scope than that of the individual clubs for greater fellowship among Chapter members. Each Jamboree also provides opportunities for attendees to drive their Model A's on tours of varying length."

The Jamborees are designed to be held over a weekend in the spring of each year. Hosting of the Jamborees is on a rotational basis. Every club takes their turn so the work is evenly distributed and your turn only happens once every 8 or 10 years. Currently, there are 10 clubs in the CCRG. Lately most Jamborees have included an optional day, usually Friday, so that additional tours can be taken if members choose to do so. Shelby and I drove our pickup to Paso Robles on Thursday afternoon over California Route 58 from Bakersfield to the coast. 58 is lightly used in that part of the state and it makes an excellent “Model A Road.” We arrived in Paso Robles without incident.

On Friday, we joined a large group of other Model A'ers and drove to the quaint coastal town of Cambria. We enjoyed driving in a little rain, drove up the coast to Ragged Point which is a beautiful place overlooking the Pacific, had lunch there (outside, the rain had stopped), then had a scenic ride back to Paso Robles. Friday night we had barbequed steak dinner provided by the CCRG. After dinner, we danced the night away to music provided by local country band musicians, Monty Mills and the Lucky Horseshoe Band.

Saturday we started the day off with a “Running Board Swap Meet,” then went on one of four offered tours to the Monty Mills Ranch (very quaint and interesting). Other tours offered were to Paso Robles antique stores, local wineries, and the Warbirds antique air museum. Shelby attended a Patti Jones seminar on era clothing that was held at the Pioneer Museum. At 5:30, the banquet started--an excellent meal. After dinner, the normal awards and hard luck stories were given out, followed up by a huge raffle of which I won NOTHING.

What I did win was the chicken from the Bakersfield Club. It seems that on the way back to Paso Robles from the banquet, my truck suddenly died (on busy Highway 101) and we found ourselves on the side of the road. It was dark, I had no flashlight, and not many people were around. Fortunately, I managed to get onto an off ramp and out of the main flow of traffic. Pretty soon another Model A'er stopped. Word traveled fast, “Hey, the President of MAFCA is broke down on the side of the road.” The second Model A on the scene took my picture, so don't be surprised if you see a bunch of pictures floating around with me under the hood! We towed the truck back to the hotel and diagnosed the problem on Sunday morning. It was a bad coil. A replacement was soon had and quickly we were on our way back to Bakersfield. A GREAT WEEKEND!

So, what is my purpose in telling you about all of this fun? MAFCA has been largely unsuccessful at getting clubs to form Regions. There are only four Regions in MAFCA: three in California and then the Northwest Region, which encompasses the Northwest and Southern Western Canada. I strongly suggest that local clubs look into forming up a Region. I can't imagine a better way to enjoy your Model A, make new friends and, in general, have a great time.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114.

Keep 'em Crankin'
Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President

April 2014

Shelby and I have been home from the “A” Texas Spring Tour for less than four days and I am ready to go again. If you are thinking that it sure was a long tour, then you need to know that the tour actually was over on the 14th of March. The rest of the time we were just driving around Texas and stopping to see relatives, etc.

It seems like every time there is one of these events, the anticipation of it is much more complicated than the actual event. For this tour, we drove our RV to Texas and trailered the Model A. We were to park in the Comal County Fairgrounds. I searched the internet to see what the RV facilities looked like in the fairgrounds but could find nothing. Looking at the map, it just wasn't clear to me. It was starting to get dark when we reached the fairgrounds and I was really concerned that I wouldn't be able to find where I was supposed to park. We drove to the address of the fairgrounds, looked to the right, and bingo! There was one other RV and all of the car haulers that people staying at the hotel had used to trailer their Model A's. We pulled in and parked…no one around. In fact, we were parked there for ten days before we were able to get to the office to pay for staying there. These Texans are very trusting people!

That evening, we called friends and they wanted us to join them for pizza. By then it was very dark and, of course, I got lost finding the pizza joint. Ended up about ten miles away and had to call to find where I was supposed to be. Driving my Model A at night (especially when I am lost) drives me crazy. My Model A is a roadster pickup and the windows are the isinglass-like type so you can't see very well out of them. We got back to the motor home and slept fitfully that night.

The next morning, we drove to the host hotel, got registered, and hung around the lobby and registration/raffle room so we could meet everyone as they came in. Sometime during the day, I mentioned that my Model A had been diagnosed with a noisy timing gear by my mechanic back in Bakersfield, but that he thought that it would be alright for the tour. I was telling this to one of the co-hosts, who happened to be James Taylor. Jimmy wanted to hear it run. After hearing it run, he said, “I wouldn't drive it. If you can find a timing gear, I can change it in less than an hour.” We found a timing gear and Jimmy changed it in 45 minutes. You meet great people on these tours! Jimmy probably fixed 8 or 10 Model A's during the next 4 days, including one clutch replacement.

Monday we drove about 105 miles--lots to see. Our stopping point was Marble Falls. I'll leave the details to the tour write-up in the July/Aug Restorer. Jimmy put new tires on Garth's car here. Tuesday we drove from Marble Falls to Fredericksburg--lots of shopping opportunities in Fredericksburg. Wednesday and Thursday nights we stayed in Kerrville where the host hotel was the very unique YO Ranch. Great farewell dinner. Drew the raffle prizes here; Shelby won a necklace, I won zip. Friday we drove back to New Braunfels on great roads all the way with very little traffic.

When we got back to the motor home on Friday, my sister came up from San Benito and parked next to us. This was the first time I had seen her in three years. The next day, my daughter, granddaughter, and granddaughter's boyfriend and his parents came to the camp and we had a good old-fashioned family reunion right there in Texas. We had a blast! In fact, the entire time spent in Texas was a blast. I heartily recommend it.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114. Keep 'em Crankin' 2014 President Dan Foulk

Keep 'em Crankin'

Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President

March 2014

The winter of 2014 is about over! I'm willing to bet there are a lot of Model A'ers out there who are very happy to hear that. This winter has certainly been one to remember, not only for our members in the mid-west and eastern parts of our country, but also here in the west where it has been relatively mild but without the rain we desperately need. One of our current board members from Boston had such a bad case of cabin fever that he and his wife packed up and headed to Turlock, CA the last week of January for the annual Turlock swap meet. Fortunately, the weather in Turlock was exceptionally good this year, so he wasn't disappointed. With the weather moderating, now is the time to start getting those Model A's ready for spring and summer driving.

Speaking of spring and summer driving, Model A's need regular maintenance. In the May/June 2010 issue of The Restorer, there was an excellent article from the Diablo A's on maintaining your Model A -- Maintenance for the Model A, by R. Accornero, B. Grady, B. Truesdale and A. Janke. Included in that article (but not printed because of space constraints) was a checklist which was subsequently published in the July/August 2010 issue of The Restorer. This checklist has been made available for download on our website If you want to get a copy, go to our website under Site Index, scroll down to DOWNLOADS, then find Maint_Ck_list_2010.pdf, click on it, and when opens, print it and bingo! You have your own personal copy. Following the recommendations in this checklist might save you a lot of grief someday when you are on tour and just a few miles from the highlight of the trip. Model A or modern, cars never breakdown when it is convenient.

At the time of this writing, Shelby and I are packing for our trip to Texas for the “A” Texas Spring Tour. With only four days left before we leave, time is getting short and the excitement is growing. We plan to stay in Texas for a week or so after the tour ends so we can visit some family who live there. Unfortunately, we can't stay too long because we have another event to attend here, which is the Central California Regional Group (CCRG) Jamboree in Paso Robles, CA beginning April 4th. So many things to see, so many places to go! We can't hope to do it all. Seems like since I became President, people want us everywhere and we would love to go, but the logistics just don't always work.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114.

Keep 'em Crankin'

Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President


February 2014

The first Board of Directors meeting for the new year is now history. There was excellent member participation, including five past presidents in the audience. Attending a board meeting from time to time is something every MAFCA member should do, as you would be surprised at the myriad of subjects the Board has on their plate to discuss during these meetings.

Planning for our future events is coming along very well, in the short term is the "A" Texas Spring Tour in March, and of course the National Convention in Puyallup in July. Registrations for both are coming along nicely. The deadline for regular registration for the “A” Texas Spring Tour is February 19, after that, the cost jumps by twenty bucks, so it behooves you to get your registration in as soon as possible.

We are always looking ahead to find venues for our events that are still a long way into the future. We currently are looking for a host organization to sponsor the 2018 National Convention. Planning for these events can take several years, so if there is a chapter out there who is thinking that they would like to give this a try, please contact our Vice President, Happy Begg at vp @

Insurance and club investments are always subjects that generate a lot of discussion at our board meetings. In 2013, our insurance costs took a giant leap, fortunately this year, not so bad, although rates did go up.

Many organizations in California self-insure their buildings in the event of an earthquake. Earthquake insurance is very expensive, and normally has such a large deductible as to make it almost not worth carrying if an earthquake does happen. MAFCA is no different, we also self-insure our building in La Habra. MAFCA maintains a fund for use to replace the building in the event it is destroyed. We have engaged the services of an architect (a volunteer, also a car guy) to give us an estimate of the current cost to replace our building. This estimate will be used to make sure that the funds that we have set aside are adequate to cover the cost of replacement. This fund belongs to the membership and the Board has a fiduciary duty to take care of that money, and to invest it as conservatively as possible, while still growing it enough to provide for the effects of inflation. We accomplish this through our careful management of the investment.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me (click on my name, below).
My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114.

Keep 'em Crankin'

Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President

top of page

January 2014

Happy New Year! I am humbled, thrilled and honored to be your President for 2014. MAFCA is a great organization with great people, I promise to do my level best to not let anyone down.

The 2013 National Awards Banquet is over, and it was a great success. The Alamo A's of San Antonio and co-chairs Rick and Marlene Richter did an outstanding job of hosting this event. The Airport Hilton of San Antonio was the host hotel, its lobby was decorated in style, with 2 Model A's, and a AA Fire Truck. The weather started out warm, but as seems to be the case with many MAFCA events turned to the extreme, which this time was very cold.

This year we have two new board members, Happy Begg from Irmo, SC is a member of the Palmetto A's and is the new Vice President. Happy and the Palmetto A's hosted the 2012 National Awards Banquet in Charleston, SC. Jim Cannon is from Spring Texas and is the new Technical Director. Jill Sullins and Jerry Wilhelm were re-elected to two year terms and will serve in the same positions as last year, Chapter Coordinator, and Advertising Director, respectively.

Our next National event will be "A" Texas Spring, a tour of the Texas Hill Country, which will be held in March of this year, co-hosted by the Alamo A's, and the Golden Triangle A's. Co-Chairs of the Texas Spring Tour are James Taylor and Garth Shreading. Much work has gone into the planning for this tour, and I especially am looking forward to it. Jimmy assures me that we will be driving on PAVED roads no wider than a Model A and that the wildflowers will be so high we won't be able to see over the top of them. Registration forms for the 2014 MAFCA National Tour are available on our website at, or you can refer back to the September/October 2013 issue of The Restorer for a hard copy.

Every other year, the excitement grows as we get ready for one of our National Conventions, and this is one of those years. The MAFCA 2014 National Convention is coming to Puyallup, Washington in July. This event has been in the planning stage every since I first joined the MAFCA board in January 2011. If planning is what does the job, then this will be a convention to remember. Thinking back to the first convention I ever attended, the 2002 Convention in Riverside, all of them have been outstanding. I really don't think there has ever been a bad MAFCA National Convention. I am particularly looking forward to going to Puyallup, because so much of the planning was done during my tenure as Vice President, and I want to see what kind of a job I did. There are already over 200 Early Bird registrations. The regular registration forms are in the January/February issue of The Restorer as well as on the MAFCA website.

I am sure this year will bring its normal share of challenges to MAFCA; insurance is and has been a growing cost and concern to MAFCA for the past few years. What I can assure you is that all decisions concerning fiscal policy will be in a conservative vein and in the best interests of our membership. A friend of mine once told me his wife called him ‘cheap', he told her ‘thank you, I consider that a complement', I've been called cheap too, and I also consider it a complement.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me (click on my name, below).
My home phone number is (661) 393-2795 and my cell phone is (661) 303-1114.

Keep 'em Crankin'

Dan Foulk
2014 MAFCA President

top of page

[Red Line]

December 2013


This is my last web column as your President. I want to thank the MAFCA membership for allowing me to serve. It has been a fun, challenging, and educational experience. I have been honored to represent you. Serving on the Board let me make new friends across the country and around the world and I hope I made a small difference to the hobby.

We accomplished a lot in 2013 with our third National Tour on the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Grand Opening of the Model A Museum at Hickory Corners; publication of an expanded Shop Drawings; digitizing of the MAFFI Upholstery book as the first step in getting it published; conclusion of the long running lawsuit; printing of a new Holiday Card; a successful, but wet Hershey; a Great National Banquet in San Antonio; obtaining contracts for future national events; and extensive planning for the 2014 National Convention.

The “business” of MAFCA ran smoothly all year, thanks to Sandra Aguirre, our wonderful Office Manager. She has kept this organization on track for over 20 years watching every expenditure, maintaining the building, managing employees, providing exceptional customer service to members, and helping the Directors stay on track. Thank you Sandra for all you do.

If you have ever considered running for the Board, I would encourage you to do so. Being on the MAFCA Board is work as well as pleasure and while there is some reimbursement for expenses, there are many out of pocket costs. However, the satisfaction that you have contributed to the hobby, the wonderful people you meet, and the activities you participate in are priceless. We always need good, talented folks with work experience to volunteer. Think about making a difference.

There are a number of people I want to thank for the success of MAFCA this year. The office team of Sandra, Brenda, and Juanita; the current Board – Dan Foulk, VaughnCille Weidner, Trudy Vestal, Jill Sullins, Chuck Christensen, Charles Cheshire, Doug Linden and Jerry Wilhelm; our amazing Webmaster, Rick Black; and our great Editor, Jim Spawn. I also want to than our Judging Standards and Era Fashion Committees – these dedicated volunteers spend hundreds of hours annually contributing to the hobby. I need to thank all the Chapters and other volunteers who plan, organize, and execute great tours, banquets, regional meets, and national events. MAFCA relies of volunteers who love the Model A Ford and the people who own them. Without all the dedicated volunteers around the world our, hobby would not exist. I also want to thank MAFFI and its Board for preserving the history and the Model A Restorer’s Club [MARC] for working so effectively with us this year.

