The Restorer Magazine

Restorer Cover
Published by
Model A Ford Club of America
La Habra, California

Volume 69 Issue 2

July/August 2024
Restorer Cover

The Restorer Magazine is MAFCA's award-winning publication. Published six times a year, The Restorer features articles about the Model A Ford, news of Chapters and activities, and other interesting features. A one-year subscription is included in every member's membership package.

Contributions to The RestorerAdvertising in The RestorerSubmission Deadlines
[Image] Click here to read a full issue of The Restorer magazine. [Image]
(This is a big file, so please give it a minute to download to your computer)

Restorer Cover

Technical articles are published in almost every issue of The Restorer to help Model A owners maintain and restore our vehicles.

These articles are written by MAFCA members and others and are in plain language so that readers can follow the information easily.

Click on the image at left to
preview an excerpt from a technical article
published in a recent issue of The Restorer.


Other features of The Restorer include articles about individual and chapter tours, club meets, era fashions, upcoming events, and historical insights into the evolution of the Ford automobile.



The Restorer Digital Edition

The digital edition of the Restorer Online has been available since January, 2017 to all active, paid MAFCA members at no additional charge. Roughly half of the membership currently receives the Digital Edition, and the rest are encouraged to sign up for it.

To sign up, send an email to MAFCA HQ at info @ and provide your name, address, member number, and your email address.

Per MAFCA's Privacy Policy, we promise that your email address will not be given or sold to anyone for any reason, it will just be used by our publisher to notify you when each edition of the Digital Edition is available. You can add this on to your regular membership renewal.

Details can be found in the MAFCA Store under MEMBERSHIP.

Instructions for using the online edition may be viewed here.

If you subscribe to the Digital Restorer, click here to view the current issue.
You'll need to use your email address and 6-digit MAFCA membership number to log in.

Index of Issues

In our REFERENCE - DOWNLOADS section, you can download an index of The Restorer to help you locate articles quickly.
RINDEX1-67.pdf indexes all of The Restorer magazines from Volume 1 in 1956 to Volume 67 in 2023.
Use this index to search for people, subjects, or article titles.

For a cross reference of Volumes to Years of publication, click here.

Contribution Guidelines - Writing for The Restorer

Restorer Editor Andy Scheer has updated the document describing how to submit your Restorer contribution,
whether it's a technical article, an advertisement, or anything else.

Click Here to download a copy.

Contributions and Correspondence:
Send to or mail to:
The Restorer, MAFCA, 250 South Cypress Street, La Habra CA 90631-5515

Classified Ads for The Restorer:
Send to or mail to:
The Restorer, MAFCA, 250 South Cypress Street, La Habra CA 90631-5515

Chapter News:
Send to MAFCANews @ or mail to:
The Restorer, 5074 Plumstead Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920

It would be appreciated if ALL letters are typewritten or plainly printed and include a return address (and phone number) in case we need to contact you regarding your submission.

Out and About Pages:
Send to Restorer @ with subject "Out and About"
Attach your photo and include a short paragraph describing it.

Classified Advertising in The Restorer

MAFCA Members are entitled to one free ad per issue. Ads for specific cars, parts, and services may be run only once per year. Free classified ads are for the hobbyist only. No commercial classified ads accepted. Businesses offering Model A parts and services are welcome to advertise in other sections of The Restorer. Display rates quoted on request. The Classified Advertising section is for Model A Ford automobiles, Model A parts, and related items only.

Rate for Members
First 30 words plus name and address: free
Each additional word: $0.30
Photo charge for each photo: $8.00

Rate for Nonmembers
First 30 words plus name and address: $50.00
Each additional word: $0.50
Photo charge for each photo: $10.00

Ads should be typed or plainly printed and labeled “For Sale” or “Wanted” or “Will Swap.” All items listed for sale must state the asking price. Ads for autos should mention the state where the vehicle is located. Lead words will be printed in boldface. Photos should be professionally printed on photo paper or emailed as an attached file. Digital photos should be at least 720 pixels wide.
Send ads to: The Restorer • MAFCA • 250 S. Cypress Street • La Habra, CA 90631-5515 or email to Restorer @

Original, unrestored Model A’s or ones that have been restored but modified, including the use of modern parts and technology, may be advertised, as long as the vehicle retains the external appearance of an original Model A. Shay (only) replica vehicles may also be advertised.

Restorer Publishing Deadlines

Deadlines for various issues are GENERALLY as follows (consult the current issue for next issue's deadline):

Issue Deadline   Issue Deadline   Issue Deadline
Jan/Feb November 20   Mar/Apr January 20   May/Jun March 20
Jul/Aug May 20   Sep/Oct July 20   Nov/Dec September 20

Last Updated: 08/20/24