Thanks to Al Stoll, Les Andrews, and Ron Accornero who encouraged me to run for the Board. I also want to acknowledge the past presidents and Board members who provided support, encouragement, and guidance.

Lastly, thank you to the membership. You keep these great vehicles on the road, restore them, continually discover new ways to enjoy them, and volunteer your time, talents, and resources to ensure the hobby will continue.

Have a wonderful holiday season and I hope to see you on the road.

Alex Janke
2013 MAFCA President

November 2013

Hershey is over and while it was a lot of fun, it also rained and rained. We received 14” in a day and a half. I still enjoyed seeing many of you and hope you found some good deals on those parts you have been wanting.

We have a new email address for chapters, The old address was getting a lot of spam and becoming unmanageable. You may remember we changed service providers and unfortunately spam followed the old address. Anyway, Jill will be delighted to hear from you.

We talk a lot about attracting youth to our hobby. We have some wonderful resources from the coloring book to the A-World; youth scholarships; and youth restoration awards.

The fact is not as many young people are interested in the Model A Ford. I think there are a number of reasons for this phenomenon. When I was a kid and turned 16, I was at the DMV that day to get my license, like almost everyone else. Today’s young people often do not get their licenses until they are in the late teens or early 20’s! Social networking has enabled them to be in contact with friends twenty four hours a day via computer, cell phone, or tablet. In my day, we needed a car to visit and talk with friends, today young people can visit virtually.

We all know the cost of restoring a Model A. It keeps going up and it is more difficult to find parts and needed services. As we purchase a “collector” car for higher prices, it makes them much more difficult for young people to afford. Very few young people can deal with a “basket case” and make it into a driving car. The garages of America are filled with disassembled Model A’s. The vast majority of the wealth of this country is held by people over 50.

The Model A Ford is not a common car any more. In the 1950’s and 60’s, there were a lot of Model A’s on the road, and we saw them in our youth. So today’s youth relate better to muscle cars from the 70’s and 80’s. They simply have not been exposed to the Model A.

Most of the new members to our hobby are adults in their 50’s who want a collector car, and the Model A is much more affordable than other early automobiles. They are at a point in their lives where they are secure in their jobs, their children are adults, and they enjoy the disposable income to undertake a hobby like the Model A Ford.

So what can we do to attract youth so our hobby survives well into the future? One way is to involve our children and grandchildren whenever possible. There are many fun family tours hosted by local chapters suitable for young people. Show them your cars and how to operate them; tell them about your experiences with the car; teach them about the history of Ford and the Model A. Take them to the Museum, to a regional meet, to a national meet to let them see and appreciate these cars. It needs to be a positive experience. Take them to a swap meet so they can see the enthusiasm and fun people have with this hobby.

Collectively we need to include youth in our activities. Make sure young people are welcome at chapter meetings; at meals and banquets. Figure out ways to involve them in Era Fashions; vehicle seminars; and judging. There have been some great ideas for including you, and we need to keep doing more. Policies and practices that exclude youth do not work in our favor.

Subscribe to the A-World and then read it with your grandchildren and children; download the coloring book and give them a box of crayons. My own grandson is only 3, but like to play with cars so I found a couple of Model As to include in his toy box. I have installed seat belts in my “A” and take them for rides where appropriate. We plan to apply for scholarships when they reach that point in their lives and if they are interested in a restoration or Era Fashions, we will help them out.

I expect as my grandchildren enter high school and go to college, their interest in the Model A will wane as they will be busy with education, employment, careers, and relationships. BUT my hope is they will remember the Model A fondly and when they reach a point in their lives where they can own one, they will. We need to plant the seeds early with an expectation of bearing fruit some years down the line. So I encourage you all to support our youth activities and involve young people in the hobby at every opportunity.

I hope to see you on the road.

Alex Janke
2013 MAFCA President

October 2013

September was a busy Model A month. Ruth and I attended the NWRG Meet in Bend, Oregon, and they did an outstanding job with fashion and vehicle judging, a wonderful grand tour, car games, and a delicious banquet. There were 288 registrations in Bend! All over the country, our various chapters put together these great events. They are always fun to attend and keep the interest in our hobby growing. We finished the month with “Apple Hill” hosted by the Hangtown A’s from Placerville, California, which was another special event. In our part of the country, Apple Hill marks the end of the most touring and the beginning of fall. I know many of you who live in the north are putting cars away until spring.

MAFCA tries to have new items available for the holidays, and this year is no exception. Our Shop Drawings have been expanded with six additional exploded parts drawings. You may order a supplement of just the six drawings or the entire package. MAFCA has a new Holiday Card as well to share with friends and family. We also now have some “bling” in the form of rhinestone pins. These are very nice quality and proudly proclaim the “Model A” and “Ahooga”. These items all would make great gifts for the Model A family. See the MAFCA Store on the web or use the form in The Restorer magazine to order them.

If you are going to Hershey, please stop by the MAFCA Tent and say hello. Chuck Christensen will be presenting seminars on the Model A Water Pump and his wife Helen will make a special presentation on Era Fashion Patterns on Friday afternoon. You can find us in the Red Field –spaces RCH 10,11,& 12,

On a sad note, Edie Jones, one of the matriarchs of the Model A Hobby, has passed away. She was the first president of the Model A Ford Foundation Inc. (MAFFI) and one of the driving forces behind the museum. She and her husband served on the MAFCA Board and did many things for the hobby. Edie’s greatest contribution was to ERA fashions. She was a Master Judge and helped create the Fashion Guidelines; she trained numerous judges and passed along her experience. She made ERA fashions a significant part of the hobby enjoyed by thousands. Edie will be missed, yet her contributions will continue as long as there are Model A’s on the road.

I hope to see you on the road.

Alex Janke
2013 MAFCA President

September 2013

Your Board of Directors met on August 24 and I am pleased to report things are going well. The Board meets 4 or 5 times a year and conducts business via email and telephone the rest of the time. The two new Board members for 2014 – Happy Begg and Jim Cannon were ratified. They will be great additions and bring fresh perspective to MAFCA.

We finished the year with 13,643 family memberships. This is down about 133 from 2012, but up from 2008. Interestingly we have 48 new members since August 1 and all of them from the internet. MAFCA now has a Facebook page and we are attracting a lot of interest. It is a place to share pictures, tell Model A stories, and connect with others in the hobby.

As you know, we had exactly the same number of candidates for the Board as openings so there was no election this year. Being on the MAFCA Board is a challenging a fun opportunity and if you have any interest in running for the Board next year would be a good time. There is some basic information on our website at While being on the Board is fun as you get to meet hundreds of people interested in the Model A Ford from all over the country and around the world, it is also work. Each Director spends about 20 hours a week in support of MAFCA. Communicating with almost 14,000 members, 300 chapters, and a large number of vendors, printers, and employees takes time. We are always seeking good people who love the Model A Ford and who have some business background to help manage MAFCA. I would not trade my time on the Board for any other volunteer opportunity.

Hershey is coming up soon. If you go, please stop by the MAFCA tent and say hello. This year, our Technical Director Chuck Christensen will be presenting a seminar on the Model A Water Pump. On Friday there will be a special seminar by Helen Christensen on the Model A Pattern Project. We have shade, chairs to rest in, and the opportunity to learn a little more about the hobby – what more could you want? MAFCA will be in Spaces RCH 10-11-12

The MAFCA headquarters in La Habra has several beautiful displays of Model A items such as door handles, ignition cables, and era fashions. There are now some empty display cabinets since much material went to the Model A Museum in Hickory Corners. If you have something suitable for display and of interest to the hobby, MAFCA would appreciate your donations. We are looking for smaller items such as accessories or unique era items. Contact the office if you would like to share an item.

In my column in the September / October edition of The Restorer, I indicated the new Waiver Form would be mandatory for chapters in 2014. The Board discussed this at length and decided we “strongly recommend” chapters adopt the form. MAFCA supports chapters and we do not want to be in the business of micro-managing their activities. So we recommend they adopt it, but it is their decision. The form will be mandatory for all MAFCA sponsored events.

Don’t forget to register for the 2013 National Banquet in San Antonio, Texas, December 4 thru 8. Registration is also out for the National Tour in the Hill Country of Texas next spring. Both events promise to be non-stop fun. Check the CALENDAR page of the website for details.

I hope to see you on the road.

Alex Janke
2013 MAFCA President

August 2013

July 2013

June provided some great touring weather, so I hope you have been on the road and enjoying your Model A. My wife and I just returned from Puyallup, Washington after viewing the facilities for the 2014 MAFCA Convention. The Western Washington State Fairgrounds are a perfect venue for our convention. The covered and air conditioned Show Complex will house most events and it is a beautiful facility. The host club, Gallopin Gertie, has gone all out to make sure this event will be fun for all. We toured the LeMay Museum in downtown Tacoma – a spectacular collection of cars including some rare Model A Fords. Plan to attend July 14-18, 2014.

You can sign up for the Early Bird Newsletter at to keep abreast of the planning for the convention including information on tours, things to do and see in the Pacific Northwest, and of course the event itself.

You will not receive a ballot along with your renewal form this year! For the first time in over 25 years, the number of people nominated for election to the Board of Directors equaled the number to be elected. Per the MAFCA bylaws this allows a waiver of election and those nominated will be confirmed as elected at our next Board Meeting.

The good news is the waiver of election will save MAFCA some money for mailing, ballot counting, etc. On the other hand, we only had four candidates for the four vacant positions. In the last few years there has been a lot of discussion and concern expressed by members about running for the Board. They have complained the same people run and get elected so there is very little chance of being elected. The Board went so far as to change the timing between terms so an individual must be off the Board a minimum of two years before seeking a nomination. It was previously a one year wait. I was disappointed with only four nominations this year. They are all great people who will do a superb job for the club, but the membership did not get to vote. In 2014 there will be five vacancies so if you are considering running for the Board start planning now.

Being on the MAFCA Board of Directors is work, but also very rewarding and fun. Each position has responsibilities to keep the club functioning and to support the membership and our hobby. We are always seeking individuals with a love of the Model A, good work experience, and the willingness to serve the hobby.

The registration form for the 2013 National Banquet in San Antonio, Texas is in the latest issue of The Restorer. The Alamo A’s have planned a great event with seminars and tours which should be of interest to everyone. There is even a shopping tour planned for downtown San Antonio. The dates are December 4 thru 8 so don’t miss this fun filled and fabulous event.

I hope to see you on the road.
Alex Janke
2013 MAFCA President

June 2013

May was a fabulous kick off for the touring season. The National Tour along the Blue Ridge Parkway was spectacular. It has earned the nickname of “America’s Favorite Drive” for good reason. We started in Charlottesville and visited Thomas Jefferson’s home at Monticello. A magnificent building filled with the history of the founding of the United States.

The next five days were spent on the Parkway which connects Shenandoah National Park to Great Smokey Mountains National Park along the mountain ridges. In spite of some rain we were treated to stunning views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Shenandoah Valley and the Smokey Mountains. We visited the Biltmore Estate, America’s largest home and finished in Gattlinburg, Tennessee with a nice banquet and blue grass music.

I am always impressed with the large number of Model A touring. This was a 469 mile journey up and down some steep hills with very few problems. A significant number of the membership drives their cars regularly and loves to tour. We even had people in open cars touring in pouring rain; they just put on rain suits and continued to enjoy the highway.

This was our third National Tour and the numbers keep growing. I hope you will consider joining the Fourth National Tour through the Texas Hill Country in 2014.

Almost immediately after the conclusion of the Blue Ridge Tour was the Grand Opening of the Model A Ford Museum at the Gilmore complex in Hickory Corners, Michigan. 2,500 people and 378 Model A Fords came to celebrate this milestone for the hobby. We now have a world class museum displaying the Model A Ford for future generations. Thanks to the past and present Model A Ford Foundation Trustees who had the vision, inspiration, and drive to make it possible. If you are traveling towards Michigan this summer, plan to stop at the museum – you will be impressed and humbled by the generosity of individuals who made this possible.

The museum still needs our help = financial support. The building is complete, but we need to create an endowment to keep the lights on and the bills paid. The goal is $500,000 and already over $100,000 has been raised. YOU can help by purchasing a brick or making a donation. Visit to learn how you can help preserve the Model A Ford for all time.

The Northern California Regional Group held its 51st Roundup in Pleasanton, California and it too was a great event. It featured Era Fashion Judging, Vehicle Judging, car games, a grand tour, and of course great fellowship and food. I was particularly pleased to see nine apprentice judges taking part in the vehicle judging. There is not better way to learn about the Model A Ford than to participate as a judge. You only need to take and pass one test to get started and the rewards and great. Judges have the opportunity to see a large number of unique vehicles. Many of which they would never otherwise see. To learn more visit:

Our hearts go out to those who were victims of the severe weather that struck the center of our nation.

I hope to see you on the road.

Alex Janke
2013 MAFCA President

May 2013

The touring season is in full swing with the MAFCA National Tour on the Blue Ridge Parkway, the MAFFI Grand Opening of the Model A Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan, and a lot of local and regional events.

The Lake County A’s from Lake County, California invited me to attend their presentation of a 1930 Model A Pickup truck to the Lower Lake High School automotive education program. What a thrill to see the students so excited about the pickup. They have a new state-of-the-art facility, and over the next couple of years will perform a frame up restoration of this little truck. The Lake County club contributed to the construction of the facility and then raised the funds to purchase and donate this little truck. Congratulations to them and to the students of Lower Lake High School.

All of our chapters seem to be involved in doing something for the community: raising funds for local food banks; collecting toys for tots at Christmas time; visiting retirement homes; supporting the youth scholarship and youth restoration awards; the Model A museum, and a host of other activities. I am proud to be a member of an organization that does good things for their community.

Did you notice in the latest edition of The Restorer that MAFCA now has the book, The Ford Model A “As Henry Built It”, available for sale? Out of print for a number of years, we were able to acquire some copies from George De Angeles, one of the authors, and we are pleased to offer this great reference to the Model A community. Price it on Amazon or eBay to appreciate what a great opportunity this book represents. We even have a few signed copies available for only $5 more!

If you have ever considered running for the MAFCA Board, now is a good time. Get your application in by June 18th, detailed information can be found here: This is a chance for you to influence the future of our hobby; we are always looking for good people to join the leadership. If you want to make a difference – run for the Board.

After 24 years, our wonderful fashion editor Fern Davis is retiring. I know many of you have enjoyed her column in The Restorer over the years. A MAFCA Life Member, she and her husband Ed have been dedicated to this hobby for many years. Fern’s extensive knowledge and willingness to share it with all of us will be missed. What do you say to someone for almost a quarter century of work? From all the membership, thank you Fern.

We are looking for a new fashion editor. No one can replace Fern, but if you are interested, please contact the MAFCA Office at

I hope to see you on the road.

Alex Janke
2013 MAFCA President

April 2013

Spring is finally here, and touring season is just about to start. Ruth and I will be joining the Central California Regional Group for their Jamboree next weekend. The Portland, Oregon Swap Meet takes place the first weekend in April along with other events across the country.

Before you start the season, make sure you Model A is ready. It's time to lube the car, check the cooling system, ignition system, tires, brakes, etc. Every spring is a good opportunity to go over the car from bumper to bumper to make sure it is tour ready. If you do not have seat belts, please install and use them while touring.

We have a continual need for good technical articles in The Restorer. I am amazed by the skills, knowledge, and technical abilities of many of our members. We also have members who are new to the hobby asking very basic questions. The experienced folks out there are strongly encouraged to share your expertise. If you need help writing an article, please contact Les Andrews, our Technical Editor, at He will be happy to work with you on an article.

Thank you to all the chapters, regions, and special interest groups who have made contributions to our insurance. The costs go up, but thanks to the generosity of these groups, we are able to provide Directors and Officers Insurance and General Liability Insurance to chapters without raising individual membership dues. To learn more about what MAFCA provides to chapters, please look at for a nice summary. This is a real service and we hope to continue it in the future.

The 3rd National Tour on the Blue Ridge Parkway takes place at the beginning of May; I hope you are signed up, as it promises to be a spectacular event. The Galloping Gerties are working hard on the 2014 National Convention to be help in Puyallup, Washington and the San Antonio As are working on the 2013 National Banquet to be hosted in their beautiful city this December.

The Board of Directors will have several vacancies next year. If you have thought about running for the Board, now would be a good opportunity. Information and an application is available at . We need people with new ideas and a love of this hobby. Please consider becoming a Director and helping guide MAFCA into the future.

Our membership numbers remain strong with new members joining regularly. My own local chapter has experienced growth of 10% this year. There seems to be Model A’s hidden in garages and barns everywhere just waiting for someone to find them. And of course, there are many great vehicles changing hands from one generation to the next.

Hope to see you on the back roads this year.

Alex Janke
2013 MAFCA President

March 2013

This year is flying by; winter will soon be over and we will be back on the road with our Model A’s.

Some of you may have seen our Facebook Page which was published for a few days and then disappeared. We will be back soon, but we needed to take a little time to review our practices. The page is for sharing of Model A experiences and stories. We do not want it to be a place for advertising or for answering technical questions as there are lots of other places on the web that specialize in those areas. We want the Facebook page to be a fun place for all to share our hobby, and it will be back soon.

As the “touring season” is about to begin, there will be many opportunities to participate in vehicle and fashion judging as a participant or judge. I am always surprised that more people don’t join in these great opportunities.

Our Model A’s are over 80 years old and during the intervening years, they have experienced a lot of changes. The focus of car judging is to compare the vehicle today with the way it rolled off the assembly line. Thanks to thousands of hours of detailed work by hundreds of contributors over the years, the Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards represent the best picture of how Ford manufactured the Model A. For more than 50 years, dedicated folks have researched original blue prints, engineering releases, parts books, factory photographs, and original vehicles to develop a detailed understanding of the vehicle.

Judging provides the owner a chance to really know their vehicle. The judges carefully look at a vehicle and then compare it to the Standards. It isn’t one vehicle is “better” than another, but rather how it compares today verses when it was built. Judging results give the owner the ability to be more original if they chose, and they know exactly what they own. Points are assigned to assist in determining how original a vehicle is, and we do present awards in various classes. The awards are in recognition of the car’s originality and the care the owner has taken keeping it original. Those with “drivers” sometimes tell me, “My car has an overdrive, alternator, turn signals, and LED lights so I cannot enter it in judging.” Judging has various classes:

• Original Class (White Ribbon) - original unrestored vehicles
• Restored Class (Blue Ribbon) – restored to original condition
• Touring Class (Red Ribbon) – restored and regularly driven with limited changes
• Modified Class (Green Ribbon) – Model A vehicles modified / altered for performance

Each class has a set of standards. For example the Touring Class allows alternators, overdrives, rubber valve stems, steering box with original column, etc. So the “driver” with overdrive and an alternator has a place, and it is in the class with other “drivers”. Obviously a vehicle with an original torque tube would receive a couple of points more than one with an overdrive because we are comparing to the way it left the factory, but it does not mean one is superior to the other. Safety items are allowed in all classes such as seatbelts, fuses, and cast iron drums. When evaluated, these items are “invisible” to the judges.

Sometimes I hear comments like, “I don’t want my car picked apart by the judges.” The judges are comparing each car to the standards. The judging sheets are provided to the owner in each area and thus provide a guide for making the car more like it left the factory or allowing the owner to make an informed decision. How many of you have heard, “My car is very original.” And then when you see it there has been a lot of obvious modification. The owner simply doesn’t “know”, particularly those new to the hobby with a recently acquired vehicle. Consider entering your car in judging this year or even becoming a judge. Go to for more information.

I want to thank the many chapters that have responded to our request for help in funding the cost of Directors & Officers Insurance and General Liability for chapters. Get your cars ready to tour, and I hope to see you on the road.

Alex Janke
2013 MAFCA President

February 2013

In my last column, there was an error. The amount MAFCA pays for insurance for each chapter is over $100, not $1000 as stated in my January column. The actual amount is closer to $175 per chapter. The insurance premiums for this year have come in, and there is an increase of approximately $10,000. We requested chapters to contribute to this cost and the response has been very good. Depending on the size of a chapter, the coverage provided by MAFCA would cost between $500 and $1,000 per chapter if purchased individually. In 2014 we will be invoicing chapters again to help share the cost for this valuable service.

MAFCA has been involved in a lawsuit since 2011 revolving around an accident during a tour. We are unable to discuss the case details since it is still active. Once the situation is resolved, information will be provided to the membership.

When participating in National, Regional, and some Chapter events, it is common practice to sign a waiver / release of liability. Based in part on the current case, the Board hired an attorney to prepare a comprehensive waiver for national events. After much debate, the Board adopted this new waiver. The waiver is available to interested chapters by contacting the office. Unfortunately, in our litigious society, such measures are necessary to protect the club and its membership.

The cost of shipping is frequently questioned. We charge the costs of shipping and do not make any profit for shipping. United Parcel Service rates increased by 4.9% recently and the U.S.P.S. increased postage by $.45 on the size box we use the most. Shipping includes the cost from the printer to our headquarters and then from us to the buyer. I am sure you have all noticed the increased costs of packages for anything. We are sometimes asked, “Why don’t you use media mail?” The answer is: postal regulations do not allow us to send items by media mail if they contain advertising. Our advertisers help keep down the cost of our magazines and publications. If we eliminate advertising, the cost of publications would be significantly higher. Questions on shipping should be sent to our Publications Director, Doug Linden [].

A reminder that on May 18th, the National Model A Museum will have its grand opening at the Gilmore Museum Complex in Hickory Corners, Michigan. Model A enthusiasts from all over the country will be attending. Model A number one, the car given to Thomas Edison by Henry Ford, will be among the items featured in the new museum.

I know many of you belong to local chapters and other clubs that support the Model A hobby. If you are not a member of MAFFI, you should consider it, not only is it a tax deduction, but it helps preserve our history. Visit to learn more and see pictures of the museum. Annual membership in MAFFI is only $20.

Our membership has grown by 135 more members over this time last year. This excludes the additional 221 added by the special membership promotion. I find younger families joining our local chapter as well as MAFCA, and interest in these little cars remains strong.

We will soon have a Facebook presence! Our Membership Director Charles Cheshire [] and volunteer Happy Begg will be administering it for MAFCA. This a place to share stories, pictures of tours, restorations, and other fun with owners and enthusiasts. Please send your technical questions to our Technical Director, Chuck Christensen [].

The 2013 MAFCA Board is dedicated to doing the best possible job for our members. You may contact me at and I will be happy to respond to your questions or concerns.

Alex Janke
2013 MAFCA President

January 2013

Happy New Year!

The Palmetto A’s Model A Club were spectacular hosts for the 2012 National Awards Banquet in Charleston, South Carolina. A big thank you to them and particularly to Happy and John Begg for hosting a great event. If you have not attended a National Awards Banquet, you are missing something special. I am honored to serve as your President this year. The 2013 Board will do an outstanding job for our membership; they are dedicated, hardworking, and love our hobby. Trudy Vestal and Chuck Cheshire are great additions to the Board.

Outgoing Board members Dick Przywitowski and Garth Shreading deserve special thanks for four years of exceptional service to our membership. Garth was President twice in the last four years and significantly improved our business and increased the fun of owning a Model A. Dick, our idea man, developed a number of new ideas such as the Million Mile Challenge and the first national tour, The Pony Express. This year marks the Grand Opening of the Model A Museum at the Gilmore Museum Complex in Hickory Corners, Michigan. This has been a dream of the membership for over 20 years and it will finally happen thanks to the dedication and generosity of thousands of Model A lovers across the country and around the world. MAFCA’s third National Tour takes place in May along the Blue Ridge Parkway. National Tours provide the opportunity to drive our cars along historic parts of America. They are relaxed and fun events enjoyed by everyone.

Attending a national event is a great experience that enhances ownership of a Model A Ford. I encourage everyone to attend at least one in 2013. This year has several challenges. Insurance costs continue to rise, and we are rapidly reaching a point where we must make some tough decisions on how to fund premiums. We currently spend over $1,000 per chapter for Director & Officer and Liability insurance. Operating costs keep increasing and shipping costs are a particular concern. When you order from us, we use the most cost effective shipping to deliver products to you and only charge actual expense. The Board will only meet face-to-face four times this year rather than the normal five. This is a cost reduction strategy.

We will be relying more on electronic communications. At the same time, there are no secrets in MAFCA so we will be keeping you up to date on all decisions made. We want to do the best job possible for the membership and the hobby, so I encourage you to email / write / phone me or the other Board members and let us know how best to serve you.

Alex Janke
2013 MAFCA President

top of page

[Red Line]

December 2012


I'm writing this from Charleston, SC where we are gathering for MAFCA's Annual Awards Banquet. This event will bring a close of four years as a MAFCA director for me. I must say, when first elected, I never dreamed how much I would enjoy and how honored I would be to be part of this fantastic organization. During this time I have met so many wonderful people and had so many great times I just want to say thanks to all.

I'm happy to report that MAFCA ends 2012 healthy and strong. Our membership numbers are as good as they have been in years. Many reports from the chapters also indicate this same trend. Where many car clubs have seen membership numbers drop over the past few years, ours continue to be near record levels. I am pleased to report the board continues looking at ways to grow our club, something that will be an on-going challenge for years to come.

It seems in every great organization there are always a few who go above and beyond in service. For the past four years, I have worked alongside so many who give of their time and energy without a second thought. One of the problems in writing something like this is inevitably someone who should be mentioned is left out. Please accept my apology if I err in this regard. In no particular order, I want to thank Dave Jones, Helen Christensen, Dave and Trudy Vestal, Al Stoll, Carl Becker, Jill Sullins, Rick Black, Jim Spawn and The Restorer editorial staff & proofreaders, Alex Janke, the entire JSC and EFC committees. Your labor is what makes MAFCA the leader it is. You people are always willing to lend a hand, bounce ideas off or pick up where others have left off. Know that your efforts will never be forgotten. Additionally, I can honestly say every director has contributed to make us better or stronger in their own unique way.

A special thanks goes to the man I affectionately call Mr. Model A, Les Andrews. For the many people who work behind the scenes, Les' passion, commitment and labor astounds us all. His hands are in so many MAFCA things I cannot begin to list them. He truly is Mr. Model A.

Don't forget to get you registration in for the Blue Ridge Tour coming this May. Registrations are coming in fast and it looks to be another great MAFCA event. I hope to see you there.

Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

November 2012

As the year winds down, and your family healthy. MAFCA is pleased to announce that during the first half of 2013 we will be providing one year free memberships to people never having been a member before. Keep an eye out in your chapter mail for information as well as additional requirements. Chapters are encouraged to pass these out your new members. <

The MAFCA election results are in. Charles Cheshire - Dallas, Texas , Dan Foulk - Bakersfield, California, Douglas Linden - Southborough, Massachusetts, Trudy Vestal - Placerville. California and VaughnCille Weidner -Yukon, Oklahoma were elected to two year terms. Additionally, both proposed bylaw amendments were approved. Congratulations to all, and a big thank you to all of our members who took the time to cast their vote.

Your chapter should soon be receiving the annual renewal form. It is important that it be filled out and returned as soon as possible. While no fees are charged to be a MAFCA chapter, there is a late processing fee if not received returned by the last day of February, 2013. If you do not receive one in the mail, visit the chapter area of this website to download one.

Now is the time to get your registration in for the 2012 National Awards Banquet in Charleston, SC. It will be held December 9-12. The National Awards Banquet is a great way to meet many new Model A people and see how MAFCA operates. I hope you are able to attend.

Just in time for the Holidays, MAFCA has a few new items available for the holiday. Volume 9 of the How to Restore Your Model A is ready to be shipped and a new MAFCA jacket is now available. These high quality jackets are just what every Model A'er wants to proudly display our club and your hobby. We are also offering two of the MAFCA travel mugs for a special holiday price of just $17. Finally, a new Christmas card can be ordered for the Holiday Season. Check them out in the November/December Restorer.

Hoping to see you on the road.

Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

October 2012

I hope you and your chapter took advantage of driving your Model A on International Day Model A Day. My chapter made our way to a local lake for a picnic (and some alligator watching) and then visited some antique shops. We ended the day with a catfish dinner. We had a great time, and I hope you did too.

If you haven't yet, now is the time to get your registration in for the 2012 National Awards Banquet in Charleston, SC. It will be held December 9-12, and I am sure looking forward to visiting this wonderful part of America. The Palmetto A's have been working hard to host this great event with many sites to see and activities to take part in. I hope you are making plans.

MAFCA has a few new items are available for the holiday. Volume 9 of the How to Restore Your Model A is ready to be shipped. These popular books contain reprinted Restorer articles that our editors and technical experts comb through, selecting those articles that every Model A mechanic needs to have in his/her library. Also, just in time for cooler weather are the new MAFCA jackets. These high quality jackets are just what every discriminating Model A'er needs to complete their wardrobe. Finally, a new Christmas card can be ordered for the Holiday Season.

I hope you enjoyed the September/October Restorer. With all of the changes to it over the last few months, the comments I have heard have been very positive. Our editor Jim Spawn is working hard to bring the best Model A magazine out there, and it shows. If you have an interesting photo or article to share, please send it to – Who knows, you may become a published author.

I have sent my registration in for the national tour along the world famous Blue Ridge Parkway -- have you? Much like the Natchez Trace Tour, this highway is designed with limited speed and access and is sure to be an event you won't want to miss. Be sure to check out the information on our website or in The Restorer.

At our September Board of Directors meeting, a new membership program for 2013 was approved. Beginning in December 2012 and running through the end of June 2013, chapters will be able to give chapter members a special application to join MAFCA for 2013 at no cost to them. People having never been a MAFCA member before only, can use these special applications for a free 2013 membership. They cannot be used by past MAFCA members or for renewing current memberships. These are special applications and are limited in number and scope. The applications and additional information will be mailed to the chapters very soon, so be on the lookout for it.

The election for MAFCA directors is coming to a close. All ballots must be postmarked no later than October 15 and received in the office by October 21. Your vote is important, so please take the time to return your ballot.

Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

September 2012

I hope all is well with our MAFCA family. We are in the middle of MAFCA's election and I hope you're planning to be part of it by casting your vote. This year there are five director positions and six candidates running; the candidate bios may be found in the July/August Restorer or here at Additionally we are requesting the membership to approve two amendments to our bylaws. There was an error in the printing of the bylaw amendment information sent out with the ballots, but the correct information maybe found in the last Restorer and the September/October issue. We are also correcting the information on the web. To read about the correction, visit our home web page.

By now, you should have received your annual renewal for your 2013 MAFCA membership. You can help the office by getting it sent in early. It seems that December and January brings so much for the office to do, the added processing of memberships just adds to the burden.

I have been planning my trip to the 2013 National Tour along the Blue Ridge. I sent off for information of things to see and do while there and must say I'm amazed at all it offers. Janet and I are now planning on an extended stay to take in as much as we can. After the Natchez Trace tour, the most common comment I heard was “I wish I had gone”. I hope you don't find yourself saying this next year about the Blue Ridge tour. Why not start to make your plans early; I am sure you will be glad you did. Visit or check the July/August Restorer for information.

I was talking to Dan Foulk, MAFCA's Vice President, about the 2014 Annual Awards Banquet. As of now, we are still looking for a chapter to host the event. The Awards Banquet is much smaller and shorter duration than a National Convention and provides a chapter with the opportunity to not only give back to the national club but also meet so many great people from around the world of MAFCA. If interested, shoot Dan an email at, he can answer all of your questions.

Remember to sign up for the 2012 Awards Banquet in Charleston this December. The Palmetto A's have planned an exciting event, one I think you'll be happy you attended.

Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

August 2012

Soon you will be receiving the September/October issue of The Restorer. Recently we have made some significant changes to the magazine to insure the quality you have come to expect. Earlier this year, Les Andrews came on board as Technical Editor. Immediately we saw significant results as the numbers of technical articles submitted took a jump. With this issue, we have expanded the number of pages and changed to 100% color format. If you see black and white photos, it is because of the historic or artistic value. You can help us by letting us hear what you think about the changes; shoot an email to Doug Linden at

The annual election is upon us, and soon you will be receiving ballots. Each year you have the opportunity of selecting those that will direct our club. This year there are five openings. I encourage you to take some time and learn about those people running. A short bio on each candidate is in the September/October Restorer and more in depth bios are on the website.

Additionally, the Board of Directors is requesting your support of two changes to our bylaws, information on this may be found in July/August and September/October Restorer or the website. Be sure, after filling out the ballot, to have it postmarked by October 15th.

I am excited to attend the National Awards Banquet this December 9-12. The banquet, hosted by the Palmetto A's in Charleston is shaping up to be one of those you won't want to miss. I have seen much of the planning, and it looks to be a great time. I understand that Charleston is spectacular during holiday season, so Janet and I are planning on a few extra days there to enjoy it. I hope you are making your plans now. Check out the information in the July/August Restorer or visit

Registrations are pouring in for the 2013 National Tour along the Blue Ride Parkway on May 6-10. I was pleased to hear so many from my local chapter are planning to make the drive. After the Pony Express Tour and again after the Natchez Trace Tour, I heard from many saying, “I wish I had gone”. Don't be caught saying this, I know it's going to be an exciting time. Check out for information and registration forms.

Our time in Marquette was simply outstanding. Both the Superior A's as well as the entire community came out to show their support of this National Convention. I will long remember the tour as we paraded through local communities with hundreds of people lining the streets. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is certainly one of America's best-kept secrets.

Finally congratulations to Al Stoll. Al received an honorary Life Membership for his many years of outstanding service to MAFCA.

Remember, any day in a Model A is a great day!

Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

July 2012

Janet and I just got back from a terrific National Convention in Marquette, Michigan. The Superior A's did a fantastic job as did the entire community who came out to support it. Every convention I have attended has been fun and unique in its own way but there is something special about a small town that is excited for us to be part of their community. Thank you Steve and Diane Pellinen and the entire crew of Superior A's for a JOB WELL done!

At the convention, there were presentations on a few upcoming events, with two just around the corner. Both the Annual Awards Banquet this December in Charleston, SC and the 2013 National Tour along the Blue Ridge are coming together nicely and I know you will want to be part of them. Information for both may be found in the July/August Restorer. I hope you are planning to attend these great events.

Speaking of the July/August Restorer, there is a short article on two amendments to the Bylaws submitted to the members by the Board of Directors. The first concerns directors who have served two consecutive terms. If the membership approves this amendment, it will double the mandatory time directors must wait before attempting to run for an additional term. The second change that you are being asked to approve concerns the word “shall” in regards to the chartering of new chapters. In our current Bylaws there are very few requirements to become a MAFCA chapter. Recently we have seen some car related organizations requesting charter who have limited interest in the Model A. One organization even has a larger membership than MAFCA with only a percentage of its members being Model A enthusiasts.

As the number of our chapters increase so to does our exposure to liability and demands on our chapter insurance. The Board of Directors is therefore asking the word “shall' be changed to ‘may” in order to provide more decision making authority in these matters. In no way will this have any impact on existing chapters and MAFCA continues to offer one the best chapter insurance packages in hobby. I hope you are taking advantage of the many great Model A experiences being offered by our chapters, and remember, any day in a Model A is a great Day.

Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

June 2012

In less than two weeks, I will be leaving for Marquette for the 2012 National Convention. I'm sure looking forward to seeing so many of our MAFCA friends from around the world. I hope you will be there… if so, introduce yourself to me, I'd love to meet you.

There have been a few last minute changes to the Marquette schedule. The Babbitt series has had to be cancelled but Technical Editor Les Andrews has agreed to step in with two topics: Timing the Engine for Maximum Power and Understanding the Front End and Steering de will be the other. Another cancelled seminar is the Newsletter/Website seminar. In its place will be something dear to our hearts: an update on the Model A Museum. Should you desire to take advantage of these changes, please see the registration desk when checking in.

The July/August Restorer will have information and registration forms for both the Annual Awards Banquet being held in Charleston and MAFCA's 3rd National Tour along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Additionally, you can check these great events and download registrations forms at the tour website.

Last month, I reported the Board of Directors is seeking the membership's approval of two amendments to our Bylaws. One deals with how new chapters are added to MAFCA. Currently MAFCA “shall” accept any group who petitions for charter and meets our minimum requirements. Because MAFCA offers one of the best chapter insurance programs to our chapters (at no cost to them), it appears that some groups may be choosing to take advantage of the programs we offer with no real interest in MAFCA or even the Model A. The Board of Directors believes it is prudent to amend the Bylaws to provide greater latitude in accepting new chapters. In no way will this have any impact on existing chapters.

The second amendment extends the period former Board Members must wait before submitting their name for reelection. Currently, after serving two consecutive terms, a director must wait one year before entering his/her name into nomination. The requested change extends that period from one year to two. Your consideration on both of these matters will be appreciated.

Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

May 2012

I just returned from the home office where we had two days of long but very fruitful board meetings. April's board meeting is our budget meeting and our Treasurer Alex Janke did a great job bringing this together, and with some tough spending cuts, I am pleased to report that the board approved a balanced 2012-2013 budget.

For those who ordered it on their annual renewal form, the new Roster is in the mail and you should be receiving it by the middle of May. The Roster is one of our most important books, especially for those who enjoy touring. So whether you live in Azusa or New Zealand, I know you will find this a helpful guide. If you did not order it, one may be purchased online at the MAFCA Store, but be warned: the supply is limited.

There is much to be excited in the world of MAFCA. The March/April issue of The Restorer magazine was our first with our new Technical Editor, Les Andrews. The Technical Editor position was formed to support The Restorer's outstanding chief editor Jim Spawn. By all accounts, it is huge success as comments have been very positive. But, that is only the half of it; in order to provide Jim with more flexibility and reduce some creative restrictions, starting with the September/October Restorer, the page count will expand as well as the limit on number of color pages eliminated. Our Publications Director Doug Linden has worked hard to bring these changes to the magazine - watch for these improvements, I think you will be happy.

Speaking of The Restorer, in the May/June issue, Steve Schmauch has another outstanding article, this time on Houdaille shock absorbers. Add to this Alex Janke's article on the universal joint, Peggy Gill's article on where to start in era fashions, Les' article on rebuilding the water pump as well as the other great articles, I think this is one of the best Restorers I have ever read. Thank you to all who have taken the time contribute. If you are interested in writing an article for our great publication, send it to

Every few years, it is necessary to take a look at the bylaws to insure they are in compliance with state law as well as meeting the needs of the club. Last November, past President John Firth was asked to form a committee of former directors to look at five specific areas of our bylaws. After considerable review it was decided to present to the members a recommendation to amend two areas. Currently, sitting board members must wait one year between a second consecutive and third term; it was decided to seek a change from one year to two years before rerunning, hopefully allowing for greater opportunity for others to serve at the national level.

The second recommended amendment concerns the chartering of NEW CHAPTERS. Currently any organization that has 5 MAFCA members is able to petition for charter into MAFCA. Our current bylaws say the Board of Directors shall issue a charter to them. Recently we have been faced with some organizations whose primary interests are outside of Model A's or MAFCA requesting charter into MAFCA. The ramifications of this may be substantial as we are required to extend our chapter liability & D&O insurance to them as well as provide other free benefits. Therefore, the membership is being requested to approve changing the word from “shall' to “may” in order to provide greater latitude and protection to our club. This vote will show up on this year's ballot and, if approved by the members, go in to effect January 1, 2013.

Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

April 2012

I hope you and your chapter are getting into the swing of the new touring season. Janet and I recently got back from one of my favorites, the Poor Boy Tour in SE Texas. The goal of this always great event is to put on a fun and relaxing weekend tour as inexpensive as it can. Instead of catered dinners and technical seminars, it's stew and board games in the evening. The best part is spending time with our cars and Model A friends.

The 2013 National Tour on the world famous Blue Ridge Parkway is coming together nicely. Recently I was sharing some photos with some friends of the 2011 National Tour along the Natchez Trace Trail and it reminded me of what a great a time we had. Needless to say the excitement and anticipation for the Blue Ridge Tour to jump a few notches. After both the Pony Express and Natchez Trace tours, I regularly heard “I wish I had gone”. I hope next year you don't find yourself saying that and are beginning to make your plans to be part this fantastic event. What better way to see one of America's most scenic roads than viewing it from a Model A.

One the most common issues that comes up is that of MAFCA's insurance provided to chapters. I know of no other car club that comes close to matching MAFCA's insurance program. A common misconception is that it covers individual MAFCA members for their own personal liability while at an event. Please understand that it does not cover individuals but the chapter and those people performing duties on behalf of the chapter. Not long ago I was asked to explain this and gave the following example: A chapter conducts a tour in which a member driving his Model A is liable for an accident. Because it occurred on an official tour, the chapter may find itself named as a defended in a lawsuit. MAFCA's insurance will cover the chapter its directors and officers and any member who helped arrange the tour (i.e. the tour director) or worked on the tour. It does not cover the driver of the Model A causing the accident. His own personal auto insurance would have to cover that.

Should you have any questions regarding insurance, I encourage you first to visit our insurance page. If this does not answer your questions, contact Jerry Wilhelm at or by phone at 777/234-6450.

With both chapter liability and Directors and Officers Liability coverage, MAFCA spends thousands of dollars each year helping to protect our chapters. As you can imagine, as premiums increase, we are constantly looking at ways to continue providing this important benefit. A few years ago, it was decided to ask chapters to voluntarily help defray the cost with a suggested contribution of $50. I want to thank those many chapters who helped by making contributions. It really does go a long way in helping out.

Excitement continues regarding the Model A Museum. On April 17, a ground breaking ceremony will take place at the Gilmore Auto Museum complex. I hope many of our members will be able to attend this historic occasion and show our support for this important project. Remember, while the project is being built, both display items and financial support continue. If you have an item related to the Model A and its era, consider making a donation. And, don't forget to buy your bricks and tax deductible financial donations.

Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

March 2012

The World of MAFCA continues to grow and expand. At our last board meeting, two new chapters were chartered: the Hawkes Bay Model A Club from Napier, New Zealand and the Danish Model A Ford Club. We welcome both to our family and look forward to meeting your members.

As we approach spring, our attention turns to MAFCA's upcoming election season. As a director, one may be tasked with many different responsibilities, from answering technical questions to working through our many publications to financial budgeting and corporate management. For me, clearly the highlight of serving as a director is meeting so many people from around the Model A world. In the March/April Restorer, Jerry Wilhelm, our Director of Membership, has information relating to the election process. I hope you give some serious thought and consideration to running for the Board of Directors. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jerry at

For our hobby to continue with its great success, some of our attention needs to be focused on the youth of today; after all, they are the Model A'ers of tomorrow.

MAFCA supports both the Youth Restoration and Youth Scholarship programs, each reaching out and introducing young people to our great hobby. In addition to these two great organization, MAFCA provides a free newsletter to the young Model A'er. Around 500 anxiously awaiting readers look forward to every issue of A World. Editor Sherry Winkinhofer does an outstanding job with it ,and it is available both printed and via email. If you know a young person needing an introduction to the Model A and MAFCA, I encourage you to get them on the A World mailing list.

The Model A Ford Club of America offers many different opportunities to experience these great automobiles. From local chapter activities to International events, MAFCA has something for everyone. If you have never taken the occasion to experience one of the national or international events, you're missing a great opportunity to encounter an exciting aspect of our hobby. Great reports from the 2012 International Convention in Marquette, the 2012 Awards Banquet in Charleston and the 2013 Blue Ridge National Tour continue to come in. Each one offers its own unique prospect to experience not only the Model A but the Model A Ford Club of America as well. I'm excited and looking forward to these great activities and hope you are as well.

See you down the road!.
Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

February 2012

Spring is fast approaching and I have heard from a few of our northern friends that they are anxious to get the Model A out and on the road. That is good because there are many events being planned throughout the world of MAFCA.

In January, the Board of Directors reviewed MAFCA's driving programs. These programs are designed to promote the Model A on the road and reward those who stack up miles behind the steering wheel of a Model A. There are three separate driving awards programs, the 5,000 and 10,000 awards in which a Model A must be driven either 5,000 or 10,000 miles in a year. The Touring Award is an ongoing program, and when a driver accumulates 25,000 miles, he may qualify for this prestigious award. Drivers are further rewarded in 25,000-mile increments up to the 100,000+ Award.

New this year is the Chapter Touring Award, where MAFCA members may receive an award through their cumulative driving with their chapter. For detailed information on these, be sure to check out our website. I hope you are taking advantage of these great opportunities and are planning to earn one or more of them. Nothing promotes our great hobby as well as the cars being seen.

On the Model A Museum front, I heard from MAFFI that they thanked us for our continuing support of this important project. Brick purchases and donations continue to come in, so I hope you have made your contribution. While the groundbreaking is scheduled for April 17, financial support needs continue. The final construction money is still a little short and the endowment fund is being established. It's not too late to buy your brick or make a donation.

The planning for the 2012 Convention in Marquette is coming along nicely and I'm hoping you are planning on attending. This is a great opportunity for all Model A people to take part of a great convention and then visit the world famous Ford Museum, tour the Rouge Plant, visit Greenfield Village, all located in Michigan. While there, the Gilmore Car Museum is only about 90 minutes away, so don't miss it.

Unfortunately there are FALSE REPORTS that the Marquette hotels are sold out, I want to assure you that there are plenty of rooms available. Because of the layout of city, most activities will be conducted at the University of Northern Michigan, not at a host hotel, so it is not critical one stay at a particular hotel. If you have any questions, contact or Steve or Diane Pellinen at 906/485-1552.

See you down the road,
Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

January 2012

The year began with an exceptional Awards Banquet hosted by the Sonoma A's. Cindy Omoth and her crew did an outstanding job making those of us attending feel welcome and having a great time. Congratulations to the entire crew--you did yourselves proud!

The excitement continues with groundbreaking for the Model A Museum scheduled for April 17 at the Gilmore Car Museum. (Keep checking at for updated information.) I know MAFFI would love to have a great turnout of support for this all important time of celebration. Why not plan on attending? If you or your chapter haven't made your commitment of support to the museum, the time is now. Donations and walkway bricks can be purchased by visiting Let's all show our Model A support.

As this column is posted, the National Awards Banquet in Santa Rosa is underway. Award winners will be announced and the new Board officers for 2012 will be selected. As 2011 draws to a close, I am pleased to say it has been a very successful year for MAFCA.

I hope you're making plans to take part in the 2012 National Convention being hosted by the Superior A's. I had an opportunity to visit the U.P. (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan and what a beautiful vacation land it is! This year's convention provides us with the opportunity to visit four outstanding historic Ford places and events on one vacation. First up is MAFCA's convention where you get to experience the Model A Club at its finest and spend time with old and new friends. Second, the U.P. is rich in Ford history and amazing scenery. At one time, Henry Ford owned over 80% of the U.P. and it was his chosen place to vacation. Third, you can stop at The Henry Ford museum, home to the Ford Museum, Greenfield Village and the Rouge Plant where you can see first-hand how Ford vehicles are assembled. Finally, only about 90 minutes west of The Henry Ford is the Gilmore Car Museum, home of the Model A Museum. This unique museum is ranked among the top four auto museums in the world. Construction of the Model A Museum should be underway. Start making plans now. For more information, visit the Superior A's website.

Did you know that MAFCA budgets over $41,000 for insurance? Included in this is your chapter's liability insurance and directors and officers insurance. As our costs skyrocket, we regularly look at ways to keep our membership dues low. This year we are requesting chapters to voluntarily donate $50 to offset the high cost of insurance. If a chapter were to purchase both of these types of insurance, the cost could be upwards of $1000. In order to maintain your chapter's insurance coverage, your chapter must renew their annual MAFCA membership by completing and returning their chapter registration form. Chapter membership is free but, frankly, we often find it difficult to get some chapters to respond. Starting this year, any chapter NOT sending in the registration form by February 28 will have to pay a late registration fee of $10.

Speaking of renewing, if you haven't already done so, it's time to renew your personal membership. MAFCA has sent renewal forms to the membership, so don't miss out. Make sure you renew yours today, either by sending in the form, or right here in the MAFCA Store.

See you down the road,
Garth Shreading
2012 MAFCA President

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[Red Line]



As this column is posted, the National Awards Banquet in Santa Rosa is underway. Award winners will be announced and the new Board officers for 2012 will be selected. As 2011 draws to a close, I am pleased to say it has been a very successful year for MAFCA.

A few of the highlights for the year:

There were many other accomplishments as well, thanks to the wonderful volunteers across the country who give their time and talent to the Model A Hobby.

2012 promises to be a great year, but one filled with challenges. The National Convention in Marquette, Michigan should be a spectacular event as registrations are pouring in. Please get your registration in soon so you can join the fun. The National Banquet for 2012 will be Charleston, South Carolina at truly beautiful location. Watch for the registration form.

Our membership remains strong, but the economic downturn has impacted MAFCA as well as the nation. Costs for printing, insurance, shipping, and operations continue to climb and interest rates are minimal. We are still financially healthy but need to watch all our expenditures going forward and seek more effective and efficient methods. Please send in your annual renewal if you have not already done so.

As the year draws to a close, I want to thank all the great people who helped make it a success. The current Board of Directors has been exceptional to work with and has made my job easy. Also, a big thank you to the volunteers, those who joined us in La Habra to celebrate the Beautification Award, who counted ballots, who hosted meetings, who lead the National Tour, who volunteered for future events, and those who did special work to support MAFCA.

Ruth and I drove our Model A to numerous events this year and met hundreds of fantastic people along the way. We wish all the membership happy holidays and a safe and prosperous New Year.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President


The year is rapidly drawing to an end, and in many parts of the country folks have put their Model A’s away for the year. In a few areas, there is about a month of touring left.

The election for the Board of Directors is over and congratulations to Jerry Wilhelm and Jill Sullins on being elected to the Board and to Chuck Christensen on his re-election. I was fortunate to be re-elected as well and look forward to serving the membership for another two years – I am honored to have earned your trust.

Dave Jones led the ballot counting process and I want to thank him and his team: • Bob and Martha Trousil • Dick Wyckoff • Olive Moore • Jim and Kathy Brierly • Marlin and Elaine Perry • Nancy Stancil • Dick and Carmen Smith • John and Diane Frazee • Susan Jones

These dedicated volunteers ensured a fair and impartial election. Of course our Office Manager, Sandra Gomez played a key role along with her team in support.

We had a wonderful time at Hershey, meeting with members and people interested in the Model A Ford. Our seminars were well attended and received a lot of positive feedback so we plan to do them again next year. This was a particularly nice Hershey with spectacular weather – sunshine and blue skies.

The National Awards Banquet in Santa Rosa starts November 30 and promises to be great fun for all attending. I have had a peek at the winners of the literary, newsletter, and website awards. What a talented group of people contribute to our hobby. All the articles, newsletters, and websites are wonderful, and selecting winners is a difficult task.

The new Car Games Booklet is now available on the website for downloading. Previously we printed the booklet, but we want to encourage driving our cars and enjoying them. Most of the purchases of the booklet were by chapters, so now we are offering it free to all. We have eliminated games that violate our insurance, but users are still cautioned to be careful. Speaking of insurance, we are requesting chapters to make a voluntary contribution towards insurance this year. MAFCA provides insurance to our chapters for general liability and for Directors & Officers. The cost of this insurance is over $26,000 annually and it keeps going up. If chapters had to purchase similar coverage individually it would be over $1,000 each.

As our society become more litigious, the costs escalate so we are asking chapters that are able to make a voluntary contribution. The last issue of The Restorer contained the registration form for the National Convention in Marquette, Michigan. Send yours in soon, as the response has been excellent. The tours and hotels are filling, but there are still lots of opportunities left, but don’t delay too long. Our holiday flyer is out with some great new items. The Shop Drawings are already going into a second printing and our new Afghan and mugs make super gifts.

Hope to see you at Santa Rosa or at least on the road soon.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President


The leaves are starting to turn color and our “driving” season will soon come to an end. It is time to plan those winter projects for our beloved cars.

Your Board of Directors held a successful meeting at The Gilmore Car Museum Complex in Hickory Corners, Michigan. The meeting was in conjunction with the first annual “Model ‘A’ Gathering at the Gilmore” where the National Model A Museum will be constructed. Over 130 Model A’s from the area turned out for this event, parking on the beautiful grounds and adding to the fun.

The Model A Ford Foundation (MAFFI) held a meeting on the future building site. They are getting close to having enough funds to start construction and hope to break ground on April 1, 2012.

The Gilmore complex is a spectacular setting. It was my first visit and this is by far the finest automobile museum in the country. Take a look at their website The Model A Museum will be a destination for the entire family presenting Model A history, scientific development of automobile technology, history of the Model A era, and fashions of the time. The plans are truly inspired, I urge you to support this important endeavor.

The 2012 National Convention is moving along nicely. Over 85 registrations have been received from the Early Bird newsletter and the registration form will not appear until the next issue of The Restorer! It is posted on the Superior A’s website

The 2011 Annual Awards Banquet is also filling up so if you are planning to go, get your registration in soon. Registration forms can be found at

The 2012 National Banquet will be hosted by the Palmetto A’s and held in Charleston, SC, December 9 through 12, 2012. Charleston is filled with history and charm so this will be a great Banquet for next year. The 2013 National Tour will be hosted by the Dallas Model A Ford Club from May 5 through 10th in Charlottesville, NC. The tour along the Blue Ridge Parkway will be fun and historic.

The released Shop Drawings are going out the door fast, proving to be extremely popular among our membership. Order yours soon as we will need to reprint soon. Speaking of membership, the ballots for the election of Directors are coming in at a good pace as are renewals. Don’t forget to renew you membership if you have not already done so.

We are starting a project to replace all MAFCA forms on the website with those that you can fill them out on-line, print them, and send them in. Once complete this effort should save you time and improve accuracy of our administration.

We post a summary of each Board meeting on the Communications Page for the membership. If you would like a complete copy of the minutes, please let the office know and they will be happy to send you one (usually more than 20 pages in length, just so you know). Enjoy the fall colors and cooler weather and keep those great Model A’s on the road.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President


The days are getting shorter and the Labor Day weekend is almost here, but there is still a lot of great summer weather left. I hope you are driving your Model A’s and having fun tours.

Ruth and I were at the Northwest Regional Meet in Wilsonville, Oregon last month and had a wonderful time. Thanks to the Beaver Chapter and the NWRG for a great event. We of course drove our little 1930 Coupe and it ran flawlessly all 1,600 miles. Please send in your membership renewal if you have not already done so and don’t forget to vote for Directors. The ballots are coming into the office and we are receiving a good response, but everyone’s vote is important. Don’t forget to order a copy of the MAFCA Roster along with your renewal; it is the most important tool you can carry in your car. Our club is filled with wonderful and gracious people who are willing to help you on the road and the Roster helps you find them. We only print the Roster in even numbered years, so this is your chance for 2012.

Planning for the 2012 National Convention continues to progress. The registration form will be in the next issue of The Restorer so watch for it. This meet will feature some great tours to places filled with Ford History such as the Ford Alberta Village and Ford Bungalow. The Superior A’s have some spectacular seminars arranged for this event. Topics include installing the Model A interior, pouring babbitt, Ford Factories then and now, and speedometer restoration, to name a few.

The Model A Shop Drawings are now available – these are exploded drawings of car parts including steering, transmission, starter, distributor, and others. The surface is laminated so they can be used in your garage and wiped clean with a rag. A valuable tool for assembly and disassembly of various components, these visual aids make restoration much easier. The National Awards Banquet in Santa Rosa, California is coming up fast, so get your registration in soon. This time in the wine country and along the Northern California Coast will be fun for all.

The fall Hershey Swap Meet takes place next month, and once again MAFCA will be there in Red Field, space RCH 8-12. Look for the MAFCA balloon to guide you. Please stop by and visit with us or attend our seminar on rebuilding Model A shock absorbers. Hershey is a big place and we always have chairs to rest in and a nice tent for shade. In summary – renew, vote, tour, register, and have fun.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President


The Board of Directors held its July meeting in Marquette, Michigan where we were hosted by the Superior A’s. We reviewed the venue for next year’s national convention and worked out the details of the Registration form which will be in the September / October Restorer. This is going to be a great National Convention. The bulk of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan was owned by Henry Ford and it was the source of the iron, coal, limestone, and timber used in the Model A Ford. The area is forested, green, and delightful. The City of Marquette is charming and right on the shores of Lake Superior. Most of the events will be on the Northern Michigan University Campus with great facilities ideally suited to a National Convention. The people we met in the community were warm, outgoing, and delightful. Don’t miss this National Convention as it will be a spectacular event in Henry Ford’s backyard loaded with history along roads made for the Model A Ford.

The final accounting for the Natchez Trace National Tour has been completed and a profit of $1,400 was realized. Special thanks to David Black who organized, and led this great event and to Jill Sullins who served as registrar. These great volunteers made it a success for everyone who attended. The Board decided to donate the proceeds to the Model A Ford Foundation, Inc. (MAFFI) for the National Model A Museum.

If you are not a member of MAFFI you should consider becoming one. This is an organization dedicated to the preservation of the Model A Ford era and related memorabilia through research and education. Their current thrust is to establish a National Model A Museum where our vehicles can be displayed for the public and to house information critical to our cars.

The National Banquet in Santa Rosa, California this December has already receiving a number of registrations. In fact, they have now reserved additional rooms at the host hotel. We will drive our Model A’s among towering Redwoods, visit the of the rugged Pacific Ocean, eat fresh Dungeness crab, and sample fine California wines as well as tour this historic area. Get your forms in soon to participate in this event.

The election for MAFCA Directors will soon be underway. Ballots will be mailed along with the September / October issue of The Restorer please vote and return the ballot. Your vote does count!

Your Board wants to hear from you so please feel free to contact any of us with your ideas, questions, or concerns. We are your Board and this is your Club help us serve you by letting us know your needs. I hope to see you soon at a meet or on a tour.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President

JULY 2011

Summer has arrived and it looks like it is warm all over the country. Great Model A driving weather. I hope you are enjoying touring with your vehicles.

MAFCA is an award winning organization and this summer is not exception. I am delighted to share the following: Our headquarters building has earned the City of La Habra Beautification Award! The office staff takes great pride in maintaining our faculties and our gardener does a fantastic job with our little rose garden. Office Manager Sandra Gomez deserves special recognition for this accomplishment. Like many businesses, we are occasionally a victim of graffiti. Sandra eliminates it the same day so MAFCA Headquarters always looks good. The City thinks so too.

Our great editor Jim Spawn won the Gold Medal at the 2010 International Automotive Media Awards (IAMA) for his article “Introduction of The New Ford” published in the July / August 2010 issue of The Restorer. Jim was selected by his peers for this prestigious award demonstrating his exceptional talent.

The Board will be meeting in Marquette Michigan at the end of the month. Besides regular actions, we will be working with the Superior A’s who are hosting the 2012 National Convention from June 18 – 22. Marquette is on the Michigan Upper Peninsula, which was one of Henry Ford’s favorite locations. It is not too soon to plan your attendance. The registration form for the National Banquet in Santa Rosa this December is in now on the web. Be one of the first 50 to register for a chance to win a free room! The Sonoma A’s continue to work on this event to make it spectacular with wonderful tours and fun activities.

I have visited with several clubs and a lot of members recently and enjoy the opportunity to hear from you. Let us know how best to serve you, after all, it is your club.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President

JUNE 2011

The Northern California Regional Group’s 49th Annual Meet was held over Memorial Day weekend with Ruth and I in attendance. It was a great meet with about 170 Model As in attendance. The Vehicle Judging was particularly interesting with two very nice original cars and almost all vehicle types represented. It is amazing after 80+ years there are still original cars to study. The cars judged ranged from very detailed restorations to regular touring cars. All of the entrants had fun and learned about their vehicles.

Judging is for everyone, not just “purists”, so consider cleaning up your car and entering it the next time you attend a meet. The people who own Model A’s are a wonderful group, everyone was warm and friendly. Many stories were told, old friendships renewed, and new friends made. Whenever I attend a Model A function, I come away with some new friends.

By now, many of you will have received the new Revision 3 to the Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards and are able to see for yourself the great work our Judging Standards Committee has been doing.

The registration form for the National Banquet in Santa Rosa this December is in the July / August Restorer and will be posted on the website at the same time. This will give everyone a chance to get their registration in early for a chance to win a free room for the event. The Sonoma A’s, who are hosting the event, have planned some great tours to Giant Redwoods, wineries, and historic areas.

Our Vice President Dan Foulk continues to line up National Tours, Awards Banquets, and Conventions. We have future tours on the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Lighthouses of New England, and the Pacific Northwest lined up already. Your Board of Directors will be traveling to Marquette next month to review the facilities for the 2012 National Convention and to see how we can assist the Superior A’s in hosting a great meet. It has been a few years since we had a meet in this part of the country so we are expecting a good turn out. Mark you calendars.

I encourage you to email / write / phone me or the other Board members to let us know how best to serve you, after all it is your club.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President

MAY 2011

I have just returned from a very successful Board meeting in La Habra where we established the budget for the next Fiscal Year. We are very fortunate to have an excellent group of dedicated Directors working hard for MAFCA and being careful with your dues to make sure we provide our members real value. The new Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards are shipping this month and I know you will be pleased with them if you ordered. If you have not already ordered a copy, we have plenty in stock, and you may order from our web site or by calling the office.

The Natchez Trace National Tour was a great success with over 200 cars having a wonderful tour. You can see pictures and a short video of the tour on the MAFCA website. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend and really missed out. Our national tours are becoming very popular with our members as we all like to drive our cars. We alternate national tours with national conventions so there is only one major MAFCA activity per year. The national conventions include a number of tours as well as the other activities so they are all driving events. Sometimes folks think the national conventions are only about vehicle and fashion judging, and if they are not interested in those areas, why attend? This is a false assumption, as our conventions are for everyone. The 2012 National Convention in Marquette for example includes a number of exceptional tours loaded with Ford history.

Your Board reviewed the planning for the National Banquet in Santa Rosa this December and approved all wonderful work by the Sonoma A’s. This will be a fabulous event with some wonderful tours as well as our annual awards presentations. Likewise the Board reviewed the outstanding effort of the Superior A’s in planning for Marquette, it too will be an event not to be missed.

Our publications continue to grow and we are reprinting many of our How to Restore Your Model A series as they continue to sell. They provide the restorer the knowledge necessary to do a first class job themselves. The Board hopes to provide an update booklet on car games this year along with a coloring book for children. We have had these publications in the past, but they needed to be updated and expanded. Finally, the “Model A Shop Drawings” some of you may remember will be republished. These outstanding exploded views of various Model A component aid in assembly and disassembly. These illustrations provide a massive amount of information on a single page. The group working on Judging Standards for Modified Vehicles provided the Board their work to date, and it looks very impressive. We should have these standards completed and available to the membership before the end of the year.

I must tell you that all your Directors are doing outstanding work both individually and as a team. We listen to each other and to the membership and then arrive at decisions with unanimous agreement. After every meeting, we are told by audience members who have been attending for years how well we work as a team.

One sad note, we lost a MAFCA member in a car accident. He was not wearing a seat belt and was thrown from the vehicle on impact. Please wear you seat belts and drive carefully. We value each and every member of the Model A Family.

I encourage you to email / write / phone me or the other Board members to let us know how best to serve you.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President

April 2011

Spring is finally arriving and our Model As are back on the road. Don’t forget to do a good tune-up and check over your cars before hitting the road. The new Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards are at the printer! Depending on production time and shipping, they should be available close to April 30. It is possible they may be a week or two late.

The MAFCA 2017 National Tour in the Pacific Northwest is in the preliminary planning stage, and I received a description about it the other day. It is looks like another great touring opportunity. Each of our national tours is designed to get our cars out on the road and to see some amazing country. The Natchez Trace National Tour is underway early this month.

If your club or region is interested in hosting one of these events and showing off your part of the country, please contact our Vice President, Dan Foulk at Our membership continues to come up with some great ideas on how to improve the hobby. The Board will be discussing your ideas and trying to implement them as time and money permit. We are looking for additional partners and discounts for our members and will keep you advised on the web. I encourage you to email / write / phone me or the other Board members and let us know how best to serve you.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President

March 2011

Most of the country is still experiencing some rough weather, but it is moderating and the touring season will begin next month in many parts of the country. The Natchez Trace Trail National Tour has over 200 Model A’s ready to go in April! The National Banquet planning in Santa Rosa, California continues to progress nicely. This will an event you do not want to miss.

The National Convention planning for Marquette, Michigan in 2010 is also moving forward well and promises to be another great convention. The MAFCA Board is actively planning National Tours, Banquets, and Conventions through 2016 and starting to work beyond. If your club or region is interested in hosting one of these events, please contact Vice President Dan Foulk at

The Model A Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards are on track for distribution at the end of April. Get your orders in soon to be one of the first to enjoy this great reference.

I had a little health issue last month but am on the mend. It reinforced for me the wonderful community we have in Model A owners. I received many cards, calls, and generally great support. Some folks asked if I need help on my cars – I have always done my own work so this was a surprise. I assured them I can still fix the car.

This family like support just goes with our hobby. Model A people really are special. I encourage you to email / write / phone me or the other Board members and let us know how best to serve you.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President

February 2011

The Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards Revision is due to be released on April 30. It is a wonderful addition to our hobby with additional photographs and illustrations that really make it easy to understand how the Model A goes together.

The thanks for this go to the Judging Standards Committees of both MARC and MAFCA as they have been working on it for many years. The selling price of the revision will be $13.50 making it a real bargain. The last revision in 1997 was comparable in size and cost $15.00. In 1997, you could fill up your Model A with gas and have lunch for $15. Today $13.50 will get you a half tank.

We are offering clubs a “special” if your club orders 10 or more copies [ 2-10-2011: 5 copies!) mailed to a single address - the shipping will be “free”.

I know the weather is rough as we are in mid-winter, but start planning your touring now so you are ready when the good weather arrives. I encourage you to think about attending the National Awards Banquet in Santa Rosa, California. While the event starts on November 30, the weather is still nice in the Santa Rosa area. There will be some great seminars and some wonderful tours to the wine country and to the Northern California Coast. Of course there will be old friends and the chance to make new ones. Some members ask me, “Why should I go to the Banquet?” Isn't it just a fancy Board Meeting? The Board does meet during the event, but it really is an opportunity to see a part of the country you may not have visited, attend fun and educational seminars, and enjoy the company of fellow Model A hobbyists. I encourage you to think about attending.

The Natchez Trace National Tour is in April and the cut off for registration is March 1. So far there are 28 States represented and 2 countries. This promises to be a leisurely scenic tour along one of America's most historic routes. We want to do the best job possible for the membership and the hobby, so I encourage you to email / write / phone me or the other Board members and let us know how best to serve you.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President

January 2011

The Pike's Peak Model A Club did an outstanding job hosting the 2010 National Awards Banquet. The weather was better there than in California when we left. I want to thank them for hosting a first class event where annual awards were presented and new officers installed. If you didn't have the chance to attend, you missed some wonderful seminars and tours.

The 2011 Board is a great group of people, and I am excited about working with them this year. I want to thank Garth Shreading who did an amazing job as our President in 2010 and to thank the outgoing Board members. Everyone gave 100% to the club. We are really fortunate to have so many great volunteers in MAFCA.

2011 is shaping up to be a memorable year. The second National Tour on the Natchez Trace already has 118 registrations. The timing of the tour is ideal for the wildflowers along the way, and it promises to be a wonderful exploration of American History as well. Jim Spawn, our great editor of The Restorer, is back from his illness, and the magazine looks better than ever. We still depend on our membership to provide articles, so if you have something you would like to share, please send it to Jim or our Publications Director Doug Linden.

We are negotiating details with the Model A Restorers Club for the publication of the latest revision to the Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards, and it is on track for a Spring release. I have seen some of the proofs, and it will be a great tool for the home and professional restorer. The photographs and illustrations are superb, and the expanded text really provides key information. There will be over 200 new photos & illustrations.

We want to do the best job possible for the membership and the hobby, so I encourage you to email / write / phone me or the other Board members and let us know how best to serve you.

Alex Janke
2011 MAFCA President

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[Red Line]

December 2010


The World of MAFCA Keeps Spinning.

In a few days I will be leaving for Colorado Springs to attend MAFCA's National Awards Banquet. There, I will chair my final meeting as president of this outstanding organization. The speed at which this year has passed simply amazes me. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and want to encourage every MAFCA member to seriously consider running for the Board of Directors. It's a rewarding and fun time.

If you have not sent in your annual renewal, please do so as soon as you are able. After the beginning of the year, the office staff turns its attention to processing the chapter renewals, so it will be helpful if membership renewals are completed by then. That reminds me, chapters: please send in your annual registration forms as soon as possible.

I recently talked to Jill Sullins who is the registrar for the 2011 Natchez Trace Tour. Registrations are very high and over 10% of those registering are people joining MAFCA, who want to be part of this event. Registrations have come from the north, south, east and west coasts, as well as the heartland; currently 26 states are represented. Before moving to Texas, a friend gave me a book about the Natchez Trace. They had toured it and found it simply to be one their highlight vacations. Janet and I drove it a few years ago and I must say, since that drive, my mind has returned again and again, always thinking of making this a Model A tour. I think all Model A'ers will love this drive. I'm registration #4, what's yours?

If your chapter has ever considered hosting a national event but thought a convention might be bigger than you are ready for, why not consider hosting a National Tour. They are simpler and showcases your area. For more information, contact

As I wind up this year, it's nice to reflect on the year's successes. MAFCA's 2010 successes are too numerous to list all but here are some of my favorites. The revision to the Judging Standards is at the editor and will very shortly be turned over to the printer. The NEW and IMPROVED Fashion Guidelines are out as is the Era Pattern Project. The bylaw revisions, which will help MAFCA operate more efficiently, have been approved by over 90% of votes cast. 2010's International Convention in Vancouver exceeded our greatest expectations. MAFCA kicked off our national tours with the Pony Express Tour and is planning for the Natchez Trace Tour next April, and we reached our goal of driving a million miles. 2010, WHAT A GREAT YEAR! I know 2011 will be even better.

I wish to thank the many people I have worked with and come to know during the year; from the people I have met at activities around the country to those serving on the variety of committees and boards helping to make MAFCA better. I appreciate your efforts and genuine compassion for our hobby. With people like you, I see a bright future for MAFCA.

Garth Shreading
2010 MAFCA President

November 2010

For many, November brings about a slow down in driving the Model A. For me, living in SE Texas, it's my favorite month to be on the road, trees are changing colors and there is a refreshing briskness in the air. For those who are contemplating storing the car for the winter, I hope your season has been fun and exciting and you have taken advantage of the many opportunities offered by MAFCA, the regions and chapters.

I wish to thank the many MAFCA members from around the world that took the time to vote in the recent MAFCA election. The election results have been announced on the website and installation of new Directors will be December 10 in Colorado Springs. I think next year's board will be excellent representatives of our family and looks to be an exciting year for those who get some time behind the wheel of a Model A. I hope you are one. The bylaw revisions were supported by over 90% percent of our voting members. While change is rarely fun, it's often necessary and these changes, while minor in number, will help MAFCA to run more efficiently. Thank you for your support.

The Natchez Trace Trail tour coming next April is shaping up to be a great time of fun. I have been told by many of our friends they are planning to make the trip. I'm planning on making the drive and hope you are. The registration form can be found here on the website or in the November/December issue of The Restorer. A few years ago, Janet and I drove the Trail and while we were in a modern car, all I could think was what a great Model A road it is. I hope you kick off the 2011 season on this tour.

Now is the time to send your registration form in for the National Awards Banquet in Colorado Springs this coming December 8-11. The Pikes Peak chapter has many great activities planned, so don't miss it. Recently, I Googled car museums; it seems like all makes of cars have their own museum, except the Ford Model A? This fact is hard to believe but true. I have just returned from a meeting in Hickory Corners, Michigan where I, along with other Model A enthusiasts, toured the Gilmore Museum, one of the nation's premier car museums and impressed I was. While there, the Model A Ford Foundation (MAFFI) signed an agreement to build the Model A Museum at this world-class facility. I was able to ask the leadership of MAFFI questions about their plans, commitment and needs and pledge my continuing support for this legacy. Now is the time for the Model A community to get involved. If you are a MAFCA member, you should have recently received a flyer asking for your support. I hope you give it serious consideration

If your chapter or region is hosting an event in the coming months, why not contact George Tynan, president of MAFFI to see if MAFFI can have representative come by and talk to your gathering about the Model A Museum. Or, maybe to provide information on the museum that can be inserted in the registration packets. Let's all support this important project.

October 2010

The World of MAFCA Keeps Spinning.

Congratulations and thanks to all of those who helped to make the MILLION MILE CHALLENGE a complete success. It's great to see so many Model A's on the road, demonstrating to the world just what a great car these Model A Fords are.

MAFCA's National Awards Banquet in Colorado Springs is coming together quickly and I hope you take advantage of the Pike's Peak chapter's hospitality and plan on attending. The dates are December 8-11 and the schedule of activities looks just great. I know we will all have a fun time. To register, go to the Pikes Peak Chapter web site.

Watch your mail, as MAFCA is sending out a special offer just in time for Christmas. Along with this special offer is some exciting information from MAFFI that will benefit the entire Model A community. Please take the time to read it and hopefully support this great activity.

The November / December issue of The Restorer contains information and registration form for the Natchez Trace Trail Tour. Judging by the emails I have received, there is great interest in this tour. Be sure to register as early as possible. The registration form will also be posted on our web site in a few short weeks. The dates of the tour are April 9-15. We will depart from Nashville and drive south to Natchez, Mississippi. I have driven this historic road, which is run by the National Park Administration, and can think of no better Model A road. No commercial vehicles and a maximum speed limit of 50 mph make this an exceptional road for a national tour. Take some time and check it out on line; you'll want to go.

If you haven't sent in your membership renewal, please do so as soon as possible. The earlier you are able to get it in, the more helpful it is for the office staff as the beginning of the year becomes very busy as they process chapter renewals.

Be sure to check out the MAFCA calendars both in The Restorer and on line for what is happening, I know you won't want to miss out!

Garth Shreading
2010 MAFCA President

September 2010

The World of MAFCA Keeps Turning.

As summer winds down and cool refreshing days of fall come upon us, I hope you take advantage of many opportunities being offered by our chapters around the world.

The 2010 elections are in full swing. For information on the candidates, I encourage you to check out the election information on our web site.

Also on the ballot is a bylaw revision proposal that the Board of Directors is recommending. There are three main issues. First, changing the Annual Meeting to the National Awards Banquet. This is being done to help bring us into conformity with California's Corporation Code. The second revision pertains to our election process that is designed to help the process and provide candidates with a better opportunity to get their message out. Finally, changes that were recommended by the attorney. These are primarily grammatical and consistent wording throughout the document. For more detailed information, check out the May/June issue of The Restorer, page 13.

If you haven't done so yet, it's time to register for the 2010 Annual Members Meeting being hosted by the Pikes Peak Model A Club. The Annual Meeting provides you with an opportunity to meet many of MAFCA's leaders (both past and present), attend some great seminars and visit one of America's great cities, Colorado Springs. The dates are December 8-11, 2010. For more information, visit the Pikes Peak Web Site. Don't forget the International Model A Day is September 18th. This is great way for us to show our cars by having thousands of Model A's on the road at the same time. It's also a great opportunity to invite friends to participate and introduce them to our great hobby. So get the cars shined, the tires pumped up and let's hit the road together. The Million Mile Challenge is heading to the wire. Dick Przywitowski tells me it's going to be close but is looking good. Be sure to report your mileage so it can be counted in the totals. Also if you drove previously but failed to report your mileage, it's not too late to email them to Don't forget to get your membership renewals in. You can renew your MAFCA membership by visiting the MAFCA Store and click on Membership Renewal or by mailing your renewal form in to Headquarters.

Garth Shreading
2010 MAFCA President

August 2010

I write this from the airport after an exciting week at the MAFCA International Convention in Vancouver, BC. The Lions Gate Chapter provided us with a week full of terrific activities and adventures -- seeing both old and new friends. Over 600 attendees from six countries were welcomed by many friendly and gracious Canadians as we explored this beautiful city in our Model A's. I wish to thank Brian and Mary Carlson, Carl and Donna Becker, Al Glen, Terry and Christine Heselton and the rest of the Lions Gate Chapter who took part to make this an occasion we will remember for years to come. As we left Vancouver, there were smiles, hugs, and handshakes.

Watch the mail as your membership renewal form and ballot should soon be arriving. It is helpful to the office if we can process renewals as soon as possible. On the form, please include the names of both spouses and note any necessary corrections to your address label.

Be sure to cast your votes for both the Board of Directors and bylaw revisions. This year, we have five openings for directors and seven candidates. I was able to spend some time with each of the candidates at the convention and, I must say, MAFCA will be in good hands as all are impressive people. The Board of Directors is requesting your support for the bylaw amendments. Additional information can be found at

CONGRATULATIONS to Rick Black and Doug Clayton for their induction into MAFCA's Honorary Life Membership. Honorary Life Membership is the highest honor MAFCA can bestow on a member. Both of these gentlemen are particularly deserving of this prestigious award for their long-term commitment to MAFCA and our Model A hobby.

Garth Shreading
2010 MAFCA President

July 2010

As I write this, the 2010 International Convention is only a couple of weeks away and I'm looking forward to seeing my many friends from around the Model A world. Registrations have been much stronger than anyone anticipated and I hope you are planning to attend.

Don't forget the National Awards Banquet, December 8-11, in Colorado Springs. An application can be found in the last issue of The Restorer or at in the DOWNLOADS area (FORMS)

Les Andrews called me a few days ago to give me some great news. Since January, Les has been working almost full-time with the Era Fashion Committee editing the new Fashion Guidelines. He called to let me know they had finished the job and the guidelines were now ready to go to print. This completely new volume is the definitive authority on era fashions and will be available at the International Convention in Vancouver and then on our website in the MAFCA STORE.

Speaking of fashions, the Era Fashion Pattern Catalog is here! This outstanding catalog displays many patterns spanning years 1925 to 1931, from underwear to formal wear, for women, men and children. This 80-page catalog can now be purchased through our website in the MAFCA STORE for those seamstresses wanting to expand their wardrobe.

Garth Shreading
2010 MAFCA President

June 2010

It's a short message this month as I'm on the road.The MAFCA Pony Express Tour is in process and reports are what a great event it is. Registrations have been high and I know a lot of people are looking forward to making this expedition through the GREAT AMERICAN WEST. I appreciate all the hard work done by Dick Przywitowski, Jim Spawn, Mary Tribbett, Dave Vestal, and the many others helping them along way. We soon will be announcing our next national tour, so keep an eye open.

The July/August issue of The Restorer includes information on the 2010 National Awards Banquet being hosted by the Pikes Peak A's. These meetings provide a great opportunity to meet the many people who help keep MAFCA's wheels turning as well as some simply great fun and fellowship. If you have never had the opportunity to be part of a Members Meeting, I encourage you to join in by coming to Colorado Springs this December.

Garth Shreading
2010 MAFCA President

May 2010

We're entering the height of the driving season. I hope you're wearing the tread on your Model A's tires. The Million Mile Challenge is ongoing with those participating MAFCA members receiving a “special gift” for joining in this entertaining activity (assuming we meet the objective of one million miles). Currently, we are on target, but the monthly mileage requirement is jumping up this month, so we need all to help out. If you haven't reported any mileage yet or are just now getting the car on the road, it's not too late. Check out the details on the MAFCA website.

Time is running short for those interested in running for the Board. I'm often asked about both time and financial commitment of the Board members. Financially, MOST of your travel and operational expenses are covered.

I think it's fair to say that a director can expect to spend between $500 to $1,000 per year out of his/her pocket. Airfare (or driving cost) is reimbursed and two nights of lodging are covered for meetings that directors are required to attend. Out-of-pocket costs like postage, copies, etc. are also reimbursed.

Time commitment is another issue. This is a corporation, with employees and a substantial operating budget. Depending on the director's job, one can expect to spend 20+ hours per week. I must say though, that it is both fun and rewarding and you do get to work with some great people.

The remaining details are being finalized for MAFCA's 2010 International Convention in Vancouver. Like the dozens of people I have talked to, I'm looking forward to going and seeing my many Model A friends from around the world. I know the steering committee has been working hard and deserves our gratitude for the countless hours spent. For those people traveling from outside of Canada, you MUST have proper travel documents, including vehicle insurance and passports. Be sure to check out Lions Gate's website for information.

Garth Shreading
2010 MAFCA President

April 2010

It was a joy to be part of the Dallas Model A Club's 50th Anniversary Celebration. About 250 chapter members gathered at the South Fork Ranch (TV's Dallas fame) for the occasion. As I thought about what I wanted to tell them, I received an email on my cell phone and there it was: “50 years of change.” It occurred to me that fifty years ago we picked up a telephone, dialed a few numbers and presto--we were talking to someone miles away. Surprisingly, it was not much different than that at the end of the Model A production period. Yes, the phone looked different but functioned much the same way as they did when the Dallas Chapter was formed.

Today, things have changed drastically as we now take our telephones where we go. They not only receive calls but also email, photos, some give us directions on where we want to go and some even TV. Yes, while it seems much has changed, there is something special about those simpler cars and times and that's what attracts many of us to this great hobby. Congratulations to all MAFCA chapters celebrating their anniversaries, especially those having been part of MAFCA for 50 years.

I had a telephone call recently from Jim Spawn, The Restorer editor. As you may know, Jim has been under the weather but is feeling much better and has received great news from his doctor. He is slowly getting back to work and will continue to produce our great magazine.

I received word that registrations are going strong for the 150th Anniversary of Pony Express Tour. If you haven't registered and are planning on going, now is the time to get your registration in. This is going to be, simply put, an outstanding event. Some have asked if you must be a MAFCA member to participate. As you can understand, since this is a MAFCA sponsored event, MAFCA membership is a prerequisite to participating. Be sure to regularly visit the Pony Express page for updated information.

It's time for the rubber to hit the road (literally). The Million Mile Challenge monthly goals have been reached up to now but the monthly goals have increased from 25,000 to 100,000 miles. For much of the nation, March has been colder than normal, but I'm sure that has not detoured our die-hard Model A people. I recently participated in the Poor Boy Tour here in Texas and had an opportunity to talk to many who are taking part in this activity. Are you?

One of the most enjoyable aspects of our hobby is being able to serve our fellow Model A'ers and I can think of no greater privilege than serving as a MAFCA Director (not to mention meeting and working with a bunch of fun people.) Why not give it some thought and should you have any questions, our membership director, Dave Jones, will be happy to answer them. Dave may be contacted at

Garth Shreading
2010 MAFCA President

March 2010

MAFCA member registrations continue to come in, with MAFCA membership at near all time records. This is a reflection on not only the health of MAFCA but our chapters as well. Working together, I believe we can continue to strengthen each other. I'm going to ask both the office staff and Board of Directors to encourage MAFCA members not active in a chapter to get involved and support the local chapter in their area. And, I want to ask chapters to encourage their members to join MAFCA. Together we can continue to make MAFCA the leader in the antique car hobby.

Some of you have heard that The Restorer editor, Jim Spawn, has been ill. Jim is currently being treated and is looking forward to getting back in the saddle. I can only imagine that his wife, Melissa, is also looking forward to getting Jim out and about! In the meantime, The Restorer continues to be a main source of information and communication. Through the capable hands of Jim's staff, working with MAFCA's Publication Director, Alex Janke, we will continue to produce the quality magazine that we all have come to expect. Because of Jim's sudden illness, the March/April issue is a few days late getting to the printer. Thanks for your understanding. Jim, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Get back soon--we miss you.

The steering committee at 2010 International Meet in Vancouver continues to report on the outstanding response from around the world. For many of us, the Olympics have created an excitement about visiting this world-class city. A year ago, with the world economy in shambles, we were concerned about attendance. But we should never doubt the dedication and commitment of our members' support. Because of strong demand, the steering committee has expanded the tours offered. Now, in addition to the many great tours planned, they are offering two one-day tours to Victoria (Vancouver Island) and world-famous Butchart Gardens. When I was about 10, my family took a vacation to British Columbia; one of the things that stands out after these many years is a tour to the Gardens. It must have been impressive to impact a 10-year-old kid's mind for all of these years. These tours are limited in capacity, so don't delay in registering; go to the Lions Gate web site and click on 2010 International Convention for more information.

While you visit the Lions Gate website, take a look around. This website was selected as MAFCA Chapter Website of the Year for 2009. It's a great demonstration of what the Internet offers our chapters.

The time has finally arrived! It's time to register for the 150th Anniversary of the Pony Express Tour. Dick Przywitowski reports that registrations are coming in and I know you don't want to miss this great event. Information and a registration form can be found here.

Garth Shreading
2010 MAFCA President

February 2010

This is always an exciting and busy time for MAFCA as plans for the year start to come to fruition. As you no doubt are aware, this year's activities are not only many but also creative. From the International Convention to local chapter activities, this year offers something for all to enjoy.

Some of you are considering a run for MAFCA's Board of Directors; this important and rewarding job is open to MAFCA members from around the land. While the work is hard and time-consuming, you meet and work with the best people in the world, Model A people. Most of all, serving on the board is fun and challenging. For more information, check out the March/April issue of The Restorer or send an email to Dave Jones at

MAFCA is fortunate to have three dedicated office staff, Sandra, Lisa and Brenda. I'm often amazed at the amount of work they perform. In fall, besides their normal work, they must distribute member and chapter renewal information and then turn around in winter and record the incoming information. With over 14,000 memberships and 300 chapters, you can imagine how demanding it is. You can help them by ensuring your membership and chapter renewals are complete, legible and mailed on time.

At January's board meeting, the revisions to the bylaws were approved for presentation to the membership review and vote. Our plan is to publish a review of the changes in The Restorer and post a side-by-side comparison on the web. Any member requesting a copy of the proposed bylaws may do so by contacting the office and a set will be mailed. Most of the recommended changes are on the advice of our attorney who specializes in mutual benefit corporations such as MAFCA. Since the creation of our bylaws in 1957, changes in legal terminology have necessitated an update of some portions of the bylaws. Having said that, there is one change that is necessary because of law. California requires 1/3 of our voting membership be present at the annual membership meeting. This means that over 4,600 members must attend the National Awards Banquet. Obviously, this is very unlikely to happen so after much review and discussion it was decided to replace Annual Membership Meeting with National Awards Banquet. All of our current practices being held at the Annual Meeting will remain as they have historically been. Membership Meetings can still be called by either MAFCA's membership or Board of Directors so the impact is minimal but helps us to conform to California Law.

There has been some confusion caused by a rumor that both the Welcome Party and Banquet at the August convention in Vancouver are full. While registrations are higher than anticipated, there is space available. Additionally, the steering committee is proactively working with Vice President Jill Sullins to explore possible alternatives should they be necessary to ensure adequate accommodations for all. So make sure to get your 2010 Convention registration in.

Garth Shreading
2010 MAFCA President

January 2010

I just arrived home from the Annual Members' Meeting in Milwaukee, hosted by the Great Lakes A's; what a great time we had. For a SE Texas guy, the change in weather was enjoyable as we had a couple inches of snowfall one night and sunshine most of the rest of the time.

The Great Lakes A's did an outstanding job making us all feel welcome and entertained throughout the event. Whether one was attending a Christmas play or inspecting the rides at the Harley Davidson Museum, all those who attended had smiles on their faces.

2010 looks to be an exciting year for MAFCA. Currently, we are revising both the Judging Standards and Fashion Guidelines, both of which should be out later this year. The Santa Clara Valley Chapter, working with many people throughout the country, is completing the Fashion Pattern Project. This project will provide to our members the ability to choose era patterns and sew fashionable ensembles. Not only is MAFCA coming forth with new and interesting technical guidelines and era fashions projects, but we haven't forgotten about getting behind the wheel of a good o'l Model A. After all, that's what brought us together in the first place.

The 150th Anniversary of the Pony Express Tour, the Million Mile Challenge and, of course, the 2010 International Convention in Vancouver, BC, all will provide us with some great times and memories of running down the road in our Model A's. Remember, the International Convention will be here before you know it. If you have not started arranging for your travel documents don't delay. And it's not too late to start planning for the Annual Members Meeting in Colorado Springs next December. More information can be found about these activities on our website or take a look in The Restorer Magazine.

Garth Shreading
2010 MAFCA President

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[Red Line]

October/November 2009


I'm glad to report that MAFCA has secured another Membership Discount. Thanks to the efforts of our Advertising Director George Tynan, we have secured a discount program from BRASSWORKS Radiator. When ordering from Brassworks, give your MAFCA membership number and you will receive either a 10% discount or free shipping. Either offers a substantial savings. See their ad in the November/December issue of The Restorer magazine. We are continually working to obtain more discounts for our membership.

During the first week in October, MAFCA attended the Hershey Swap Meet in Hershey, PA. MAFCA's presence at Hershey was the best ever. We set up in a 20 ft. X 30 ft tent, with 25 chairs for seminars. Sandra had new banners made for the top front and rear of the tent. All of the tables were covered with yellow vinyl with the MAFCA logo which resulted in a very professional presences. As usual, we flew the MAFCA helium balloon. The big sellers were Tiny Tips and Book #8. Seminars were given by Les Andrews as advertised. They were all well attended. He gave 3 each day. And, a 4th on Thursday. This was quite a drawing card for MAFCA. A lot of people came into the tent which resulted in a lot of sales of MAFCA merchandise. The economy definitely affected the Hershey turnout. There was a noticeable reduction in vendors and attendees. Yet, it was a very successful event for MAFCA.

The election process for the 2010 Board of Directors has been completed. I'm glad to report that the number of ballots submitted were nearly double of last year's election. I want to thank everyone that voted. Every vote makes a difference.

The newly elected Directors are: Stephanie Grundman from Wisconsin, Chuck Christensen from California, Jim Morris (incumbent) from New York, and Alex Janke from California. Congratulations to the newly elected Directors.

The Board is wrapping up business for the year and preparing for the National Awards Banquet on Dec 2 through 5 in Brookfield, WI. There is still time to register for the National Awards Banquet. It's a beautiful winter wonderland and some interesting things are planned to see and do. Get your registration in quickly. This years' Literary Awards and Newsletter Awards will be announced and presented at the Banquet.

This has been a very rewarding and exciting year for me as your 2009 National President. I'll wrap it all up for you in my December President's Page report.

Les Andrews
2009 MAFCA President

September 2009

The election for the new Directors is still in process. If you have not voted, there is still time to do so. All ballots must be postmarked by October 15, 2009. Every vote counts so I encourage everyone to be part of the process and vote for your selection for the next slate of Directors. You should have received your ballots in a separate mailing with your membership renewal in late August.

Our office staff of three (3) records all the membership renewals. This is a huge task for our office staff to record 14,000 renewals this time of year. The early renewal registration notice allows our small office staff ample time to record all renewals prior to printing of the Jan/Feb issue of The Restorer magazine. Late renewals are costly because of the separate mailings. Our office staff is to be congratulated for the amount of work they do to maintain business at our headquarters office for 14,000 + members.

In the 4th quarter alone, they receive and record all membership renewals (13,000 +), maintain and update members records, ship over 900 orders for MAFCA products, receive over 5,000 letters, phone calls, and email correspondence from members. You can help by sending your ballots and membership renewal in early.

Be sure to pre-order your 2010 Membership Roster on your Membership Renewal card. All Rosters must be pre-ordered. Due to the amount of work to prepare the 2010 Membership Roster after renewals have been submitted, and to allow time for printing, the 2010 Membership Roster will not be mailed until April 1, 2010. How To Restore Your Model A – Volume 8 is now available. Go to the MAFCA Store on the MAFCA website to order your copy.

Archie Cress and Frank Rosin have been producing the A-World publication for our youth for over 12 years. Congratulations for a great job those two dedicated members have volunteered to do for our youth. Renewal cards are being sent to all current recipients of “A-World”. I want to remind and encourage all parents, grandparents, and Youth themselves, to register for A-World when your renewal card comes in the mail. Your must fill out the registration card and return it (free registration) to the A-World office to receive your free quarterly publication. These publications include a wide range of articles, games, puzzles, and information about the Model A that will help keep the youth involved in the Model A.

Your Board is still working on Member Discount Benefits for the membership. I will report more on this program next month.

Les Andrews
2009 MAFCA President

August 2009

Good News For Our Membership!

The Model A Ford Club of America has just entered into a partnership with Motel 6. Our members will receive a 10% discount when booking reservations with Motel 6. Go directly to our Home Page and read about the new benefit for the membership. Click on the Motel 6 logo and get all of the information.

When I first came on as President, one of the first priorities I gave myself was to see if we could get some benefit 'Perks' for our membership, such as what other corporations make available for their members. The partnership with Motel 6 is the first we have landed. I'm working on others and hope we can land many more benefit Perks for the membership.

On Sept 11, the Board of Directors will conduct an open planning session beginning at 2 pm Friday afternoon at our Headquarters office @ 250 S. Cypress St., La Habra, CA. This planning session is open to all members that would like to attend. The Board Meeting is on Saturday, Sept 12, from 8am to 5pm. Board meetings are also open to all members.

Orders are now being taken for the 2010 Membership Roster. Pre-Order your 2010 Membership Roster with your 2010 Dues Renewal. All 2010 Membership Rosters must be Pre-Ordered.

Registration for the 2009 National Awards Banquet in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, December 2-5, is still available. Registration forms are available on the web site. Go to "Calendar of Events" or the 2009 Meeting page and download the Registration Form for the National Awards Banquet. I look forward to seeing you there.

Hershey Swap Meet - Oct 7-10 is just weeks away. You will want to visit the MAFCA Tent at space RCH 8-12. Don't miss the seminar at the MAFCA tent titled: "Timing the Model A For Power" or "Saving The Babbitt". The seminar will be presented at 10am, 1pm, and 3pm all four days by Les Andrews. There will also be a book signing for the Mechanics Handbooks by Les Andrews. You can purchase all of the Mechanics Handbook series at the MAFCA tent.

New Christmas Cards are now available and can be purchased on-line at the MAFCA store. A 10% Chapter discount is available on all items with a purchase of $100 or more. We are also offering a 10% discount on the Model A Banks when ordered on-line from the MAFCA Store.

The current MAFCA membership is at 13,500 and growing, with 304 registered Chapters.

Ballots will be in the membership hands within a week, if not already, for the upcoming elections for 2010 Board of Directors. I encourage everyone to VOTE! Only you can decide who will serve on the Board of Directors for 2010/2011 and be responsible to run the corporation's affairs. We should not take the election lightly. We need the best people possible to conduct the business of this corporation.

In the meantime, drive your Model A everywhere you can and enjoy this great country of ours.

Les Andrews
2009 MAFCA President

July 2009

Fellow Model A'ers,

Summer is here and there are a lot of Model A activities happening around the country. Join the many tours and club activities around the country, driving your Model A and showing the country what a great time can be had in a Model A.

Your Board of Directors recently met in Breckenridge, Colorado to hold our Board of Directors meeting. We were invited by the Mile High Chapter to attend their High Country Tour. Congratulations to the Mile High Chapter for hosting a great Mile High Meet.

While at the meet I had the pleasure of awarding MAFCA's first 50,000 mile award to Dave and Susan Jones of the Santa Clara Valley chapter, Santa Clara, California, a testimony of how durable the Model A is and the joy of driving long distances and often. Record your mileage with your Chapter President for verification and submit to MAFCA headquarters towards earning mileage patches and decal.

Planning is now under way to begin a "Million Mile Challenge", sanctioned by MAFCA . Check the MAFCA web site as plans develop to find out how every MAFCA member can participate. June 19, 2010 is the 150th year celebration of the Pony Express run between Sacramento California and St Joseph, Missouri. This will be a sanctioned MAFCA Tour that is in the planning stages. Watch for more information on these two events on the MAFCA web site and in The Restorer magazine. Both of these sanctioned MAFCA driving events will add excitement to your chapters and members.

Your MAFCA Board of Directors are enthusiastically looking for ways to improve benefits for all its members. Check this  page next month for more information on MAFCA benefits.

The membership can be proud of the eight Directors now serving the membership and responsibly taking care of corporate business. Every one of these volunteers is doing an outstanding job. Check page 4 in The Restorer magazine for a list of your Directors and their email and phone numbers. 

Check out this President's Message page next month as I continue to keep the membership informed and involved in MAFCA happenings. If you have any questions I can be contacted at


Les Andrews
2009 MAFCA President

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Last Updated: 08/01/24